- This topic has 162 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by hw_tw.
February 27, 2020 at 1:31 am #5638LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder
Dear Retailer Fools:-
The above is the promoter wording, 9 months ago… Stating pledged shares will be released in 2 months…
Did it?
What Response One gets regarding the same?
Zilch…..and excuse me… whats the word Im looking for…..Mmmmmm Yes…. FOB
0February 27, 2020 at 8:13 am #5639MosaicLycosmaniac.. if you don’t have trust in a promoter, you must sell the shares and exit.. this is not a sensible way of investing..
0February 27, 2020 at 8:37 am #5641XO09Blocked User@Mosaic, will you sell if you dont trust promoters? i have not invested on promoters face value, infact no one does in stock market. My investment is purely on the fundamentals and hidden value. Now here is the catch between Conviction, fundamentals, intrinsic value of stock vs Promoters face value. Give us (Active investors/like minded) some time, everything which has a begining will have a definite ending, the storm is silent doesnt mean it has gone, we respect mutual discussion and consolidated views from all the investors here and the common of all is time to promoters to deliver.
For me just to ensure i rope in all investors and to ensure their time, Patience and hopes on the development will be done by skr sooner or later, why should i rush on something and myself against investors who feels its just few weeks/months away. I am sure price action post confcall is clearly making clear cut sense of the current state story without anyone writing in length and depth and getting on wrong foot here in forum. I see wisdom is coming slowly.
I get back on March 15, to check on 4 important milestones which Platinum has mentioned earlier, if none has been delivered, i am sure we have 5 more to join our team waiting to take action.
No noise, no alarms, no warnings, and no threats as many here feel few are doing, the action will be taken at its entirety with full evidence and records.
Yes, i have evidence. Not to disclose here but to use it at right time. Hope the 99% investors sentiment and trust on deliverables pass the game and we 1% loose, i will be happy either way.
XO0February 27, 2020 at 8:49 am #5642XO09Blocked User@admin, you were stating earlier that during confcall i didnt had my questions raises?, so one question to you, how many people you know personally in this forum with the details same as mine. You know my name and other details, which ioenly kept in the forum. So anyone can call me directly me with my name since opt for it, how did you make out me vs other in this forum have raised their concerns. So do i believe that everyone here has their identidy verified personally to you? and they choose to remain silent rather?
0February 27, 2020 at 1:36 pm #5645kpalI will go to sei, I will go to Ed. I will do it all alone, Now what happened 22nd con call is over, What stopped you from doing the needful. Did you go, A ig NO, Similarly Promoters story appropriate time he will also do & Not at the time we want. Actually noody does. Its like everyone goes to the loo ut not at the same time. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 3:28 pm #5648Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderFriends lets not have personal fights on this forum, we have similar fights on mmb forum and lets not do the same.
0February 27, 2020 at 3:38 pm #5647mosaicXO .. what information sources do you have apart from the information let out by the promoter.. what all fundamentals and hiddenvalue you talk about ..is the information given out by the promoters.. you trust this info..meaning u trust the promoter.. so clarify if you have other sources.
Thats my point .. you trust the information given out so indirectly u trust the promoter0February 27, 2020 at 3:39 pm #5650Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderRegarding the pledged shares, We definitely missed to ask couple of questions.
Pledged shares response in the Jun 2019 con call
“Yes, once the bank payments are made, they will be released. ”
Followup question in the same june 2019 call.
One is your pledged share, which really (inaudible) to invest further, which you told that you’re going to take back within next couple of months.Response: “Correct”
Similar question was asked in the Q2 concall, his response was he doesnt now in the back of his mind how many shares are pledged.
We got similar response in Q3 concall.
So now the questions to be asked.
How many shares are pledged with each bank
Shares pledged with financial institution other than banks.I have never got a response from the IR team, it would be nice if anyone who has previously got responses from the IR team mail this question and get response.
0February 27, 2020 at 3:45 pm #5652Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderAlternatively if anyone has relevant contacts with SBI and Canara Bank who can explain the process of pledged shares release and the easiest way to do it. We can share the same with management, as the management is more focused on growing business, we shareholders might have to help them 🙂
0February 27, 2020 at 3:48 pm #5653LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Mosaic #5647.
Many thanks for your advice for me to sell the stock.
First of all, I am a Registered boarder. Looking at your profile Your ID still appears still Not Registered.
I understood from the admin of this group that, Non Registered boarders cannot post from here onwards.
