News: Business line – Brightcom group goes for organisational restructuring

  • This topic has 89 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by VALUEBUYER001.
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  • #4663
    Registered Boarder

    Going through the last Conference call SKR verbatm words were – Brand New Auditor from NewYork with a notion towards – a. Opportunity to raise More funds b. Boost Confidence in Market and also to the investors who are sitting in the sidelines

    Process about to start- approx 3 months.

    Not Beyond that.

    Registered Boarder

    Based on the above- It will be interesting to see who the Brand New Auditor from Newyork is going to be. If all is well, I earnestly wish, that, this particular Action plan will boost the Morale and the investors who are sitting on the sidelines, take action accordingly and sweep the market

    Registered Boarder

    @Lm.. i sincerely doubt about the investor sitting on the sidelines. The way it touched lower circuit before the board meeting, i assume we are in for some more drama, before the investors waiting on the sidelines decide the market value. Hope its sooner.
    Hope SKR buys from Open market to boost confidence, once the book is opened.

    Registered Boarder

    wishful thinking!!!!!! No harm in that , I guess….


    Bcg has not yet come to limelight

    Registered Boarder

    investors who believed in BCG are already shareholders with holes in their pocket and no courage to add more.. and the other investors believe Suresh Kumar Reddy is just another Fraud “Reddy” from AP..
    So it will take time for the investor community to develop faith in BCG, as the company starts walking the talks and delivers on it.


    Agreed Acerforce if one looks at the stock price..
    But for all long term investors,
    time to be patient. Wait for the coming numbers and conf call and then annual numbers with audited reports of all the subsidiaries.
    If all that was promised during last conf call is implemented then potential is huge.
    See things like big investment bank from America becoming a shareholder without dilluting i e further issuing shares, LOC,dividend etc etc .
    Then BCG and its management can be unchained and it can start growing at a decent clip .

    Registered Boarder

    Dear all.. Most of the LT investors are stuck for 4 to 6 years and this is a fact..nobody is going to put more money into BCG yet until things take a good turn.. we have waited for this long..
    Just need to wait for another 1 or max 2 yrs to see the magic once the subsidiaries are consolidated with a clear view of financial position and credibility to markets .. Remember promoters are also in big loss as of now..
    Patience has to pay ! All the best..


    No need to wait for 1 to 2 yrs more. Max to Max 3-4 months as audited Q4 results will e furnished & Trust deficit will get restored as a result stock price will move up in leaps & ounds. Cheers !!!

    Registered Boarder

    Need to take the news flow vis a vis the price movement in market…if the price does not react no amount of news flow will how does the price move…new investors..FII/DII purchasing in bulk. As of now we have the PO announcement & Auditor has given a thumbs the next few months we will have debt clearance, daum settlement..lets see how the market reacts


    Intermittent spurts will e there with news flow & Events ut the real movement will come in after the Q4 Audited results are declared, Wherein markets will give due recognition, Prior to it, Its just a hue & Cry. Even release of pledge shares,Promoters increasing their stake,Hostile take over y a large entity can do the needful. One or the other thing will happen for sure. Waiting mode. Patience is the name of the game. Cheers !!!

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @kpal can one expect with the dibs and dabs – hue and cry, that the stock might be seen in double digits with a reasonable PE? I would like to see two types of big hoo haa. One with, sweep from the market taking to a descent PE of 10ish. The second sweep will be kind of sweep like what happened in AFFLE , by the MF coming in after company organised Analysts conference calls. In your learned opinion and knowledge- where and how do you see the mathematical model progressing?


    For all the hoo haa to happen, One has to wait, The days are not far off when you will roar with pride of holding this gem in your kitty. Forget the mathematical model, We do not require one, Simple derivatives can e used to ascertain as to how far it can & As of now it can see levels of 35-40 once the criteria i have mentioned in my earlier posts are fulfilled. Cheers!!!
    * Really do appreciate your analytical skills. To good.Keep it up *


    In School we all were taught, Slow & Steady wins the race. It is so apt in the context of our company. Slowly one after another disclosure as well implementation will happen & At the right time with the right speed it will gallop to glorious heights. Trust me, I have no two thoughts on it. Numers will speak & Speak loud & Clear & That is what matters at the end of the day for the scrip to perform & Perform it will, Come what may. Cheers !!!

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @Kpal… Many Thanks for your kind reply and analysis.The As of Now likely quote stated /discussed – Are we talking this status – after the post audited figures getting published.

    Or with dibs and dabs news getting published…

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @kapl… Sorry, missed One point you had mentioned.There was a mention of Hostile take over by a large entity can do the needful. Not getting it… Whats the context?


    Since our company is a sunrise sector company, Any large entity like google can take a Percentage stake, It cannot e ruled out, Just like listing on NYSE cannot e ruled out. Any ways, What matters at this time is that the gloal auditor gets appointed & A audit report follows suit at the earliest that will pave the way to a glorious future ecause as the saying goes its all in the numers afterall. Cheers !!!

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @kpal… Many thanks for the clarification. I was wondering, why we were discussing, a hostile takeover. A part stake purchase in the evolving sector, especially considering the fact so much of efforts and research is put into, sunrise sector, by,one of the biggies, can be a worthwhile scenario.Make money and at the same time off load some risk..might be a reasonable strategy.Lets wait for it evolve.Interesting times.Thanks for the clarification.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @kpal #4718… Would appreciate, if you could throw some wisdom, into this.Sorry for being a pest.Just want to understand the dynamics and to sharpen my analytical skills


    Its een 2 yrs from the last investor presentation ( Dtd: 2Nd Aug 2018 ), Once the gloal audit report comes in, It will e great if the company calls for the same. What say folks. Your thoughts pls.

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