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- This topic has 5,565 replies, 167 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 1 day ago by Longplay55.
July 13, 2020 at 11:57 pm #7669bhalothia9Registered Boarder
Compared to brightcom, tradedesk share is less than 1% on Adauth,
2+July 14, 2020 at 1:42 am #7670#brightcom #DigitalIndia https://t.co/BzZRBJPhzo
— Brightcom Investors Forum (@BrightcomInvest) July 13, 2020
4+July 14, 2020 at 2:37 am #7672lycos.rags.to.richesRegistered BoarderJuly 14, 2020 at 9:49 am #7673sateannaRegistered BoarderRegarding the Axis bank case, looks like its not an easy settlement. The below is the gist posted on MC forum
NCLT accepts petition of Axis bank to freeze the preference offer amount until the case is disposed of. Now there are two cases by axis. One in nclt and the other in debt recovery tribunal. BCG says they have one time settlement agreement for 22 crore and have paid 14 cr. But bank is claiming 41 cr.Next hearing is on 28th July.. We might be in for a long haul on this one too.
1+July 14, 2020 at 10:10 am #7674odyseeRegistered Boarder@sateanna, it is a matter of great disappointment that the Axis Bank matter was allowed to fester for so long despite the OTS agreement. The last conference call held out hopes of the the matter being settled expeditiously as it had been dragged along for long enough. Instead, the NCLT has now frozen the preferential issue monies. This suggests a favourable inclination by the Tribunal in favour of the bank. I hope we get some other positive news from SKR very soon to counter the onset of the very negative sentiments which are again in play. Tiresome and exhausting, as the naysayers gain a strong foothold over us, the faithful believers.
4+July 14, 2020 at 1:09 pm #7677LogicalspeakRegistered BoarderThere is nothing to worry about axis bank issue pending in nclt.
1) it is only an interim order restraining the preferential money for any other use, and final order whether this restaint will remain or go will deppent on the hearing for admission of the nclt case, which will be decided on 28-07-2010, the next date of hearing.The case of 2020 ihasn nclt is not admitted yet.
2) The nclt , to my openion, can not decide the amount to be paid, but only can decide whether a restraintagainst using money for other purpose can be issued or not.
3) The main case is in debt recovery tribunal filed by axis bank during 2017. In that case, it appears there is an OTS for 22 Crores or so and out OF which about 14 OR SO PAID bY bcg.Only the remaining need to be paid.
4) As per my reading of the nclt interim order mentioned above, available in nclt site,it clearly appears that axis bank can not approach debt recovory tribunal for restraint, because bcg might be readily willing to pay the OTS balance of around 8 Crores which appears is the matter pending in debt recovory tribunal, which axis may not be able to deviate now in debt recovery tribunal.
5) It AppEArS , due to the above reasons and with an apparent motive to try and inflate the amount now to a figure much more than the OTS, axis is now trying with nclt for restraint for the whole money, apparently to circumvent their Earlier approved OTS itself which may not be agreeable in DRT.
6)There fore it is clearly appearing that around 8 crore is the money to be paid to axis,and the same is clearly informed by CEO in concall.
7) Therefore, according to my understanding there is nothing to be worried, as the nclt was approached by axis bank during the Pendancy of DRT CASE, where it APPEARS,nothing pending as bcg is ready with the balance of already approved ITS.
8) IT IS also clearly appearing, also from the CEO IN THE CONCALL, that AXIS BANK want to go back from THEIR OWN APPROVED OTS, on the ground that bcg delayed payment after OTS. For the delay either DRT can condone it or impose penal interest for the delay. At any rate bcg is ready for OTS BALANCE payment and it appears axis bank in not having any ground in DRT and approched nclt during the pendancy of DRT case, which it appears may not sustain. (I have not gone through the DRT CASE, therefore I may be wrong also. But from the words of CEO it appears the above may be the rough sketch).
9) Therefore, as CEO informed in the concall, nothing is there to worry about for the investors. All the best to all long term investors.
July 14, 2020 at 2:35 pm #7680Optimus Prime 06Registered BoarderMarket share increased, direct accounts increased publishers increased..
Only pain is share price IS DECREASING0July 14, 2020 at 2:50 pm #7682Optimus Prime 06Registered BoarderMarket share increased from 1.8 to 2.5% in 6 months more than 38% growth in market share
2+July 14, 2020 at 3:01 pm #7683lycos.rags.to.richesRegistered BoarderWe need atleast one positive news from management regarding LOC or Daum Settlement to turn the tide again. Else looks like it is going to be the same old story for the long term investors as we are heading back to square one.
3+July 14, 2020 at 3:08 pm #7684odyseeRegistered Boarder@Logicalspeak, thank you for your interpretation of the situation. The question remains as to when the DRT case gets resolved ? Will there be a hearing? If the case was filed in 2017, can the respondent ( BCG) now approach the DRT to close the matter at the earliest possible as funds are readily available to pay the balance amount with interest if need be? How long can this be situation carry on if Axis is being obstinate?
3+July 14, 2020 at 5:14 pm #7685LogicalspeakRegistered Boarder@ Odysee, It is very evidently clear, that once the preferential money comes,bcg was ready to clear the axis bank loan as per the OTS . That is around 8 or 9 crore (remember bcg was mentioning it as 11 Crores, which may be including penal interest for delay etc.). Therefore, axis bank appears approached a shortcut route by filing in nclt for restraining the company from using the money for other purpose other than axis loan clearance. This was done by the axis bank apparently knowing by them, that if waited till the money atually parrive with the company, bcg may immeadeatly approach the DRT FOR PAYMENT AND CLOSE THE DRT CASE and therefore filed in nclt for restrainting company from using for any other purpose.
