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    @JRS we are leaving in full paradise. See my question is simple why some of our members will go again in this time when pandemic again coming. Life is more precious than money. Better do virtual meeting and ask question rather than traveling office. To know loc, daum, or whatever no need to travel and put life at risk due to this pandemic. Frankly, dnt show madness for unnecessary. See clearly intent is missing from management side. Grateful to friends who took initiative for common cause. I hope management some sense prevail sooner.


    @jrs sorry fool’s paradise.

    Registered Boarder

    @JRS, just one additional point. We all would not even have this forum if BCG was only about it’s local standalone business. Very average performance and no profit to speak of. And zero competitive advantage in whatever they do locally. I doubt if anyone on this forum would have bought a single share.
    Today there upward of 50,000 shareholders. Only because of its international operations. And revenues of 2700 crore. And profits of 400 crore plus on an equity capital of 100 crore plus.

    Registered Boarder



    How we can get this Happiness?
    Yes,By solving problems around us. To solve problem we use resource, once the resource solve our problem it becomes wealth.

    some problems are simple, like brushing the teeth, and some problems are complex, like problems in professional life.

    So human effort is to create wealth that solves our problem.

    People create wealth and store it for their future to face un expected problem, they store it in the form of money(note, money is just symbolic expression of wealth created).

    Some people might have created so much wealth that it may help him to survive for years, some might have wealth that can be used for few days.

    So we can’t put all on one scale.Depending on their condition they will have approach their own approach,we cannot call them as fools, they are warriors of their family and they have to take risk if they have to protect their families.

    Just think of a situation where all of us sit at home thinking of the second wave and no service or goods are available in the market, in other words if economy stops generating wealth.( Because life is important for all, so all stop creating wealth)

    So we should understand importance of creating wealth, when we see money as just a “paper symbol” it looks useless but see it in the form of wealth, even a rupee matters and we will never dare it let it go.

    So my friend let us respect the people who are risking their life to protect the wealth for their family as well as wealth of the people around them.

    According to me each person who battled to create and protect wealth is a warrior not a fool.

    Like A soldier who gives Their life to protect us and our wealth is a warrior, every person who fights to protect the wealth is warrior, whether he is watchman or a chairman or a common man.

    Registered Boarder

    What happened to logistics issue with regard to the settlement of the axis bank as stated by skr in the 2nd Nov is the hearing. Will he be settling the issue or take his own sweet time.. What a wealth destruction happening for just few crores as well as for for the brand brightcom.

    Registered Boarder


    I may be wrong, but I have invested looking at standalone as well as consolidated, consolidated help me to see its potential, standalone help me to calculate the risk, and I felt I can take my risk as ROI of standalone is around 9% which is a good return.Consolidated figures excites me, so to control my excitement I used standalone as the basis for my decision, where I felt still I can invest and take calculated risk.

    I am a serial entrepreneur and my investment method is simple, whether the business has potential to create wealth, I personally feel this business will create wealth in India and Asia, where BCG has not spread their wings yet.

    What wealth it has created till today I will see it as security(a kinetic energy, which is taking Care of its movement ), what wealth it can create in the future is its potential(a potential energy, which still to be realised). Taking this two as a basis I have calculated the risk and I am taking my affordable risk.


    @JRS don’t get wrong me. I never said fool to them. Dear life is important. My point is simple when a problem if possible solve through virtual meeting why then risking. I know what pain and suffering corona give. When I see a super healthy boy suddenly affected and die. I know the pain when I am not able to see one of my friend’s father died and not able to see his face for final time. I realized one thing from that day nothing is more important than life. I hope dear I am able to explain to you my point.if BCG create wealth or not it is up to them. Yes, as an investor I want it do well, but if not god will open another door.

    Registered Boarder


    I am extremely sorry, I completely mistook your view. Kindly don’t take me wrong my friend.

    Registered Boarder

    Thanks @tanv51 appreciate your efforts. Hope we get some concise clarification with timelines from SKR this time. Provided you get the appointment.

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    I think it will be the usual postponement of the case in NCLT on 2nd Nov, unless we get some update from BCG on the Axis settlement by tomorrow EOD.

    Registered Boarder

    @Raj and @lycos

    The problem with SKR is that he fails with his commitment repeatedly.If he fails sometimes one can understand, but it happens again and again.

    He sometimes behaves like a plumber or electrician, who keeps saying, I am just around the corner of road and will come in a moment and end up coming next day or even after a week.

