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- This topic has 5,565 replies, 167 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 2 days ago by Longplay55.
February 24, 2020 at 8:36 pm #5485Harsha Y
Did any one observe today’s trading pattern? Not an UC or LC
For some reason I feel we are in right direction.
Good amount of volume traded and closed in a positive territory.
Good stocks behave the same way.
It’s too early at this time to say things changed, but definetly a good sign in my view.0February 24, 2020 at 8:43 pm #5591JaysRegistered BoarderYes. Noticed the pattern today. 1.2 million shares traded combined..market crashed 800p due to Corona but BCG held on and did not go LC.. which is great sign and hopefully will recover as and when good news is announced. Big one being Oak investor.. fingers crossed..have waited for too long and can wait some more!!
Good that SKR did not go to Korea as it is the largest cases of Coronavirus outside China now! Healthy SKR is the need of the day đŸ˜‰0February 26, 2020 at 1:39 pm #5601OdyseeThe Sounds of Silence…what portends? No further posts being sighted. Maybe next week?
0February 26, 2020 at 2:28 pm #5603tanv151Registered BoarderIf SKR keeps up his word (fingers crossed), we should see the investors invite going out in the next 3 days, followed by Preferential share issue by March 13th.
0February 26, 2020 at 3:20 pm #5611Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderYes, waiting for his first promise to see the letter for the analyst meet. Even though no major outcome is expected from the meet, atleast it is good to know management is ready to get scrutinized.
I assume the analyst meet should happen after the PO allotment and Muskaan team guides BCG further in handling the analyst and market expectations.
0February 26, 2020 at 8:19 pm #5612MosaicI think SKR said analyst meet intimation next week or two..in one or two weeks
0February 26, 2020 at 9:03 pm #5616Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderAnalyst meet date will be intimated through a letter which he said will be published next week.
0February 26, 2020 at 9:51 pm #5620LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderDear Retailers:- Refer to my two posts #4303:-
@ Ly Investor:- He hasnt followed Cor Goverance for a Long period of time. I will also tell you this . This CEO is a Word Charmer. I will tell you what will be the end point of your hard core efforts in meeting up with is chap.He will Heart warmingly welcome you. He will Sweet Talk you. He will tell you 95% of job is done. He will also show paper works to you. He will add further problems, whilst you are there. He will ask you to give solutions from you and he will intermingle you in the conversation and problems.
2 hours later you will come with a Heart warming Soul warming smile, stating that he is such an approachable CEO and that you have never met any such Mahaan CEO in your life!!!
He would also given you future dates and such and such will happen. But beleive me…. Nothing will happen. after 2 lonmg sweet hours of ytrying to get all clarification, he will make you feel as if all are fantastiv and its NEARLY there!!!!
Been there seen it … Felt it for 5 loooooong years. after 2 months following the conversation or after 1 year in this same forum, You will feel as if you have been made the Friend of Shrek by the CEO, whilst he has sucessfully done his gameplan.
After talking to you (Sweettalk) for lovely 2 hours, the next minute he will turn up to his Match maker frind… Challagaya …. Chal… Teri Kaam lagataaar kar abhi!!!
0February 26, 2020 at 9:56 pm #5621LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderHow many of you think, history repeats or repeating itself?
The classical pattern happened 4 days ago in the name of the Conference call.
From Monday, as quoted in the last paragraph of the above post, History repeated once again….
0February 26, 2020 at 9:57 pm #5622LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderI would also like to Quote another quote of mine for reference:- #4292
Once again- see the Cobweb created by the CEO…. Daum, WhiteOak, Audit, LOC, … There will be One problem created… Give a Pseudo timeline…
Between create another issue .. Inter Tangle it… Give further future reference date… Seed it amonst reatilers… make them FOOLS!!!
0February 26, 2020 at 10:04 pm #5623LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderOnce again dear retailers… Can you see the relevance of the above quoted post of mine, from the history and analysis of the promoter?
This time the Issue that has been created in the Knot is-
1. Need to bring all the entities together for Equity creation!!!!
Untill March last year 95% of the Job was done for LOC. By December, nearly 97% done.
But come Feb 2020, a New problem will evolve in getting the alleged LOC. Which is a Mammoth, Audit of whole year and Bringing all entities together!!!!
My Q is… What happened to the 95% of work done including audit of last year of all the foreign entities towards the alleged LOC.
So, the cobweb continues…
Refer to the last line of my quote #4292….
Between create another issue .. Inter Tangle it… Give further future reference date… put it in the mindsof the reatilers… make them FOOLS!!!
0February 26, 2020 at 10:05 pm #5624LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderDear Retailers… This is my thesis based on 6 years of observation and research on the promoter.
My 5 cents…
Not sure How many can see through this…
0February 26, 2020 at 10:05 pm #5625Lycos_InvestorRegistered Boarder@lm so what should we do now? Indian Markets dance to the tune of the operators. operators might have management support or might not have. No way to prove the nexus.
Either we believe in what is being said or sell and invest in Infosys, TCS.Generally the price is inflated, BCG is a mysterious case where price is deflated and management has no concern.
0February 28, 2020 at 2:30 pm #5735anand84sharmaRegistered Boarderis Literally Media is a part of Brightcom group ?????
0February 28, 2020 at 3:46 pm #5737Lycos_InvestorRegistered Boarderbased on brightcom tweets, looks like Literally media is controlled by brightcom.
0February 28, 2020 at 3:49 pm #5738Lycos_InvestorRegistered BoarderAs i understand, Looks like Brightcom Israel is growing a lot and Rest of the lycos/ybrant/brightcom offices are hanging around supporting brightcom israel’s sundry work or back office work or kind of BPO.
0February 29, 2020 at 12:25 am #5743VALUEBUYER001Good news brightcom group share comes out of t2t and moves/ upgraded to B group
0February 29, 2020 at 5:24 pm #5762DeepakRegistered BoarderIs it a same brightcom because in fb logo of brightcom is different. You can check. https://www.facebook.com/brightcomsolutions/
0February 29, 2020 at 7:34 pm #5759kpalJust a wild guess, Seems our company promoter has left for Korea to close all issues related to Daum. Keeping this in view he has indeed mentioned analyst meet date to e announced, The timing more or less matches with the scrip venturing out of t2t. Something seriously cooking here folks. Cheers !!!
0February 29, 2020 at 8:00 pm #5766T9CRegistered BoarderI dont think this is right time to go to Korea as corona virus is spreading very fast in Korea now. So I don’t expect any such travel in near future.
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