Conference Call – 22nd Feb 2020

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  • #5259
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    Please visit the below official Brightcom Group page to get information about Conference Call timing and dial -in numbers.

    Click here to go to official Brightcom Group page


    Har Har Mahadev. Mahashivaratri ke pavan aavsar par Mere pyaar aara namaskar. I pray ardently that let Lord Shiva drive away all the prolems that are faced y our company & Get all the success it truly deserves. Cheers !!!


    @ admin, thank you for the link provided, at present I am at Qatar,there is no local access number provided for Qatar, in this case, shall I call the India access number and get connected.
    But I called the India access number (Chennai number) to check it is working, operator attended and asking for pin.
    How to get the pin..

    Topic Author

    Hi Sri, I think you can try 5 minutes before the conference start time at any of the Indian numbers 1800 103 3881 or 044 7100 7401. At that time the operator will welcome you to the Brightcom conference and you will be only asked for your name(pin not required). At other times they might ask for PIN to join the bridge connection if any other closed meetings scheduled.

    Others living abroad may please help Sri with your previous experience.


    I am in London. I always try to connect from the India local dial in number. No pin required


    Local London dial in number were always used tobe there. Then y u always connect from Indian number sitting in London. Whether u had any problem through local London number given by company for getting in to concall earlier. Just out of curiosity and for clarity, will u please clarify.

    Registered Boarder

    Friends, I faced the same issue when i dialed the UK number as it used to ask PIN, then i had to dial the India Number. But in the last quarter call the india number was not getting connected, so i dialed the UK number again and entered the PIN as 1234 and the operator repsonded.

    Registered Boarder

    @LogicalSpeak I dont remember what was exact issue with UK number dial in. But it was not working and I started using the India dial in always

    Registered Boarder

    I am based out of UK and the below number or the UK dial in number which they usually give worked fine for me in previous calls..

    +44 20 3478 5527

    Topic Author

    Hello BCG Investors,

    Very happy to see that forum discussions going in a very good order under right topics. Let’s keep up the same. Request everyone to discuss post concall update and views under this thread.

    Hope everyone would be joining the concall which starts in about two hours. Wish you all the best.

    Thank you,


    @ Admin, I have to say, Indeed you have done an excellent jo of maintaining forum decorum. Keep it up. Eagerly awaiting to join the con call. Todau we are ound to get good news. 3 Cheers to You Sir !!!


    What was his exact response to the question about Onmagic?


    Any update on concall any body…..

    BCG Hopes
    Registered Boarder

    Nothing ground breaking or to be excited about though a shift in attitude and commitment towards betterment was visible other ways everything we already knew no definite outcomes the work in progresses . !

    BCG Hopes
    Registered Boarder

    One disappointment is SKR said auditor is not one among Big 4 , if I heard it correctly !! Hmmm ..

    Registered Boarder

    Regarding Onmagic. He chose to have the liberty of not answering in detail.
    He said can he comment about it in further calls.

    Registered Boarder

    Concalls have always been..awesome.. results have always been awesome..yes he is little more open..

    If that translates into more visible disclosures and action on ground..

    That’s the big question.

    So far it’s been disappointing..only talks and no concrete measures.

    I would not be even surprised if share price starts hitting LC , Monday onwards.

    Like it has been happening in the past 5 years.. mostly after concalls.. downward journey starts.

    Blocked User

    Guys, what a flop confcall and waiste of time by Suresh. i wont comment on anything, my action is now march towards BCG office with large gatherings of investors and expose this person. I told you nothing concrete will come and will be disclosed. What different it has been today then you all are waiting.

    No matter what will happen in future i have decided to move on from here on.

    Topic Author

    Concall Notes:

    Travel to Korea was planned this week with respect to Daum but had to be cancelled due to coronavirus issues.

    Global auditor – > Not a Big Four but a top firm. The auditor is fixed but purposely the name is withheld to avoid calls/query to the auditor by shareholders. SKR said he wants the job get done soon. Audit for 2019 is being worked by Global auditor.

    Single entity in US has many advantages like access to capital, further acquisitions, etc.

    Axis – Negotiations undergoing, auction of collateral was stayed. 8-9 Crores to be paid. WIP with bank, cannot reveal more as it is under discussion.

    Receivable financing being talked with a large Bank with US and it is connected to global audited consolidation.

    Daum ->Amount is frozen and payment terms also settled. Daum reverted some feedbacks for which some more negotiations remaining, which SKR said will be sorted out in due course. Nothing to be worried.Hard to commit timelines but said that 95 % of the job is already done.

    Assets within Lycos will be leveraged.

    Analyst meet is being planned in Mumbai, the date for which will be announced by next week. Presentations would be made by the company before the analysts.

    When asked about that Affle not considering Brightcom as a competitor though both listed in Indian market, SKR said he is competing with Global players like AOL and not local Indian players like Affle.

    Agreed that share price is undervalued and current steps taken to sort out things will help to get right valuation.

    Oak – working with a buyer for exit arrangement.

    Will update this post if I get more points.

    Registered Boarder

    Thanks for the efforts dear @admin.
    Please keep add if you have more.

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