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  • #10230
    Registered Boarder

    @jrs we are discussing it so much because we don’t want to board such Volvo bus but our expectations of making good money is making us to ride the bus.

    Registered Boarder



    Registered Boarder

    What could be the reason for oks exit and Ggang exit? They were with the company for quite long time and with out making any profit they have sold their shares. Is it due to their disbelief on the future of BCG?

    Registered Boarder

    Nitin_asce you can’t say I don’t understand. BV 60 intrinsic value ₹ 200 but warrants to proxies of mgt.they are plundering. Let them go it. But if they raise the price beyond intrinsic value it is fine.

    Registered Boarder

    Since we are discussing the warrants topic, everyone should know the facts.

    Out of the 114,740,586 votes polled (public-non institution), only 28,745,069 were against the warrants. That’s only 25% of the votes. That means out of 4 people, 3 have voted in favour of the warrants and only 1 has opposed it.

    The train has left the station and there’s not much we can do to stop it. At the next station, the exchanges can stop it but when the votes are in favour of the warrants what will they do?

    At this point we can only discuss what the company will do with that money and that’s what me and others were doing. Like everyone here I also hate the warrants but we can’t do anything to stop it now and we couldn’t have stopped it before also. How could we have stopped it when 3 out of 4 have voted for it?

    The majority sees it as good for them and that’s why they’ve voted in favour of the warrants. It’s simple as that.

    Registered Boarder

    @PBB, I don’t know about the g gang but Oak exited because their fund was closing down. No matter what, they had to sell all the shares that they held and had to return the money (whatever was left) to the investors.

    Registered Boarder

    85% shares held by Gs and Ps.very very little public support to PW issue.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear Logan…

    I did not want to Write anything more about PW. But, as you started writing, I thought of writing about what really might have happened behind the scenes, in the so called Alleged Retailers support in the voting process regarding the approval

    Lets think about how the approval from the share holders happen mathematically. Optically, from the auditors report its a so called approval.

    However, this is the way I think the management got it optically approved. I used the terminology Crook and & Shook earlier. I also used the termininology, the management always wins.Because of double or triple whammy advantage.

    Now coming to maths….

    1. Lets take it for example, One investor Files a Complaint with SEBI. The complaint will be registered as One complaint only and not according to the weightage or the numerical value of the shares that he or she holds.

    2. In the voting process , on the contrary, The number of actual shares matters rather than the number of Share holders

    3. You have said 11.5 Cr votes have been casted.Lets takethe possibility of say, top 10 to 15 share holders casting the votes who are/were in close connection with the management, Including the big G gang( Thats a totally a different and interesting story, which we can dissect as to who they were, why they were and what they were doing and why they allegedly and Optically exited when the management was showing signs of green signals).

    4.Lets also take into account that the remaining 2.8 Cr shares were comiong from the reamaining Aam Adhmi retailers, who hold lesser number of shares. If thier number is say 10,000….

    5. If its a super good company One would NOT expect 2.8 Cr Negative voting. Its a shame ful act of getting 2.8 Cr Negative act, which once again is a CRY of MINORITY holding MAJORITY of share holders

    6. The Conference call that was conducted on the day of the AGM was clearly a farse with planted callers (TWO) poised as retailers. No chance was given to any of the hundreds of the retailers who participated. This is a Open truth. Ask, anyone who are in this forum and did they get any chance for asking any question. The answer will be a LOUD CRY of NO.

    7. Although the train has left the station Logan, on the Contrary -if Number of share holders rather than Number of shares files complaint against it, even the Train which left the station will be made to go back in Reverse Gear to the docking yard.

    8.I personally dont want anything of that sort to happen. But, my advice to the management is -NOt to Take things for GRANTED.Also not to substantiate, based on Optical Illusions created

    9. So, in Nutshell, although Optically , it was an approval, It is not a whole hearted approval by the Majority of the share holders.The MAJORITY of the share holders do not view is and was IT IS NOT GOOD – as you yourselves state, that You HATED it, personally and so do and so did all the Aam AAdmi Retailer community.

