Outcome and consequences of Global Audit

  • This topic has 55 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by kpal.
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  • #4151
    Topic Author

    investors have been promised so much for so many years and nothing delivered. so they have given up.
    Seeing is believing for them .
    well if all turns out to be good then reaction can also be severe.
    Let us see if true believers get what they have been promised or ….taken for a ride for another year as all this was promised in June July 2019 update to the exchanges.
    I think before that ED will get on to it unless they are showing some green postures to them too which is unlikely to suffice them.


    I fully endorse your view from the roof top. Its loud & Clear, As soon as that gets done.It will not give a single soul to enter in this scrip, The sad part is when it is time to enter retail investors will remain on the sideline & Then jump in when its too late. I repeat as of now its highly undervalued,Its intrinsic value is far, Far greater then one can envisage. Come May 2020, volcanic eruptions in this scrip for sure. Luckiest are those who will enter now as well those who are holding it. This is once in a life time opportunity. One who misses it is going to regret it, As no chance to enter till minimum Rs 70. Cheers !!!

    Topic Author

    U know what, market thinks it this global audit etc et c all just another lolipop.
    nothing there till it all happens and market can see it


    This discussion in the new topic called future ahead should have been continued in this thread, so that optimistic and not so optimistic replays on th seams matter can be read by the visitors together and they can call for their decision . Hope starting altogether a new topic abruptly on the same subject is not for diverting the facts from the reader’s from the hard facts.


    Guruji 108, You can think it as a lolipop. Its natural for you to think like that as you are invested in this scrip since last 5 yrs without any returns. For me this scrip is a Havemore Mango dolly which will prove without an iota of dout, That its the sweetest of all. Will not sell a single share & keep on adding. Cheers !!!


    There is a time to promise, Similarly there is a time to deliver on the said promise. I have no hesitation to mention here that our company promoter will deliver & will deliver gigantically. Wait for it. Quintessentially, Time is of utmost importance. Get ready to receive it y mid May 2020. Cheers !!!

    Topic Author

    Well dear. This lOllipop was given to investors many years ago and was fficialoloy given to the exchanges in June last year.
    so time just keeps rolling on. This Daum settlement he is telling is over for the last feels like few centuries……

    Registered Boarder

    This stock can-not move up until Mr Reddy decides to become transparent and honest in its deed with shareholders.
    He says something, he tries to do something and eventually it happens something else in the end!!
    Chapter 11 was projected as pro share holders, we were promised LOC coming..over years…concalls not getting updated on site..not getting reported to exchanges..being rescheduled at last minutes as Mr Reddy remains on travel & takes it from the airports mostly.. Every quarter we get a new timelines infact few more months.. no specific timelines we get…We hear new stories..The story is going on for quarter on quarter & year on years !!

    He sounds pro in the con-calls but results are not that effective. Poorly managed show.

    People talk abt 70-100-500-1000-3000.. Let this junk first cross 7!

    let mr SKR become little more responsible.. Let there be intent to reward share holders. Until then it will keep on lingering and no serious investor will put its money.


    Some biggies selling each day we don’t know who they r? retailers like us buying small quantity each day this is actual happening.

    Topic Author

    Most of the volume is cross trades among financial intermediary companies and their accounts.
    Small shareholders doing v v small shopping. Their money and their confidenmce has been sapped out for years.
    It is all a game to terrorise them and to terrorise th exchanges to approve PO which is at pea nut price of 10 rupee against EPS OF 10 and BV OF 70.
    Think about it. If they allowed it to cross 10 then will a PO placement of 10 with current financials viable /allowable by shareholdewrs and esxchanges.
    This is FINANCIAL TERRORISM GOING ON HERE. Holding gun to the small shareholders and exchanges to approve the PO iossue for pea nuts

    Registered Boarder

    Totally agree.. No biggies are selling.. Its just standard parties doing exchange of shares.
    Retailers will buy and forget..Operators will trade in daily and will determine the price. They will keep on doing so..unless some big investor comes on board. which is very remote with current corporate governance issues..

    Having said that..its also true fundamentals in stock market changes rapidly so any change in stance by Mr Reddy to provide more transparency will trigger the game..till then..same old stories


    Logicalspeak, your comments in #4120 are not valid. No local auditor can certify the accounts of the overseas subsidiaries. Nor was there any statutory requirement.
    In fact it is only of late that results of the individual subsidiaries have to be published by the Indian holding companies along with the consolidated results. Earlier, only consolidated results were published with no individual subsidiary details. Management certifies the results and the statutory auditors rely on that. That is why the disclaimer.


