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  • #9973
    Registered Boarder

    Odysee, this question has be to be answered by Skr.. Now everyone are looking up to him to finally deliver the goods. Action speaks louder than words. Action, action & only action. 😊

    Registered Boarder

    @odysee, I don’t know about that particular index but in other indexes (indices), they see many factors like market cap, price of the stock (they’ll try to exclude stocks trading below 10), growth of the business, future aspects etc.

    Recently in the Dow Jones index, giants like Exxon Mobil (before that GE) were replaced by modern companies like Salesforce.

    With BCG, the good thing is that it’s in a growing industry. All the traditional advertising is shifting to programmatic. The market is very huge – global ad spend will be close to $700B in 2021 of which more than half will be digital according to eMarketer.

    This doesn’t mean BCG will be recognised just because its in that industry, it all depends on execution and if the CEO takes good decisions then we can expect a turnaround story like Tanla. If the market cap reaches a certain level then many parties will be interested. Most of the fund houses look for stability so they try to avoid small caps.

    Registered Boarder

    After bcg crosses a milestone mcap of say 2000 crores to 2500 crores institutions will start investing bringing more stability in the years to come. Congratulations to all

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @Rathi_b jee, if you can share some more information about your discussion with Mr SKR, it may help understand the purpose of the warrants. We thought share price is driven by market, however we have seen in last 2months that how it was controlled so that the warrants are approved. I hope this ping pong in BCG share price goes away now.

    Registered Boarder

    Let us wait for the SHP report for the quarter first, it’ll be out ina week. Let’s hope it sheds some clarity now.

    Registered Boarder

    BCG DREAM RUN 2021

    1. Link Reference in the pic (

    2. As a investor – chin up – spread positivity

    3. snapshot attached

    4. Disclaimer: This sheet is prepared for educational purpose only;
    Do your own research/risk/analysis in your investment is strongly recommended

    1 18-Dec-20 24-Dec-20 DIVIDEND BUZZ 5.3 6.96
    2 28-Dec-20 1-Jan-21 AGM BUZZ 7.25 8.7
    3 4-Jan-21 8-Jan-21 Q3 RESUTLS 9.1 10.8
    4 11-Jan-21 15-Jan-21 SHP Pattern 11.3 13.5
    Expectation of
    AXIS NCLT Issue closure
    5 18-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 AXIS NCLT issue closure
    Announcement 14.1 17
    6 25-Jan-21 29-Jan-21 Market Positivity
    LOC Approved!? 17.8 20.4
    7 1-Feb-21 5-Feb-21 DAUM issue closure
    Announcement? 21.4 25.8
    8 8-Feb-21 XX/XX/XX Just market driven!
    MF Adding? Bulk?
    AI Acquisition News 27 XXXX


    Registered Boarder

    Simple way to make people understand the difference between profits and cash flows.

    If any genius starts doubting the profits of BCG then please ask him/her this simple question-

    You have Rs.100 with you and you decide to buy a share of a company trading at Rs.100 per share. After a year that share price goes to Rs.150. You don’t sell the shares and decide to keep it. Now the profit is Rs.50 but how much cash you have? Zero right? Does that mean your profits are fake?

    You need to pay loans of Rs.10, how will you do it-you don’t have any cash. You have Rs.50 profit but why can’t you pay just Rs.10?

    The only way to pay the loans is if you sell the share. Your profits will be realised only if you sell the share.

    In businesses also, there’ll be profits but not all of that will be in cash. The above example is very very simple but as we know doing business is complex and involves many parties. Companies buy many things on credit, for some they pay instantly which impacts the cash flows.

    With BCG, although it’s making profits, the company is not getting the cash from clients whenever it wants. Some profits are stuck in receivables, some are reinvested back into the business. If you want to continue business with a client then you have to agree to their demands and you can’t demand them to pay cash sooner. If you do that then you’ll end up losing that account.

    Registered Boarder


    That doesn’t mean profits are useless – in fact profits are very important for many things. It is because of profits that BCG didn’t borrow external money for doing normal business. Without profits BCG’s business wouldn’t have sustained and we’d have seen fall in revenues and profits. It is because of profits (converted to cash) that BCG could pay off the loans (more than 250crs) without borrowing – All the loans were paid by using it’s own money.

    Profits are very important for sustaining the business but you need cash/liquidity for growth or to pay off entire loan amount in one go or to pay for settlement with Daum in one go.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGIans….. On this Auspicious day, Wishing all the retail Investors in BCG my Heartiest wishes,for a Wonderful Year ahead…… DH

    Registered Boarder

    Excellent explanation logan even new investers can understand .. iam sorry without ur permisson i hv copy pasted it on mc ..though dont know hw long it wil remain before deletion.. but its v useful to new investers.. can anyone repost it before deletion though iam not sure if reposting and starring prevents it from deletion

    Registered Boarder

    Lot of news lined up will be released in Q4 one by one each higher level to become support levels to scale new highs. Higher tops and higher bottoms. Just my wild guess. Advance congratulations to all long term investors

    Registered Boarder

    Excellent Shri Logan sir

    Optimus Prime 06
    Registered Boarder

    Dear members, please clarify my doubts
    1. When will the preferential issue of warrants will be allotted to the concerned persons?
    2. If already allotted, when will the management get the money from the allotted persons?is there any time duration?
    3. When will the preferential alloted shares will add to existing equity shares?
    4. If they add, is there any chance of reduction in current market price?
    Anyone, Please answer my questions..
    Thank u

    Registered Boarder

    To add one more question
    5. Max time period for preferential warrents could be converted is 18 months. Similarly is there any minimum lock in period from date of allotment ? Or free to convert anytime from date of allocation to 18 months ?


    Registered Boarder

    My understanding..

    1. They have to pay 25% within 2 weeks from 26/27th December so effectively by 10th the company will have the partial money post allotment.

    2. They can pay remaining 75% anytime within 18 months. It may be as early as next month.

    3. Post they pay 100% , the shares will be locked in for 6 months from the date of allotment of shares.

    Once step 1/2/3 is completed..the shares could be dumped to market or expect them to be transferred to some institutions.

    It all depends on SKRs game plan..if credibility improves BCG is a buy even at 10-20-30-50’s pretty cheap. But is the same shrewd tactics continues.. expect pump and dump.
    And BCG remains BCji!

    One thing is very prominent.. Acquisition is on told by SKR in AGM but again v have witnessed many announcements without anything concrete!

    Registered Boarder

    latest share holding pattern is out on BSE.

    Registered Boarder

    It seems Goenkas are out of BCG. But who bought it ? Zaveri gang?

    Registered Boarder

    Seems like possibly operators are hitting lower circuits now. Only a guess though

    Registered Boarder

    Today was the largest number of shares traded and also the most shares delivered in the last 365 days. God only knows, what is cooking.

    Registered Boarder

    @Rathi_b, please don’t mind me asking this – why do you think the LOC is getting delayed?

    We were hoping the company would get the first tranche by last quarter (Oct-Dec) but still there’s no update on that. Since they are getting cash by issuing warrants, do you think they’d still be interested in LOC?

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