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  • #14235
    Registered Boarder

    Questions on:
    1. Financial Audit update
    2. Shareholding pattern
    3. Improving corporate governance
    4. CFO appointment
    If we can get answers to these, it will be a great help.

    Blocked User

    Plz ask why they gave FA notification in January and not in sep 21
    What is the progress of forensic audit, and are they willing to give notification of forensic audit result or they will hide it too.
    He said in concall that he didnt sell a single share then why share is missing,
    If vijay kancharla sold his share then why they don’t give notification about it,
    Daum sattelment progress
    US audio company acquisition progress
    Future of ad tech sector and competition in this sector
    What is there plan in Indian market

    Why promoter don’t communicate with shareholder now
    In 2021 when share was part of bull run at that time they give every other information through bse. But when downfall is happening they don’t care about retail share holders

    Registered Boarder

    @Yogi appreciate your message. Please note the group “HYD group” is already a sizeable team and we haven’t made any changes to it since the first meeting in 2020. It wasn’t an easy task to build rapport with SKR and to win his trust, in order to share our collective views of this forum with the BCG management and get updates.

    At this point in time, I believe making any changes to it, will only result in opening the floodgates as many will like to become part of it and more importantly, we are not sure if BCG management will like meet a larger group. Please note the number of shareholders have grown multifold in the last one year.

    Thanks for your understanding and support!

    Registered Boarder

    @Rathi_b , Thanks a lot, you are savior again.
    @Logan has posted most of queries,

    Few points to stress,
    1) Now BCG is not small cap like earlier, it is mid cap, (for some time this FY even large cap).
    2) It is high time to change the past behavior and shift towards transparent CG.

    3) Once Investor trust is lost, Very tough to regain. We experienced from last 8+ years. Why to spoil again.

    4) Sentiment is fully negative. I personally feel can be changed by reputed management hiring from BIG companies and with transparent communication time to time.

    5) They cannot run like earlier, if they do so, market will punish them hardly

    Registered Boarder

    @nitin_asce, I don’t know why they do that, in one of the conference calls the CEO said that since those reports contain sensitive information they don’t share those.

    I checked their old annual reports and in the 2007 AR, there is audit report of 3 companies mentioned. Frontier Data Management, International Expressions Inc and Pennyweb. People were saying these weren’t audited at all and those companies don’t exist etc but even though the report is old it shows that those companies’ are audited and profitable since the day they were acquired by BCG.

    Registered Boarder

    @Rathi_b and team

    Thanks for taking the initiative once again for the benefit of all the investors

    One important request from my side

    If possible, please do record the conversation … video or audio anything would work

    Sorry for the ask … this is to avoid any kind of criticism coming later that this is all scripted

    Some checks from my side

    – In case shares were sold even before the FA / Jan 22 SHP, please check the reasons for the same

    – Plans to increase SHP (LLPs acquisition, Open market purchase etc; )

    – Reasons for not publishing Audited results of subsidiaries and please insist on publishing the same with a clear timeline to do so even without Daum closure … Can’t take Daum as as excuse especially when the priority of this item is low

    – If possible please ask for Audit documents of all subsidiaries and verify them … Make a note of any adverse comments you would see in these

    – Check if the FA is for the asset impairment or for the entire accounts as stated in the SEBI letter

    – Status of FA in terms of milestones achieved and target timelines if any … Please confirm if they are able to move forward without CFO and CS

    – If possible please ask for latest mail exchanges between BCG, SEBI and Deloitte

    – Ask for a live Product demo and any latest Report / Analytics page showcasing the overall Impressions count they are achieving on daily, weekly, monthly basis

    I am not sure of the time you and others would be spending over there and the amount of details SKR and team would be willing to share … Please try to gather as much information as possible

    Registered Boarder

    Hi Rathi_b ,

    extremely glad and great to see your msg after a long time in this forum .

    I have only few requests to SKR ..

    1) pls ask him to increase the promoter stake to more than 70% for the bloo*y sake of all patient long term investors . He is literally allowing this game play and should b well aware of the consequences of diluting the equity base without increase in Promoter holding . He doesn’t need to do great deal of work other than that to stop the stock from falling freely.

    2) Maintain some decent level of corporate governance. We saw a series of updates on a regular basis in 2021 and when it’s beaten down in 2022 we don’t see any valuable or useful updates . Say , when doubts are raised about SHP a bse website update with latest SHP would have helped . After stock is getting beaten down bcuz of bonus there is some unwanted update about nature of business or revenue to make sure further damage is done ??? Why there is a confession that July month will b not good ??? And why it’s coming this yr ??

    3) is there more scope for chaos in Aug when initial set of investors will get their preferential allotment


    Registered Boarder

    seeing managment non response and action , i fear that something might be there in FA . As per my knowledge, disclosing of outcome of FA is not mandatory. i fear that soon it will be too late even for management to handle the damage in reputation and market cap. Also after MCA SHP revelation , am sensing that some outsider is trying for takeover .
    This is just my views , other expert please share your opinion.

    Registered Boarder

    A hostile takeover would be just what the doctor ordered.

    Registered Boarder

    BCG remains in ASM. Not included in List of Co. Moving out of ASM.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear Hyderabad Team,

    I am sure you must have already covered most of the questions for the meeting. I also have a question for SKR.

    I refer to an article in economic times regarding Brightcom being removed from Kotak Nifty Alpha 50 ETF on June 30. Could you ask for his opinion on the matter. Why was a reputed fund leaving in such a short time.

    I ask this because the last presentation they uploaded, they shared names of nearly 100 institutions and funds invested in the company.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear m4max1979,

    The index fund will automatically rebalance at the end of every month. Last time BCG was added by this fund due to high alpha generated by BCG and also high allocation in that fund I think.

    Now it’s due to poor alpha , it will be removed from the fund.

    There is no much fundamentals involved here.

    Having said that, there will be more volume for sale on June 30th or around , that may cause more LCs unless the volume is absorbed by other FII.


    Registered Boarder

    Here is list of Co. Excluded from niftyalpha50.

    Blocked User

    Rathi_b it is great of you to meet the management personally … Truly give them our pain n ask them to clearly understand the hardship that it’s investors are going thru for certain non compliance issues or certain mandatory or wrong info like SHP info not correctly declared or FA issue everything is booking down on stock prices heavily n many investors have now entered stock as high as 200 which needs to be understood as management… This dragging attitude on issues which are not related to business needs to be complied immediately n results shown to public for better transparency.

    All issues are vital n important when downfall is continuous

    What is the status of Mediamint Acquisition

    What is happening on Dividened

    Pls report ASAP

    Registered Boarder

    Hi @rathi_b and others hyd team,
    please update to us once meeting get over. we all retailers are waiting for you guys reponse eagrly

    Registered Boarder

    Thanks to Rathi b and team for your efforts to meet Shri SKR today. Thousands of retailers have reposed faith in SKR and BCG.eager to hear good news

    Registered Boarder

    @rathi_b is your meeting finished. Please post updates.

    Registered Boarder

    If I was a promoter, I would have ignored noise. I would focus on solely on business, and not share price. I know my share holding is bad, and share price can go from moon to mud depending on whims on shareholders, even though I have best corporate governance.

    However, if i can maintain my business and dividend distributions (or buyback), that itself will provide a floor, however low that might be.

    Registered Boarder

    We had a meeting with SKR today. Please bear with me, I’ll post the write up of our conversation tomorrow. I’m attending to an emergency right now.

    Registered Boarder

    Hope everything is alright, but again thank you so much.

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