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  • #5821
    Harsha Y

    From tomorrow Affle will be in T2T. What about us?


    We will e out of T2T from tomorrow.

    Registered Boarder

    My worry is stock manipulation may increase when out of T2T as no mandatory 100% delivery required..
    And if BCG starts multiple UCs then usually it gets put back into ASM..
    This is previous trends!!!
    Hopefully this time all barriers are broken…cheers..patience should pay..

    James bond

    Yes. Its welcome move from management. Quarterly meets are going to be most important steps needed to get us where we should be quickly. Apart from this, some more background work is needed to be finished quickly. We have to be ready in all the Sense for such meet. Management needs to advertise the meeting in news paper too. Only disclosure to exchanges is of not big benefit. It has to reach them. I wish they do it too. Doesn’t matter if they show interest or not. But our work should be of industry standard.
    -Do a PR activity of this meeting.
    – disclose the names of analysts who are willing to attend it. (It’s not manadatory,but a welcome move).
    – sign the draft agreement with daum before analyst meet.
    – pay off axis bank after in principle approval for PO quickly before analyst meet.

    Remember “BHAV BHAGWAN HAI” Ivestor attitude won’t change until price starts moving up.

    Blocked User

    @James Bond well said and agree in totality. Hope the right time has come finally for BCG Investors.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    As discussed before, we are waiting on a few closures

    1. Closure of Preferential Offer
    2. Closure of Bank loan
    3. Closure of the Previous Fii fund
    4. Closure of the Daum scenario in a staged process

    Regarding the Preferential Offer, we already know the proceedings happening and hopefully we are at the Final stages of process

    With Flow of the Funds from Preferential Offer, The Bank Loan closure should follow.

    As we know the Analyst meet is going to be in around 2 week’s time, It would imagine that the Management would try to finish it off, before that, I guess. Hope that the Bankers are not that Rigid and give us some flexibility regarding the Total amount to be paid, as stated by the promoter during the last conference call.

    Based on the Conference call, the Promoter said that the Exit of the PE investor is happening aswell. Now, the Big question is, Is it going to be an Insider buy or an Organised external buy. If it is going to be an Insider purchase, then, the window of exit is narrow, especially, if it is happening in this quarter. We have got this whole month for that to materialise. If not, It will slip to the Month of May. On the contrary, If this is going to be an External purchase, Then, It dosent matter. But, The Fii Fund is also under duress because of the short span of time available for exit.

    As the announcements and Updates given to us, Regarding Daum, Its a matter of Signing of the deal and the Process of staged fund transfer to materialise. With the Preferential Offer Fund coming in, I guess, that process also will Kick start on Face value. The whole process to get completed , if it is a staged completion , then , we are looking at a Few months for the whole process to be done and dusted with , depending upon the arrangement. As and when . Every event happens in this presumed staged process, Further momentum and impetus will be gained by the BCG in the eyes of the Markets

    Bye For now


    Registered Boarder

    Positivity found among the shareholders with the recent developments is having no effect on the share price or the Goenka’s.


    I think maintaining price average of two weeks before allotment of PO in comfortable distance is the reason.

    Registered Boarder

    Affle vs BCG

    Affle FV is Rs.10 ,P/E -> 69, EPS 25, BV 29

    If we split the share to FV 2, EPS will be Rs 5 and the price is around Rs 350 per share.

    BCG FV is 2, P/E 0.51, BV 63, EPS 9.25

    Investors meet will be on or before the 13th. So, Expect some good news before that. (Like Daum closure, Pledge share release, etc. Regarding Auditor he confirmed that is will be one of the tops. So, no need to think much about it. With Daum closer news the stock should move above rs.20. News of pledge share release will take the price to book value. Remember SKR agreed that the share is massively, massively undervalued. He has to take the price to a decent level for LOC. Add as much as possible at this level.


    The comparison etween Affle with our company is totally misplaced as Affle do not have the product range which our company has & Have totally different product line. I think our company is far etter then Affle. Should not compare a horse to a donkey, If it is to e then a horse to e compared with another horse only to say the least. Cheers !!!

    Registered Boarder

    That means we are highly X highly undervalued. Approximately Another 70 days for Full-year results. I am confident that Daum will be closed very soon. Pledge share will be released and will be reflected in Q4 SHP.
    All the bulk deals are happening between the goenka group.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    Of the 4 important Vital events that we discussed in #5832, which we are expecting a closure, It is hightime, we are looking forward towards the Closure Preferential Offer, Which is One the the First Catalyst steps in the Cascade of events.

    From the outside, Majority of job seems to have been done. I suspect we are waiting for the Final Stages of the same.If this gets completed, this will pave way for the other events to happen One after another.

    Lets keep our fingers crossed and expect some correspondence from the Management.



    @DHJI. 70 days to go, Rightly so. The countdown has just started. The day is not far off, Wherein our company will once again achieve its lost glory. One after the another all stories will manifest in a huge way, Catapulting the stock price to new heights in days,Months & Yrs to come. Having said that, Let me also emphasize that in the intervening period, The stock price can get dragged once again to 52 week low of 2.30, A last ditch attempt to scare away all weak hands in the process. Cheers !!!


    DH but the operators are keeping the price of BCG down in spite of so much positive is quite strange


    Folks chk out, In principle approval for Pref.Share disclosure.

    Topic Author
    James bond

    @kpal ji
    It is strange to see u contradicting your own view. U had stated that the rally should begin by wk after concall or a wk after that. I don’t see any logical explanation for stock to fall back to 2.3 especially when all is falling in place. With PO at 10 and daum almost done, and axis almost be done with pref money.
    So why do u insist on lowest price again?? Any logical explanation sir?

    Good wishes.

    Registered Boarder

    @admin : There seems to be delebrate and open attempt to scare monger the retailer by stating the share price will go to 2.35 by a specific iD.

    The id is not registered

    The message states that the share price can be dragged down to weed off weak hearts.

    How can these sort of stock Manipulation overt message be allowed to be posted in the forum?

    By chance if this and in the eventuality it happens, dosent it mean the ID may be a hand of an ? Operator of the stock

    You may also very well remember, that this particular ID has been promoting MAYism, which I have brought to your attention aswell.

    Topic Author

    @Lycosmaniac – The particular id in concern has been here from quite some time. Only new names are being disallowed unless registered and personally verified.

    We cannot completely neglect the user as he/she has been following forum guidelines, sharing knowledge along with technical trends and business predictions.

    @kpal ji – For the benifit of everyone, could you please let us know why you believe the scrip will once again breach 52 wk low. Are you saying this as per charts or suggest strong operator activity.

    Registered Boarder

    @admin: the id has been stating

    1. Movt of stock will happen from May

    2. Has EMPHASIZED ,that, the stock can go to 2.3

    In a common man’s opinion, I. Sorry state that These are Operator related activities and posts.

    I cannot find any science or Technicals, for these allegations,

    But for, planned stock movements.

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