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  • #5869

    For God’s sake pls spare me folks,Penny stocks are prone to wild swings which all of you very well know. All these months the stock has hardly any turnover. As far as operator activity is concerned, What did our company promoter say, All of you know. Secondly if a stock can get hammered from 156 to 2.45, Anything & Everything is possile. A recent case in point is Gtl Infra after hitting 8.45 came down to 0.30 paise which i was maintaining which will happen & Has happened. Similarly it will reach 8.45 once again if det sale or take over happens. Joke of the day or should i say joke of the millennium that I am an operator. Pls all have a hearty laugh. Cheers !!!

    James bond

    Some correction. We never traded at 156. It was lgs back then. Secondly aren’t we again comparing our horse against a donkey (gtl) now?
    Forget about 2.3. there is no reason for us to fall back now. Cheers. We are all investors. And have more than enough reasons to expect positive trend here onwards.

    Registered Boarder

    Somebody says their opinion…. But some others cannot agree to that….. Such things are very common…..Both have their right to hold to their opinions…. But taking that to the level of personal attack is not good….


    I have just put Gtl Infra as a case in point as the most recent example. No way I have compared Gtl Infra with our company. Do not put words in others mouth to extract. Even from 45 to 2.45 is hammering of the highest order. Gtl infra life time high was 106.50, What does it mean, It means stock price can get dragged to any levels. Even at 61.8% retracement turns out to 2.70 last 52 week high of 7.05 on nse. Cheers !!!

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    Glad to see approvals from the boards regarding the preferential Allotment.Hope by the weekend the process gets completed and Funds reach our hands which will help BCG intitiate the cascade of process in the debt reduction and settlement issues.



    Nse in principle approval is still pending. Hope we get at least y next Wednesday following which we will e in a position to settle things at the earliest. In the meantime, I have asked one of the ace analyst who was one time trending on wall street exchange to take a look at our company. Cheers !!!

    Blocked User

    47 lakhs shares have exchanged hands on BSE today, if the disclosure is not there by end of the day (it will come only if Goenka is doing internal transfers) and adding 20 lakhs deal last week which is again without disclosure, we can assume Oak has started his legs out the stock. I am quite positve and there is buying happening in staggered manner.

    For the first time since last June 2019, my views are getting aligned to positve direction.

    All the best


    Precisely 47,39,803 has indeed changed hands with 20 lakhs, Total approx 67 plus lacs. Long way to go for oak, Oak having 3.39 crs ( 7.01% ) in its kitty. Smooth transition going on as mentioned y our company promoter. One cannot rule out that proxy to promoter or promoter uying. Clear cut indication that eventually things are falling in line as expected which was always the case which very few could envisage. Hidden gem in the truest form. Cheers !!!


    @Soha, As far as personal attacks in the virtual world is a reality. Trust me it does not have any impact on me. I will share a short story. One of DHJI’s Many followers, One among them used the choicest of vocaulary on mm forum with regards to me & That time i had not invested in our company, So much so that I started digging deep into our company & Found out indeed it is a hidden gem. I will divulge his ID in due course of time & Also thank him at the right time. Moral of the story, Intent matters, Words do not. Cheers !!!

    Topic Author

    Thanks kpal ji for clearing the air. Please carry on with your style of writing things. I would like to add my special thanks to Diana Horton with occasional posts briefing upcoming things. Request everyone to kindly make way for more such knowledgeable/astute person to write here and not mess this board with unwanted negativity.

    To all, who want to incite others and resorting to personal target. Kindly refrain from doing so. We are mature investors and should not fear for trivial reasons.

    Nobody discussed the in-principle approval interestingly. There is lot of upcoming events to be unfolded – starting with analysts meet planned for next week. Lets await notification regarding that.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    The Share price falling and rising in the stated range is not New to BCG. We have witnessed this on plenty of occasions. Let us analyse the various reasons for the fall in the Share price happening at this juncture.

    1. Markets and Traders – How Markets Make Money using any Volatile situation. Sell on High and Buy at Low. When the Promoters per se are not interested or provided there are Ongoing issues, the Stock becomes a Paradise for the Traders and Other important people. No Value recognition happens and It will be Pure trade based on the Strong hands own will. This is Money making and not Wealth Creation.

    2. Shorting and Accumulation– Sell at high and Accumulate more at Bottom, as One has a Bigger kitty to buy.In contrast to the Market Gurus preaching – For the Aam Aadmi retailer, despite the Strong Sensible Impulse from the Brain states Hold on , the Cowardice Heart – Echoes- Sell Sell Sell…So, Once again, The retailer becomes a Victim, especially, If One has superficial Knowledge of the stock or Not has analysed the Fundamentals of the company. So, Once again, Shorting and accumulation aids Strong hands Once again

    3. Another Important Factor, especially in the Background of so much Information been passed on to the market. We are there… But , Yet Not there , Kind of scenario… Now, I am sure, Many of the retailers would have recommended the stock to your near and dear and friends. For Two reasons.., 1. Expectation, that If someone else also buys, the stock will go up(Main Reason) 2. Oh, I would like my Friend to make some Money( Lol, Last reason). Now, with so much News thats Propping Up in the market, at this Juncture- There , But Not there, If Bullishness is seen, Obviously, the Stock will fall Prey, into some Weaker hands, Who will Buy today and will sell once they make 20 or 30% profit. Green for the Market is Go and Red for the Market is NO Go. So, Keep in Red, Deep Red, will make Newbies Shy away.

