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  • #9820
    Registered Boarder

    Warrants allotted to 3 rd paries when sold as shares will not become an issue otherwise if held by promoters their selling later will be viewed negative by market in future

    Registered Boarder

    Any reason given by SKR as to why they are going for fund raising now when the LOC is about to be approved, with such level of dilution?

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @rathi_b, thank you very much for you and the team for your tremendous efforts who have visited BCG personnel yesterday. After all BCG is SKR’s baby and definitely he knows what to do to his baby for the betterment. Let’s all believe that We could expect some good news during Christmas holidays and hopefully the new year 2021 would be a great year for all of us. Thank you all once again.

    Registered Boarder

    @Rathi_b and team , thanks for all your efforts in meeting the management and creating a bridge with peer investors . On a lighter note .. share value increases by at least 10 paisa every next day you have a meeting with SKR 🙂 .. wish you guys stay there for a month or two 😀

    Registered Boarder

    @Rathi_b , would like to hear from you along the same lines mentioned by Logan .. was anything stated rational for the recent warrant issue ? Or does it sound like he has some concrete plan to control and bring down the liquidity of the stock if not now (as it brings down the intrinsic value and overall control) ?

    Registered Boarder

    @Logan and others we did speak to him at length about it. Yes there are details that cannot be spoken in a public forum. But my friend read between the lines you will see something that doesn’t meet you eyes in the first glance. I’m happy to state that we are at the tail end of all the issues. My advice to everyone keep this one for a while, we are going to have a bumper 2021, I stand by every word that I have written. We did have discussions on other topics as well but it is not the right time to talk about it. Please be patient with me there is only that much that I have already written that can be presented on a public forum. But hold on to your stocks good days are now just a few days away.

    Registered Boarder

    @rathi_b & team: This is really re-assuring indeed. Thanks for taking efforts to meet SKR. I agree that certain things shall not be discussed in the public domain.

    Let’s see what’s coming in Santa’s bag this time. Hopefully, we are about to witness the Bullrun of the lifetime.

    Registered Boarder

    Thanks a lot @rathi_b and team, for your time and efforts. More importantly sharing the info.

    Registered Boarder

    I am wondering who is accumulating 4-5 million shares daily and controlling the price also simultaneously. This is happening for 2 weeks or more now. Approx 10 crore shares are delivered this month alone.
    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Registered Boarder

    Kckpb, it’s better not to break your head and relax. Even our CEO doesn’t know what’s going on. Better sit and watch on sidelines. Better exit once you get your capital invested. ?

    Registered Boarder

    @Raj I am here for 7 years now and can wait some more time.

    Just wanted to know if someone who has more knowledge figured out who is buying, as I couldn’t find much in Bulk deals and Large deals.

    SHP of this quarter might throw some light.

    Registered Boarder

    I think the shares are being garnered by the well informed sources from the week hands. The buyers are able to control the price with small range of few paise. Some Volume is the internal transfer among the operators. It’s no doubt operators are very strong and major percentage of shares are going to their hands. The internal transfer among them is only to control the price range.
    The circuit might be revised to 20% before the upward journey. I guess this kind of high volume and high delivery percentage might help the revision of circuit. Any way our waiting is coming to an end and happy days are ahead.

    Registered Boarder

    Thank you so much Rathi-b and team for the information.. Yes, you can’t the whole lot in public forum..but your words , I read again and again ,whether i could understand anything between lines is immaterial. You infused real life into us..
    Whatever may be the strategy, we understand or not, we discuss in length and breath depends upon one’s knowledge, but ultimate goal is rise in trading price and value for the stock.. This energy will save my courage for next one month, till i read your message again and again..
    Thanks again dear friends…
    I salute our admin for uniting us in this forum and keep on loading faith in this stock..
    I have a wish, we all should meet when it crosses 100 first..
    Hope and pray that day will not be too far.. Because we share pain will definitely taste the fruit ….Happy Christmas and “BRIGHT” NEW YEAR FRIENDS…

    Registered Boarder

    PBB Sir let us hope for the Best. It is not selling by retailers. They have sold already. This is artificial volume for circuit filter revision

    Registered Boarder

    Correction…Yes, you can’t share everything in public forum..

    Registered Boarder

    I really overwhelmed and thankful to CEO Mr. SKR, for his humble attitude and sincerity in meeting a small group of investors and give them due respect. Can anyone imagine non- titled investors meeting CEO of a multinational company whenever we wish. It shows the reality and truthfulness of him, I feel..just because the share is trading at 5 rs, we should not disrespect him..once again i retreate thst we have put our money in this stock by our own wish and wisdom ….

    Registered Boarder

    @Rathi_b, thanks for your reply. Hope we’ll see actions soon. This is a very good time for tech company stocks, if the CEO takes good decisions then surely the market will reward the company.

    Registered Boarder

    Why fb page of brightcom still using the same logo. Whereas the brightcom uploaded the updated one.

    Registered Boarder

    Just now I was checking trade desk financials and it’s valuation. It’s revenue is 80% more than BCG and profit margin is same as BCG and it’s growth rate is better than BCg, but current liability is more than it’s revenue. It’s clear that this business needs tons of cash as working capital. so, for a company in same segment, comparable size, market is paying 200 times forward P/E multiple and still has buy rating from analysts at this valuation.

    Comparable figure for Brightcom (back of the envelope calculation) in terms of valuation would be around 2500 rupees. It is clear that BCG has to address the cash flow issue by getting LOC in order to grow (top line) and once it gets the LOC and manages to show the top line growth, value realization should start happening…

    Registered Boarder

    Valuation in Rupees and USD may not be is no doubt undervalued and TTD is surely over valued. Even if we give a reasonable valuation bcg deserves a price of ₹ 300 to ₹400

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