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  • #30392
    Registered Boarder

    Dear All,
    BCG has posted the Q3 results for the quarter ended Dec-2024.
    Please check and provide your feedback.
    Thank You.

    Registered Boarder

    Hi friends,
    Why no one in this group is replying (or) providing any feedback about the Q3 results posted by BCG mgmt.
    I hope the group is still alive.
    Thank you.

    Registered Boarder

    to me, it looks like, Q3 results are excellent, however SAT decision (today) is going to play very crucial role in determining BCG’s present & future….. likewise whether SKR will remain or go ?? Whether PWs will be cancelled or not ?? If cancelled, then to what extent??… If SKR is forced to leave, will he make all retail shareholders pauper like him ?? …this all will affect equity and EPS….and substantially market value….all this and more matters in determining “BCG’s fate” provided suspension is revoked…lots and lots of ‘if’ & ‘buts’…… that’s why probably learned boarders are giving it benefit of doubt and not responding…..I feel so !

    Registered Boarder

    It’s good to see that the tradition of holding conference call has not been stopped even during tough times and I appreciate the management and the board for this but we need them to take more questions and keep the call for a longer duration so that many people will get a chance to ask their queries.

    I don’t understand why it takes time to share the audited results of the subsidiaries.

    Other companies will put efforts to clear confusion and uncertainty as much as they can but with BCG it’s always the opposite. Management/Board (mostly SKR) will create new problems which will create more confusions. Always there’ll be twists and turns and I’m sure that no one would’ve slept peacefully since the day they started investing in BCG. The adtech industry/market is itself very dynamic and uncertain and the management should put all the efforts to bring stability but here we have to worry about other problems also.

    Two weeks back TTD fell more than 30% on a single day because the market didn’t like the results and the guidance. Its CEO reassured everyone immediately about their commitment and they walk their talk but here in BCG’s case they only talk but don’t take correct actions. They talk about 10 things and execute only one and after doing that they’ll act as if they did a great job. We want less talk and more action.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear boarders, any update from the conference call, please update

    Registered Boarder

    Can anyone in this forum put some light on following confusing (for me) account details ?…. as per screener figures, BCG posted March’24 sales of 4662cr and Net profit of 688cr; when we check Trade Receivable, in March’24, its 3660cr & by Sept’24 its 3977cr…..difference of 317 cr…..does this mean BCG has not received 317cr due payment by Dec’24 ? however, Net Profit for Dec’24 is 244cr….that’s confusing for me, since I am NOT from accounts background. Any qualified explanation is/will be highly appreciated !

    Registered Boarder

    Stock market is always uncertain, to add to that, the world of ad-tech is very uncertain, so, already we have double uncertainty. Investors who invest in this sector have to face this issue and there’s no option but to live with it and we have done so, no complaints on that but what’s irritating is that we have invested in a company in this sector that’s known to create more uncertainty and new problems frequently. I don’t think they even think about this and might be thinking they’re doing everything correctly (I came to this conclusion by seeing their updates and listening to them in the conference calls where they use fancy words for doing even simple and basic things).

    We have requested the management (many times) to bring someone on board who would help the company on market related stuff but they never took that seriously. SKR is someone who brings chaos all the time and that board member (or a management person) would’ve guided the company better and he/she wouldn’t have let the company be in this position.

    One example – Now trading is suspended in BCG and that’s because the board/management failed to take proper decisions on time many months back (or at least they could’ve acted swiftly when the exchanges first said the company would face suspension) but they didn’t take it seriously back then and had they done it we wouldn’t have to worry about suspension at all.

    Like I’ve said many times before, it’s either many updates and notifications or it’s nothing. I understand they can’t share weekly updates regularly (and I’ve said I’m okay with it also) but during tough times why can’t they share a monthly update at least? No one knows what’s going on at the company.

    Lastly, calling the investor relations department is like watching daily TV serials. People know what will happen before the show even starts but still they watch it and we are similar in that way. We know what answers they give to our queries but we still call them (or write to them). Every time they’ll say the management is working on it and share the update soon. They’ll answer the questions but not give an answer (proper answer I mean).

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