    Same with SKR it is not that he is not willing to deliver, but the way he commits looks too stupid and he has lost his stature of CEO.

    He should understand that for his stature the way he commits looks stupid and some time cheap(the courier thing he expressed was such a dumb thing).

    Managing a MNC is not a easy thing, he is doing that, but if his vision is to make BCG a really Global company, his stature matters a lot, not only with customers, but also with Investors and Financial institution.

    It is not the thing to be told and said to man of such track record in his education and experience.


    @JRS dear it’s OK. No need to say sorry. I know you are trying good for common cause like other. Just little request please take enough precautions and go whoever going. God bless all of us.


    @JRS the less we talk about management the better it will help us. It’s not at all good sign what is going on with stock. LOC turns like daydreaming. Market will punish more see 5.80 to now 5.10. It will continue to fall as long no concrete development happen. It is sinking ship. Real down of price will happen post us election.

    Registered Boarder

    I used to compare skr with my classmate XOHO Sridhar vembu, but now I realise I that am poor in Judging a person.but both are IITians.

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    @ Lycos r2r, my apprehension is they will close axis and release to exchange Only on Monday or Tuesday so that they can create fear by lc and snatch for 2 more days

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    @Logan and fellow forum members. I would like to pose a question which you can ponder and respond only if you truly believe in your answer.
    Do you really think that Mr Reddy has the interest of retail shareholders at heart? Or his sole focus will be the company and the promoters and his ambitions , and we can peck on the crumbs if they do happen to fall in our domain?
    I’m not suggesting that the company and business should not be a priority, but the price action in the market is not kosher in my view. The ball remains in his court whether to continue adding to our misery or to generate goodwill and blessings from 50,000 trusting but unsuspecting souls.


    @Logan no dear I don’t mind. I always appreciate your writing and your in detail analysis. I have a humble question to all who invested more than 6 Year ago who bought it around 40 to 60 range they lost more than 80 percent honestly say one thing just assume 400 crore profit yearly for next 5 years but share price just 5 to 15 range will we all be happy? Multibagger needs time I understand, but that doesn’t mean you will eat time simply giving excuse to investor. Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani did not have a big degree, but had a golden heart. The gentleman treated shareholders as a family member. Same for Mr. Murthy, Mr. Tata. People respect not for their wealth, but for their word. They never think themselves first instead they take care the well being of the investors and others.

    See Logan giving your example only to understand whole scenario why you write in detail through your solid research and make easy for us about adtech industry that means you have passion for it because you trust it. I noticed even at night 1 am you used to post good article I mean your writing you had an option to post morning but why you posted reason is you are transparent you think about it from heart. I know others fellow member also put good writing. To be honest, if I see 1 percent commitment from management BCG could have been different. I am straight forward guy I always respect time. See Logan in 2019 before corona came anybody of us thought around the world will die like that by this way. See time how changes nobody knows. Suppose for example bcg have some monopoly advantage on some technology, but that doesn’t mean in future also it will remain same. I will always appreciate your writing. I wish management show some mercy to investor being give proper time to fulfill their own word.

    Registered Boarder

    @odysee, it depends on how you see things.

    It’s like Is the glass half empty or half full?

    I see it as half full because I know, in the past, it was almost empty. I want to see further progress (I want the glass to be full) and the progress should be quick and not like how it was in the past.

    The company has made good (but slow) progress on closing off bank loans of SBI and Canara and if Axis hadn’t gone to court then that loan would be closed by now.

    I don’t know anything about the LOC process so I won’t comment about it but the CEO should share more details about it.

    Registered Boarder

    # Logan sir Ji why did a 400+ crores profit making company beg for ots?

    Registered Boarder

    @VALUEBUYER001, we all know the history of BCG. That write off BCG did was because of LGS global and it was not BCG which defaulted on those loans. Even the banks know that so only they agreed to the ots. If banks found something wrong then they wouldn’t have agreed right?

    Coming to 400cr profits, you have to understand that not all of that amount is liquid. Some amount is stuck in receivables, some amount is used to run the daily operations and also for improving the technology (very competitive industry). Whatever is left you use it to pay off the loans or pay dividends etc.

    If all the profits were used to pay off loans, you’ll have to stop upgrading everything and also BCG doesn’t have large reserves either so you have to sell your assets to pay off the loans which leads to less revenues, profits etc and later you end up going out of business.

    BCG wrote off close to 150 crores and they have paid close to 250 crores to banks (with interest).

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