@admin kindly take note please0February 27, 2020 at 4:01 pm #5651kpalHe says promoter does not do what he says in time. Someone here said he will do after 22nd Fe 2020 ut up till now no action on his part. It indicates that everyone of us will do only what pleases us not ecause other person wants it. Promoter is no different, He will do only when he wants that is ecause he knows est. Very few are endowed to do selfless deeds, So lets e very realistic on this count & wave off our individual & Idealistic thoughts. Trust me on this, It never works that way. It will only happen when the Promoter wants it. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 4:04 pm #5656Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderLet me mail them asking these questions, SKR had mentioned that he will improve investor relations in this concall. Hope i will get a response back.
0February 27, 2020 at 4:10 pm #5657Lycos_InvestorRegistered Boarder@kpal i understand most of the initiatives involves multiple parties which he cannot commit to a particular time period, even if he commits there are chances that it might slip.
Couple of things was completely in his handDividend: He didnt want to give now, understood he wants to solve all issues
Release of pledged shares: A normal tendency is when you clear off loans you will be on your toes to get everything back from the bank, i dont understand the delay and the delay has to be better explained. The release of pledged shares has nothing to do with Daum settlement.
0February 27, 2020 at 4:11 pm #5658Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderI would urge everyone to send a mail on this to IR team
0February 27, 2020 at 4:31 pm #5659kpalHas the promoter said that even once that the release of pledge shares is connected with Daum settlement, I do not think so & How have you jumped to the conclusion that release of pledged shares has got nothing to do with Daum settlement. As far he closes all loans which he has done so far except axis outstanding loan of Rs 8-9 crs that also is wip as disclosed. So no worries on that count at all. For me only real numers certified y gloal auditor & announcement of dividend will do the trick. Our strong emphasis should e specifically on these two main counts. Nothing else counts. Rest are all passing events which will come & Go as usual. Hope you get the point loud & Clear. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 4:43 pm #5662Lycos_InvestorRegistered Boarder@kpal, i strongly disagree with your view “Nothing else counts. Rest are all passing events which will come & Go as usual”
Everything counts and we have to make sure management is accountable for what was said in the conf call. Management said 2 months in June, we have given 6 months more.
So i would request everyone to send mail to IR to share more details on the pledged shares. I am not asking everyone to ask when it will be released, i am just asking how much is pledged with each bank.
0February 27, 2020 at 4:48 pm #5663LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@ KPal.. I also note that you are not a regsitered boarder. @admin,kindly please take note.
@kapl.. Kindly get yourselves regsitered to authenticate and validate yourselves.
#5659…In response to your post
1. E&Y audited 60% of the company 9 months back.
2. The release of those figures in itselves wuld have proven the authenticity.
3. Now , the stance used for procratination is – The Cobweb theory, I have spoken about in detail in my posts- Global audit and for that Coglomeration – Classical pattern- Create New Problems- Link it with old problem and procrastinate. Seen this umpty number of times
4. Dividend- Cmon Man… Do you honestly beleive? The promoter TOYED with the words and procastinated on those lines since the PPT presenation One year ago.
5. Between- The Main event for the retailer is the PRICE ACTION, rest everything will be acceptable and pardonable
Kpal:- Hope, I have made my point in Point number 5- Loud and clear… Cheers
0February 27, 2020 at 4:51 pm #5664kpalYou agreeing or not or me agreeing or not once again does not count only certified numers y gloal auditors along with dividend counts ecause that will get reflected in the alance sheet. Period. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 5:02 pm #5666LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Kpal:-
The audited and certified numbers via E&Y of 60% of the firm is alraedy there..
During November Conference call, the Promoter said – 95% of the Job regarding LOC was done and the main job in getting the LOC to be done was Auditing of figures.
when the alleged 95% was done 6 months ago, why does the remaining the so called 5%, has taken 6 months time??
The Global audited figures were there ready , 6 months ago!!!!!
As per the SEBI guidelines, Every year the books ought to be AUDITED and MANDATORY
Do you mean to say, that, the Books were not Audited, for the past 5 YEARS????
Once again KPal, @admin – You have not commented on you getting yourselves registered. KIndly do consider doing it fr the betterment of discussions, please.
0February 27, 2020 at 5:12 pm #5667kpalWhatever dramatic price action, Unelievale action will e seen only when numers get authenticated y gloal auditors along with dividend ecause only earning numers speak the truth. No amount of positive or negative scrip writing will do apart from what i have mentioned. Cheers !!!
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