    10. This is the honest truth, in my humble opinion.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear Logan…

    In your article of “I don’t know about the g gang but Oak exited because their fund was closing down. No matter what, they had to sell all the shares that they held and had to return the money (whatever was left) to the investor”

    I had a chance of discussing this issue directly with one of the associates of big guys, who were acting on behalf of selling the OAK quantity based on market rumours

    We can always dissect as to what happened to OAK.The way in which they might have been forced to leave. All the dirty games that might have happened etc. It pains. It pains for everyone- Not even to the am admi, but to the Bigger institution whoo have to sell it at loss. No One wants to sell anything at loss.This is Human nature.

    I dont want to dig and discuss these in the forum and dont want to Dig out the rotten Can of worms as these are all old stuff.

    It might be safe for all of us Not to revisit this topic or try to substantiate that all has happened in just simple terminologie that all happened so Naturally.

    Which in contrarion view never so happened

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Also Dear Logan…,

    The saga of the G Gang.

    Once again , we can go and dissect the same and open the dirty rotten can of worms.

    But, as I said ,its better for all of us not do so, in the best interest of the company and for the betterment- provided , what has been forecasted openly by the management a year ago that, we are at Inflection point and pathway is green.

    Registered Boarder

    @Diana, I understand all these things. But why target me for the actions of the management? You chose to reply only to my post but not to the other posts. Why didn’t you raise the same complaints on the AGM day or the day that the warrants were approved? Why target only me? Aren’t you curious as to what the management will do with that money (which was more than the market cap of the company)?

    If you don’t want me writing balanced posts then please tell me, I’ll stop writing. Why should I do hours of research so that everyone gets the “right” information? Yesterday I talked about opportunities lost and gained but you chose to bring up warrants issuance. Nitin asked me my thoughts on AI, and agritech but I went off topic and discussed other things also as I found it interesting.

    Registered Boarder

    I’m not saying you could’ve raised complaint to the management. I’m sure you will have like all of us but my point is why didn’t you write about it here on the day of the AGM or in any days after that?

    Reading your posts (yesterday’s) feels like you are targeting me. Even my friends have told me the same so I asked you. Nothing personal here.

    Registered Boarder

    Hi – Anyone got the dividend credited to your bank account ?

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My dear Logan

    responding to your post of 10241 @logan

    I luv your posts. My posts as you and you friends have stated to you have nothing about targeting you.

    When you wrote about the fundamentals of the company, I read it and enjoyed it as it augmented my Knowledge. Your knowledge in this field and about the company is more than the promoter of the company, which I admire.

    But at the same time, as to what I feel and what My friends suggested was happening in the forum, I thought, I had to write here and clarify the Real truth to the REtailer public regarding My view point of the PW issue and the dirty truth surrounding it. Afterall, Its a democratic forum and everyone , has got place thier opinions in the forum.

    The question in the discussion was not about How the funds will be utilised. It was about the dirty game played by the management.

    How it will be utilised,- I am sure, It will be used in a better way. But, But in a far better way than the PA of 2019, I hope and guess.

    Registered Boarder

    @jagasworld Nope, not yet! Was hoping that this will be the glimmer of hope that the management wants to do things right but, alas! Maybe I need to recognize this for what it really is – a bad case of CONFIRMATION BIAS

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear Logan

    Responding to your quote

    “I’m not saying you could’ve raised complaint to the management. I’m sure you will have like all of us but my point is why didn’t you write about it here on the day of the AGM or in any days after that?

    Reading your posts (yesterday’s) feels like you are targeting me. Even my friends have told me the same so I asked you. Nothing personal here.”

    Logan, There is nothing about Tragetting you.From what I have written and that has been liked by many in the forum, reflects that fact that, The management as we know, has been playing Dirty games.