    Hi @Logicalspeak

    “This discussion in the new topic called future ahead should have been continued in this thread, so that optimistic and not so optimistic replays on th seams matter can be read by the visitors together and they can call for their decision.”

    As per your request the new topic and related discussions has been merged in this thread. I agree with you, we should also be mindful of new investors coming to this board. Parallel discussions in different topics that too on similar subject even confuses frequent visitors.


    To my understanding, subsidiary audited accounts were not required to be published in every quarter earlier, but was required to publish all the audited subsidiaries annual results along with the audited consolidated annual results (Q4) earlier and if any investor seek a copy in writing , the same has to be provided(not in bit paper but with audit report of all subsidiaries). Not only that audited consolidated result including all subsidiaries audited annual result should be kept in the registered office for inspection if any investor visit office for inspecting the same.Therefore the argument that earlier the same was not required is not true as per my understanding.
    Now it had been made mandatory to publish to the exchange all the consolidated results including all the subsidiaries in every quarter with statutory auditing only for the year ending result (Q4) including all the subsidiaries.
    Here I don’t want to argue with anybody, and only hope that, the management will take action timely by Q4 result at least. I am an investor here and I am also very eager to see SKR keep up as updated by that time at least which I have posted in various other posts in variou topics.
    Off course, by Q4 if nothing happens then it is up to individual investors what action they take and which forum they use whether this one or any other.Collectively also people can represent to the concerned authorities with their reasons. Hope things will improve. I have even requested in my earlier messages to keep patiance and give time to SKR up to May 2020 for untying the knots around him which he himself tied around himself and not to precipitate any other trouble to him during this time. All the best to all the investors including our Admin.

    Registered Boarder

    I understand we need to have patience, but since SKR is always saying i am untying the knot for the past two years, but no one knew when he is going to untie the knot finally.
    Patience is running out for many investors. I would say investors need to take decision based on Q3 conf call. If the clarifications are not detailed, my assumption is story might continue in the coming quarters.

    Topic Author

    I am only waiting till coming numbers and conference call. If conclusive action is not announced then i have already set the wheels in motion for further action.I have takne some steps to position myself and if things as promised not delivered then i will get personally active to take up things with appropriate people.After all it is the hard earned money of 30000 plus small investors and their families. Investors cant wait for ever and give benefit of doubt to the management till eternity.I think all long term investors got to consider their options and act to seek justice and honesty.
    . Considering all that we feel and all that you have mentioned,managemenet lacks transparency as is expected of a multinational public listed company at the moment any way.
    The only hope is it gets sorted out after Daum is out of the way.
    There is no end to some ones greed to keep on hammering the stock by every means and kick out evry one , buy theri stocks for free, issue PO at pea nuts and then eye future exit of others.
    We dont care what objectives others have .We got to keep our objectives in mind and see that people stick to the time lines ,follow the book and deliver .
    If you dont look after yourself, no one else is going to do it for you.

    Blocked User

    Completely agree Bullguru. Indefinite timelines with day dreaming of things settling down endlessly and every year made a fool of investors. I am completely supportive of stand and assure you that enough is in hand already to give something to authorities what has been gathered as data, issues, timeframe lapses, stock manipulation, insider trading,Goenka fiasco, PO. Fyi, am not approving PO either.

    Blocked User

    In addition, i am visiting the Hyderabad BCG office with 10 other shareholders on next day of results and would like to have f2f discussion with skr to better understand the outcome and deliverables this time. i an quite affirmative that i am not in any mood to even lend BCG/SKR a quarter from here to play around with stock and Goenkas trading. Either there should be results with material outcomes no matter what period….. else the castle is broken before it built. I dont take any longer for suffering of retail long term shareholders anymore from here.

    Blocked User

    Lycos Investor, without a doubt, i think we were given lollipops time and again every quarter and concall to only benefit Internal stakeholders. Neverthless i dont sell in loss and don’t want to give up on battle of getting justice so i keep my stand of a informative shareholder and take action as and when needed.

    Registered Boarder

    I couldn’t agree more. XOo9 sir, if the unfortunate thing happens i.e, SKR doesn’t come out with detailed announcements/disclosures this month, he is going to face the brunt. Please if you decide on visiting the BCG office as I would love to join you. I don’t mind standing in front of their office with a placard to get attention of media & regulators to clip SKR’ wings.

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