    4. We are coming to Some of the more Important reasons, In specific to BCG. The management stated that The Big Fii are going to go away. It means, The Deal possibly has been struck theoretically. The Practical aspect of the same needs to happen. The Million Dollar Question is, at what price the deal was struck and what the intricacies of the deal are. One will never come to know, until the Final Moment. So, Depending on the Theoretical Hand shake that has happened, The Strong hands will Pave way for such deal to materialise, by Parking the price at amicable range.

    5. The next One is shaping of the SHP. This is also one of the important points. A legal case was going on. The Biggies were in real threat and they were put in a compulsory position to safeguard their Own interest; Otherwise, they might fall prey, If the case goes Pear shaped. In this process, As like the Restructuring of the Companies happened, I am sure there would have been some Restructuring of SHP would also have happened, with the help of strong hands. Now, as the legalities are being Mitigated, and as things are falling back in Position, The RE-Restructuring may be happening in the back ground.

    6. Once again, The Year End Possibility. Squaring of Profits made in other companies. A weak company with Issues becomes a Target, by the Strong hands. Buy High and Exchange Low.

    7. The Other possibilities are: The preferential Offer is happening at Less than 1PE. Although Voters have voted, the Final verdict is in the hands of the Boards. A tricky situation. So, Not to show any enthusiasm or Bullishness, until the whole process is done and dusted. Not taking any chances.

    8. The Legality of Daum closure is not complete yet; Untill the Chappa is in place, nothing is 100%. So, Dont show, any sign of bullishness

    9. Bank Loan is not completed yet. The Greedy bankers are still Greedy. Any sign of Bullishness, is not good. So,Keep it mellowed.

    10. And, Lastly, there is something called the BluePrint.

    I have given a good think about Our situation and these are the Possibilities that came through my mind. Would appreciate, Our BCGians to let their opinions and views, as to which Point Suits the Most in our case or the Combination of which factors are suiting , In the Order of preference.

    Having Discussed all these, The Long standing Holders of BCG, ought to understand and constantly reverberate the words -both in the heart and the brain– stated by the Management – Inflection Point


    Registered Boarder

    As per my understanding, any party buying/selling more than 2% of the stake in a scrip, in a quarter, is required to notify the exchanges of such action. Everest did that too, so we can expect OAK to notify provided our assumptions come true, and they go beyond 2%, which should be around 1cr shares.

    Registered Boarder

    Going by the trend, looks like 2.30 might come. Some serious manipulation going on which no can prove. Short term investors are getting rewarded, long term investors continue to suffer.

    Registered Boarder

    Today’s bulk trade is another Goenka play, not related to OAK.

    Registered Boarder

    Just wanted to know what is the advantage of moving shares from one account to another account. Can anyone share light on this.

    Registered Boarder

    I meant to say one goenka account to another

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @Lycos Investor:- Answering your question #5904 :- Refer to my post #5896.

    Go to point number 5 and Point Number 6.

    These are the Two Explanations One can give.

    Interestingly, If you look at the person who has sold the shares, with such a Big Quantity, That persons name was not reflected in the Share Holding pattern of the Last Quarter. The reason being, the % holding was just under 1% and hence the names will not be exposed. The group is a Vast enterprice and I suspect there might too many similar such names just under 1% category, considering the time the biggies have been in the stock.Unless One gets a Detailed Share Holding pattern, It will be difficult to know.

    Point Number 6 is plain and simple. Squaring for Tax benefits etc. But having said that, STCG is 15% and STT ATT etc etc , will eat the profits out. Despite this, This is happening on a Recurrent basis means, the importance of Point number 5 needs to be emphasised and re emphasised.

    Point Number 5 is a very Big and cumbersome and tricky and possibly an Ugly can of worm to explain.I am sure you will find means to understand this by your own research.

    …. DH


    Trend is a friend. If trend is any indicator then stock price to spiral downwards. Sudden disclosure on closure of Daum can also reverse the downward trend. Here also there is a perception that then stock will reak all arriers, It is not so, It can again go to 52 week high & Then again e range ound. The real fireworks can & Will happen only when the Promoter steps in with uying his own stock or a 10 to 15% Stake sale coinciding with the Q4 strong audited consolidated results with declaration of dividend. Till that to happen, One has to wait. Cheers !!!

    Registered Boarder

    Trend is worrying and hope the doomsday prediction in mmb is proved wrong. Else we long term investors remain fools dreaming big.
    I understand SKR is trying his best to solve issues and grow the company, but he also needs to do something about increasing stock value. Announcing a good dividend or a buy back is the need of the hour.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    The rampantness and speed at which the lower 5% is happening, appears for a certain purpose.This is happening despite all good news that has been flowing into the market via the management.

    Do all you remember November 2018 scenario? An organised sale happened at 2.35.The lowest point of trading history in the past 4 to 5 years.

    In my opinion and hopeful prediction, the only purpose for the organised current fall seems to be for the exit of the aging investor, at a specific fixed price. The price can be anywhere between 2.25 to 4 Rs.

    Next week trading is restricted to 4 days.An analyst call meeting has been organised during 2nd week of this month.I suspect, the pain might be possibly for another 4 days or so, depending on the organised exit of the fii ,on the balance.

    This downfall has has already been primed by the management via appropriate parties,by the looks.

    Imagine, the sale price of fii, in the next coming week or two weeks depending on the previously fixed price is RAVANAS HEAD,with no further pending issues that needs to be sorted that might influence the markets for a downward movement, as it appears majority of the issues are sorted as stated by the management, then the ROAD TO AYODHYA,will be on the FLOWERBED.


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