    We both write here based on Reserach topics and I have written here and on the other forums in the past. Since, your knowledge was far better than mine from the Sector and Companyt perspective, I stopped writing and rather loved listening to what you wrote about the same. But , at the same time, When I am not in agreement with certain aspects of the Practices what the management is doing which i found a bit biassed, It should not go Unnoticed.

    Its not about you. It is about the management.

    If the management continues with Dirty MARKET games, Its a kind of Cautionary message to the MANAGEMENT that, It will not be liked by the retailer public.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Logan… Regarding you stating “If you don’t want me writing balanced posts then please tell me, I’ll stop writing. Why should I do hours of research so that everyone gets the “right” information?”

    Its a Free world and every one is free to post thier opiniuon in a democratic forum.

    No need to go all sentimental here.There is No need for any emotional black mail either. Its not a All or None phenomenon.Its a Free world and everyone can express thier views and opinions

    Please do write about the Fundamentals of the company and the sector and as I have stated on mulple occasions will love reading it as it augments my knowledge.

    We as reatilers, have researched about the company as like you and have spent more than 7 years of our life time aswell.Like yourselves, I am sure many retailers have put in so much of research on this company, I have to say.

    However, Please be aware that, If we find any biassed views on certain aspects , as noted by many in this forum or in the other forums and some WA groups, It will be worthwhile discussing it and dissecting it to let know what may be the Actual Real truth, so that certain hard core dirty truth comes out as what it actually is and that it should not be presented as a Garnished one, making reatilers appear as fools- More so in the case of PW allotment.

    Registered Boarder

    @Diana, don’t you think it’s funny to say that I’m black mailing? What will I get being sentimental? No one will lose anything if I stop writing.

    See you targeted only my post and none of the other so it’s obvious for me to ask that question. If you had written randomly without mentioning me, I wouldn’t have cared. Please tell me why target only my post? There’s a thread on warrants topic too, why didn’t you write there? Why not target other posts? Is this the democracy that you have mentioned? Targeting only one individual because you don’t like what he writes.

    I respect every member who writes here and in fact I’ll be the first person to like the posts which other members write. I’m not the only one who shares their knowledge here and every person has the same knowlege about the company that I have.

    Everyone contributes greatly here. If not for the Hyderabad members, we wouldn’t have this much clarity. Their contribution is more than mine. I may talk theory but theirs is reality/practical. That is more important.

    I’ve had disagreements with many members here but no one targeted me before like you did.

    I didn’t understand your statement on bias. Aren’t we all biased here? That’s why we have held the shares for so long right? If everyone is practical then they would’ve sold their shares long back. Anyway please tell me where I was being biased about the warrants issue? If anyone agrees with you then they are not biased but if they disagree then are they biased?

    I’ll ask you again, why target only me? Why didn’t you write about this topic before?

    Registered Boarder

    See @Diana, I don’t want us to have any conflicts.

    You have mentioned that

    “Its not about you. It is about the management.”

    But you have taken my message as a reference for sharing your opinions which for any person looks like you are targeting me. Like I said in the previous message, if you had not mentioned me or if you had not taken my post as a reference, I wouldn’t have asked you these questions.

    Whatever you’ve written, everything is correct and I agree with you.

    I have massive respect for you. I have been following you since many years. I tried to read all your posts when you wrote in MMB (unfortuantely most of them were deleted before I could read). When you wrote a post thanking me, I was very delighted.

    So if you are ready, we can ignore all these recent posts and we can concentrate on the future. No one will benefit if we have conflicts among ourselves. We may have different views and opinions but our goal is the same and we should focus on achieving that goal.

    Registered Boarder

    Please don’t take the issue personally. I do remember, you were very critical of warrants.
    Diana also was vey positive of the company. Seeing him also for 5-6 years in MMB. He is also agitated like many. Like many, I have also voted against PW.

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