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  • #10538
    Registered Boarder

    Dividend received.

    Registered Boarder

    My account is also with icicidirect and I have not yet received dividend. Is it possible that shareholders having shares in CDSL depository are being paid dividends first, post which shareholders having shares in NSDL depository would be paid dividend? Or has there been an exception?

    Registered Boarder

    I have my account with ICICI Direct and the amount has been credited to my bank account linked to my trading account by around 3 pm this afternoon

    profile inactive, exited bcg
    Registered Boarder

    @optimus prime.. Same here, zerodha-sbi. Not received yet.

    Registered Boarder

    HDFC sec.. HDFC BANK AC.. NDSL.. Not received any dividend yet…let’s wait .. As others received may be disbursed in batches.. As it is ensured by DH and other genuine investors its true…

    Registered Boarder

    Received dividend ?????

    Your SB A/c ** is Credited for Rs.52087 on 05-02-2021 19:04:11 by NEFT.Sender:DCB NEFT BRANCH ROUT.UTR:CMS21036203679 Union Bank of India

    Your SB A/c ** is Credited for Rs.267041 on 05-02-2021 19:04:13 by NEFT.Sender:DCB NEFT BRANCH ROUT.UTR:CMS21036203680 Union Bank of India

    Your SB A/c **is Credited for Rs.56366 on 05-02-2021 19:43:50 by NEFT.Sender:DCB NEFT BRANCH ROUT.UTR:o:CMS21036203678 -Union Bank of India

    50k investors will receive different time different blocks of investors will get …..I got in all the 3accounts

    At different times 7.04
    And 7.43

    My biggest dividend cheque till date ???

    received dividend for all the 3 accounts ???

    Now the buying will come from investors

    This should trigger the buying from the investors who are sitting on the bench

    All of you will receive the dividend too ❤️

    Do have faith in the management who are definitely working on the game plan

    Hope soon warrant approval takes place in few days ?

    Registered Boarder

    @aneelnbamb how many shares you have accumulated? ? Few retail shareholders like you if join hands together and demand a Position in Board members.

    Registered Boarder

    i have received the dividend

    Registered Boarder

    Magnite Inc’s stock price is up more than 25% because it’s acquiring SpotX for more than a billion dollars – $1.17 billion.

    Magnite Inc’s market cap is $6.10B. The stock price is $54. It traded below $5 few months back.

    Topic Author

    @remesh – Have been noticing from some days that you are active here in the discussions and yet take opposite position in the MMB forum. This is not an expected behavior.

    What you have posted in MMB today – “Anyway, as this is a company which communicates only with selected people, I dont know whether they are paying dividends also to selected people LOL.”

    Not only it is disrespecting Hyderabad representatives but all of us here. It was us who planned that it was urgent to meet the management to get clarifications and not the other way around.

    The biggest issue is with corporate governance and our effort should be to unite and see that it gets corrected. We should not defame the company in which we have invested is what I believe.

    Registered Boarder

    Hi admin,

    I collect info from all available sources and post everywhere when something comes in mind. I give importance to the posts, not to the platform. I’ve seen genuine posts in mmb as well, though there are many spammers too.

    Regarding my statement, it is not me who defame the company. It’s the company itself which defames it through its actions. Though I wrote it like a fun, I am still not sure whether everyone will get it without further troubles for two reasons. 1) Most of my investments so far were in small cap stocks. In my nearly 15 years period in the stock market, BCG is the only company that not paid dividend promptly. 2) I’ve heard from long-term investors that some of them had to struggle for receiving dividend the last time as well.

    I was always active here, mmb and in some other platforms too. But I don’t know what is the opposite stand you are talking about. If someone who is active in mmb is not allowed here, that’s fine. I was not aware of that. Thank you!

    Registered Boarder


    Also please understand that when I wrote that I hadn’t even thought about the Hyd team or their visit. There is nothing wrong in that. The promoter had invited everyone but only those guyz went and shared certain things for the investors. Just like most people in this group, I am also grateful to them. I’ve already said this.

    I posted that because I came to know that though many people write to the IR team, only a few receive reply. Additionally, their virtual AGM also made people like me think that they are allowing only pre-arranged people to ask questions.

    My stand is always the same. Here when some people doubted investors who shared useful info, I posted against it. In MMB also, someone doubted people who said that they got dividend. That’s why I gave that reply.

    Topic Author

    @Remesh – The other day you had wirtten in MMB taking a jibe at drjaysee. It is not about using which platform, but to see that you respect all the members here in all the platforms.

    Registered Boarder

    Wishing a warm Good Morning to all fellow boarders.

    I am sure by now a lot of you would have received dividend and I am sure all of us see and wish that the company touching new highs in terms of both earnings and market cap.

    I have a query with regard to the allotment of PW passed in the AGM. Since the company brought out the PW so suddenly, does it mean that LOC is in jeopardy. I mean for any lender, a sudden dilution of equity to raise funds when apparently they are on the verge of providing funds would be a big negative. Pls do correct me if I am wrong.

    I certainly do not believe that the management would want the PW owners to convert it to equity but if the share price goes up then they would not be able to stop them either.

    Registered Boarder

    Not received the dividend yet.

    Registered Boarder

    Dividend not yet rcvd. Anyone here having account from hdfc sec received the dividend?

    Registered Boarder

    @Raj, I am holding HDFC account and not received my current and for the last year’s as well.

    Registered Boarder

    Haven’t received the dividend yet . I have zerodha linked to SBI . Hope it gets credited in the coming week

    Registered Boarder

    Even though I have received the dividend, something is bothering me. Sharing my views on the same..

    Typically when the dividend gets credited, the transaction entry would have the details to indicate that it is dividend paid out by so and so company and this would be followed up with an email from the share transfer agent giving the details of the declared dividend, how many shares that you hold and how much is the dividend paid, etc. The payment would come through NACH (National Automated Clearing House). Here the payment is a specific bank transfer from a DCB bank account.

    Bank message in BCG dividend case appears to be a NEFT transfer from a personal account and there is nothing in the transaction comments that mentions that this is the dividend amount for so and so share and there was no email from share transfer agent.

    Also, attaching a email that I have got for dividend for one of my other investments, Natco pharma. I used to get a similar email from share transfer agent whenever I used to get a dividend for ANY of my other share holdings. There is no such email in case of BCG.

    Definitely this doesn’t feel right. May be the company is trying to be secretive about the payment by making a bank transfer and not clearly stating the reason for the transfer, that it is a dividend payout. But, This is ideally something they should ideally boast of so that investors would know that they company pays dividend and one need not doubt the numbers.. I am not sure why???

    Registered Boarder

    @m4max1979, replying to (#10555)

    I don’t know whether LOC is still on or whether it is cancelled. Since the LOC is taken as a debt, valuation won’t matter is my opinion. The lenders will look at the size of the business more than the valuation. As the LOC depends on the receivables, the lenders will concentrate on that more. They’ll see whether BCG can pay them back the borrowed money (with interest) or not.

    In the past, mostly in the US, many smaller companies (valuation and business size wise) used to buy bigger companies and most of them were leveraged buyouts wherein they used debt for the acquisition instead of issuing more shares.

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