NOW, BCG CAN waite till 28-07-2020 . IT APPEARS NCLT WILL ONLY CONFIRM THE RESTRINT TILL DRT DECIDES THE CASE NEXT TIME ON 28TH AND REMIT IT BACK TO DRT for final resolution (where bcg is already ready as per DRT CASE for payi g and close. There fore may not be an issue at all for the company), WHERE BIG WILL HAVE ADVANTAGE AS ALREADY OTS MUST BE A PART OF SUBJECT MATTER THERE in DRT.
IT is also important to note that another point argued by axis in nclt was TO COMPELL THE COMPANY TO deposite the preferential money with THEM IN the account of bcg with axis bank, which nclt did nor agree citing the extent SEBI RULES regarding preferencial money which says it should be kept in a separate account as mandated by SEBI for mandated ways.
THE nclt case was filed by the axis bank, with an intention to compell the company to deposit ,the preferencial money when arrive with the company , with axis bank account of bcg.But that is not allowed by the nclt. Therefore the nclt interim order is in a way is in favour of bcg. Absolutely nothing to worry, the things are very evidently in favour of BCG NOW, and when it reaches DRT , company will have all favourable position.
July 14, 2020 at 6:24 pm #7686lycos.rags.to.richesRegistered BoarderHopefully NCLT will reject the case and ask the parties to get it resolved in DRT.
July 14, 2020 at 9:37 pm #7687odyseeRegistered Boarder@Logicalspeak #7675, thank you, I gathered the essence of the current position as indicated by you. My concern was the likely time frame involved in closing this matter once and for all, getting the pledged shared (if any) released, and then for BCG to focus on the truly important business related matters once these legacy issues were dealt with. Best.
July 14, 2020 at 10:53 pm #7691VALUEBUYER001Registered BoarderThe company has uploaded a new update on B local.
July 15, 2020 at 12:00 am #7693New product B-local launched in the US is beginning to see traction during the COVID period.#brightcom #adtech pic.twitter.com/RPz847vpnm
— Brightcom Investors Forum (@BrightcomInvest) July 14, 2020
July 15, 2020 at 8:31 am #7694odyseeRegistered BoarderVery interesting article in today’s Business Standard on Google and Facebook battling for dominance in the Indian market.
The scope for digital marketing appears immense going by the comments contained in that article . I quote— “According to Dentsu Aegis Network, digital advertising will hit ₹28,000 crore in 2024 ,compared to ₹13,600 crore in 2019”.July 15, 2020 at 9:51 am #7695sateannaRegistered BoarderHow much the B local Exchange & the increase in traffic is going to contribute to the top & bottom line needs to be seen. With Lycos numbers also not considered for the overall picture, we can expect a decent growth even without the LOC in place. With LOC and all the above hopefully, this year we will see record figures for sure.
July 15, 2020 at 2:52 pm #7696hw_twRegistered BoarderPublishers are increasing day by day…It has reached to 2.6% market share.
As @Saul mentioned before some of these might be already existing publishers and AdAuth might be crawling it only now.
While I am happy that business is growing, wondering how they are able to add even 5% of these publishers. What kind of transactions are these. Are they buying media space from these publishers or are they supplying their ad platform to them or both.
In case of previous, I feel purchasing ad space from so many publishers in such a short span of time is not possible especially when they have huge cash cruch.
If this is about supplying their ad platform / SSP to these publishers, there is not much cost involved for Brightcom side and I feel Brightcom is getting in good shape of a true adtech company.
In case of SSP sales, I believe an update from the company giving the number of publishers using their SSP and growth in last few months would give them a big rerating
July 15, 2020 at 3:08 pm #7697lycos.rags.to.richesRegistered BoarderFriends, I might be wrong but i think BCG needs to hire someone who has experience in dealing with markets.
B-Local is a excellent idea, but the presentation looks like a teacher teaching a student with granular details of technicality and is more appealing to partners and advertisers.For investors they should have submitted a different presentation which might be interest of investors saying that
BCG using the AI technology has went live with a new B-local exchange, this is the first local market exchange in US created by your company and we have signed up reputed publishers, BCG expects many partners to use this exchange during election period and christmas which will add up to incremental revenue.
July 15, 2020 at 6:29 pm #7698LoganRegistered Boarder@hw_tw, this is what Mr.Reddy said in the conference call about the increase in traffic.
“Publishers are seeing a huge upsurge in traffic, a lot of spikes in the traffic. And they are completely redoing. Advertisers suddenly have more alternatives. Pricing has come down, but volumes have increased. So it doesn’t matter because net-net revenues stay put or get better. And it’s always good to have — it’s like stock market, right? If you have more people playing in the stock market, then pricing of trade they try to reduce and net-net, the brokerages make money. Very similar if you want to take an analogy there. That is one thing that we are seeing.”
My guess is that they are reducing their rates to sign more publishers. Going forward, they may sign even more publishers once they get the LOC.
And I don’t think they’ll reveal the complete list of publishers and advertisers to the public due to competitive reasons. They won’t reveal the details officially but they won’t mind if Adauth or Builtwith reveal the list on their respective websites. If we go to BCG’s office in Hyderabad they may show us the list (and also ORIDIAN’s annual report signed by EY).
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