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  • #3649

    Declaring chapter 11 by us sub was the main hurdle all these years which prevented consolidation of all the subs and thereby preventing the profits of subs from bringing to indian parent due to the fear of reaching long hands of daum to parent account. Ringfencing all the subs in different geos due to the same reasons were told in the earlier concalls.Now since consolidation is already in progress as updated, any one can reasonably infer with accuracy that the daum settlement agreement has already been signed. Since company wanted to time the news flow, it appears they are delaying announcement probably hanging or delaying the joint affidavit submission to NYSDC for closing the case. Therefore if any body wanted to enter this lull period is the right time, other wise after some time may not be able to enter at all. This is my personal opinion/inference and may not be construed as buy or sell reco.


    Some time ago i did mention that there is something more to it then meets the eye. Here it is now in the open y logicalspeak. That means all hunky dory, Indeed it is the right time to enter, My view coincides with your view. Cheers !!!


    Similarly one can reasonably infer that axis bank dues/OTP must have already been settled by the end of Dec 19, from the auction notice somebody posted in this forum.From the same it is clearly evident that the property auctioned (if alreddy done) is of erstwhile promoter. If so the Ots amount must have come down much below the 11 Crores earlier updated and most probably cleared by Dec 19 end.We can see more than 6.55 lakh shares are held by bank in Dec 19 end SHP, which were not there in the Sep 19 SHP. The same points out settlement of axis bank loan/otp as otherwise they may not consolidate the 6.55 lakh pledged share (probably),which also may be belong to any of the earstwhile promoters (one can see those people/party/firms to whom the said auction notice are adressed).


    “Maybe SKR is bluffing about EY doing audits on its subsidiaries, if it is right, why does he not submit notification to the exchanges that such an audit is underway?”

    I think he already did in June july last yr re consolidation,big four and verbal settlemenet with Daum
    Yes chapter eleven was the biggest hurdle in so many ways.
    Hence just conf calls and no downloading and no 17 subs auditing and etailed a/c donmloading.
    Companise can have issues.Companise can make wrong decisions.But then they take corrective action.They also HAVE THE CONFIDENCE TO FACE THE MARKETS AND TELL THE TRUTH THE WAY THINGS ARE. cHAPTER ELEVEN PREVENTED THAT IN MANY WAYS.
    I will suggest SKR sorts out the mess sooner rather than later and come out in open and talk to the markets re the comnpany in an OPEN AND HONEST ,MANNER.
    Some one said we should not look at the price. Well no one invests in market for charity.It is an investment and it needs to perform in the long run.
    5 years is enough of long term.

    It is company’s responsibility , in this case SKR’S to convince and explain to the markets as its CEO and spokesperson about the comp[anuy every thing in detail re its past, present and future rather than stay in hiding for so long like a …. U can fill in trhe blanks.Such behaviour does not provide any confidence and creates suspicion. We know the circumstances.But he can now come out and repair the damage that has been caused by many wrong decisions.


    Guruji 108, Any idea as to when chapter 11 was declared as mentioned y logicalspeak ecause chapter 11 allows only 18 months from date of filling to restructure.


    Good morning friends.

    Brightcom’s name has not been given much visibility by the management till now.

    This because they are working in various countries of the world through its different subsidiaries with different different names and not Brightcom.

    When it hold 99 and 100 percent shares as ownership of these subsidiaries still it choose to keep their old names instead of rebranding them as Brightcom.

    The strategy might be to let the business keep on flourishing on one hand while on the other hand, hide from the general public, the real strength of Brightcom as one big entity and let them guessing .

    No more doubts. Consolidation by big4 coming out this year. Everybody’s guess work and apprehensions will be put to rest.



    As there are only 22-25 days remaining for completion of PO. Taking full advantage of the same, Stock hammering is going on full fledged. Can get dragged to 52 weeks low to scare away the weak hands as much as possile. Its a clear indication that once the PO is over, Not a soul will get to enter. What a ploy ?? Camouflaging at it est.



    about 6 hrs 4 mins ago
    Price when posted : NSE: Rs. 5.20

    it is entirely nonsense, because 105 CR profit in last qtr & they are raising very small fund as compare to last qtr profit through fresh equity 🤔🤔


    Friends the historic lows for the stock has already been reached in the end of last quarter oct – dec 2019. There is no chance of it going down much any further.

    The upward dance has started with the sitting welcome pose of kathak and will switch to the elegant flamingo dance further elevating to the high energy samba and finally to the arial rope dance in the sky.



    Chapter 11 and loc from white oak and its sad demise etc were over long time back, and lycos Inc is under receivership with daum/kakkao (100%).Now daum can not ask for a penny from bcg/ybrant unless daum/kakkao auction sell it to any third party and liquidate /reallise whatever amount obtainable and then can ask over enforcement of balance from our company.Here one interesting aspect is that both plaintiff and respondent (I.e daum and ybrany) can not participate in such auction sale of lycos inc if reciever (daum) if at all interested in auction sale. It is also daubtfull whether any third party will come forward for buying in such auction if conducted by recieve(creditor). Therefore it appears daum is under utter confusion and also appears agreed for out of court agreement at a much lower amount which skr reportedly told that after hearing the settlement amount all investors will be v happy. BUT BILLION DOLLAR Q is how much is that and when sKr is going to announce that and whether the out of court settlement agreement is signed already or not. If signed, when they r going to submit the same to NYSDC jointly for closing the case finally.IT SEEMS ALL THINGS ARE IN PLACE BUT DELAYING FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.


    @logicalspeak. Well explained ut would like to know What can & Are the so called oivious reasons. Would appreciate if you can let us know.


    I think 2 reasons that R obvious is to gobble up as many cheap shares as possible from the market through financial intermediary companies which is leagl.
    Alos to get the PO through and have more loaded up at 10 against BV of 70, IT, PE ratio fair price of 250 and comparable AD TECH COMPETITOR IN INDIA AFFLE giving BCG fair price of 900 or so.
    U B the judge.



    about 1 hr 10 mins ago
    Market continues to believe that over 400crs np per annum being declared is majorly fictional PROFITS. Is money laundering going on? God alone knows. ED should investigate | 3


    As i said earlier, It will e dragged down hill till 52 week low once again. So that all weak hands will throw away their shares & These sharks will gole it up, They very well know till 22nd fe 2020 game can e kept going, So playing to the hilt.


    Well dear there is lot of suspicion in the market for sure.
    Actions of the company and management have not done any thing to address that in a confident and open manner.
    So market continues to play safe and not believe the numbers.
    Let us see what the truth is.
    It wont be long now for it to come out.
    I think company has a very small window to address this issue once for all or the consequences may be too bad for all the shareholders as market conmsiders the company and ebn the current PO issue at 10 as a joke and a con job.
    Oh dear.Keep praying friends who so ever your God is and whatever your faith is. It all reaches Him.


    The drama will continue till Fe 22 2020 then some respite, Again drama till it comes out of T2T on 10.03.2020. This drama can e disrupted only y positive disclosure,Release of pledge shares & One eing ig 4 audit results in the next 3-4 months which for all us is of utmost & prime importance & that will take this stock eyond reach. Prayer is exclusively meant for Thanking. Nothing more, Nothing less.

    Registered Boarder

    Any idea when the Q3 results will declared


    One can expect it around 14Th Fe 2020-20th 2020.


    It should be Feb14th
    .not that it makes any difference

    Registered Boarder

    I am just waiting for the conf call after Q3 to ask my load of questions for which i am waiting for the reply from investor relations for the past two months.

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