News: Business line – Brightcom group goes for organisational restructuring

  • This topic has 89 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by VALUEBUYER001.
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  • #4788
    Registered Boarder

    I am failing to understand the reason for not disclosing the audit firm’s name. Let us all understand that disclosing the auditor’s name is not as same as White Oak funding. No one can stop any company in appointing an auditor, per my understanding.

    On the audit report, I have no reason to believe we will get the audited results by May unless you we get the confirmation of appointment or engagement letter that clearly states the new auditor will be reviewing the financial statements for the year 2019. I will wait till the Conf call in a hope that SKR will come out with detailed updates, and decide the next course of action.


    Harking, arking on this forum does not help. Had the promoter kept a gun on you to uy his company shares, That you are accusing him without any proof whatsoever, That too when slowly ut surely everything is falling in line in the interest of shareholders, Don’t you know that equities are suject to market risk.Lot of guys howl, Give threats that too empty. The very fact that in chorus the oard has appointed him to do what needs to e done, Says it all. Lastly you worry for yourself, No need to worry aout other retail investors, They are mature enough to understand & Are capale enough to handle their situation. We do not require you. Period.


    Mr. Bond, some one is clearly management planted . The pain of retailers who r in this is being administered by a quarter or two old grass grown in yestardays rain.


    It is so disappointing to see this in LC now. IT is real frustration by retail investors now. What is Reddy doing? He is acting on his updates now he has to be serious. 22nd feb awaited for the pref allotment update.


    Forget aout l/c, U/c drama, That is the way it will e. At the prevailing price, Its far elow its intrinsic value. If one has conviction one has to stay put, If not then one has do one ought to do. If someone is thinking that it will remain at this price is sadly mistaken, As soon as the Gloal audit report comes in, No one will get a chance to enter for sure. Cheers !!!

    Blocked User

    @Kpal, Please wait till May end or June end next year to see the audited results a d report and see the mindblowing valuations which currently for some reasons as cited by you is not favourable. We will take our stand and not mere bark as stated by you, And please refrain yourself using aggressive language and firm stand when you dont have your point to prove eithout fact same goes with us/we/i as well but we never raised or pointed finger on anyone. If you are so supportive of skr and his developments unloke others what should one make out of your statements.

    i am seeing and observing the notion created for May end, Audited results which further pushed the time in the minds of retailers.

    Please request do not feed with timelines about future when the current situation itseld is not time bound and disclosure is itself have timelines.

    We have not influenced anyone nor will do, but its our hard earned money and invested from past 6 years at 40 and 50 levels unlike few who bought at 3 or 4 rs and distributing free gyan and teaching us patience, we are LT investors and we know the meaning of LT and no one here entered to make wuick bucks from 5 to 10 or 20s just in speculation,

    most of us are part of multiple agms, investors connect, meeting with skr and being in person with others to know the current fiasco which is nothing but dark.

    Hope this makes things clear.


    Registered Boarder


    two questions to yourselves

    1. If No clarity prevails from news front- But If stock goes up and reaches Double digits – Will the retailers be happy ?

    2. If Flow of news happens, as it seems to be happening now – are the retailers Unhappy – because the stock is not moving?

    Eventually It all boils down to Stock Price.

    If the stock price was in double digits, No questions would have been raised about,


    and , all those surrounding issues of the company.

    Since, the stock price is at peanuts, all these Unncessary stuffs are being dissected.

    Would you agree, that everything boils down to Stock Price, essentially?


    A word of caution. Nowhere is it clearly stated that the auditor is for the parent company in India. So we must be ready for the news that this is for the New Holding Company in USA.

    “We like to inform you that the Board of Directors met today and reviewed various restructuring plans proposed by the management team.”

    So who is this board of directors who could advise the management?

    1. Dr. Surabhi Sinha started off as a Research Assistant at the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, India, way back in 1992. She served as Project Associate in the Department of Mathematics – IIT, Kharagpur for around 7 years. Later, she moved on in 2005 to serve as a Faculty in Hyderabad Central University for 2 years.

    2. Dr. Jayalakshmi brings in 15 years of experience from the educational sector having worked for leading schools and colleges in Hyderabad. Presently, she is working with the Nalanda Educational Society

    Nalanda is a school in Hyderabad.

    3. Raghunath Allamsetty, is one of the veteran IT professionals in the country, who co-founded many US-based technology start-ups in India. Raghu is the co-founder of Platys Communications in India, which is one of the first Fab-less digital high speed ASIC (Chip) design house in Hyderabad, that was acquired by Adaptec Inc., CA USA.

    Registered Boarder

    So, what’s your point satyamite? It is a global auditing firm. And restructuring happening at a global level, bringing ,all into, one USA umbrella.


    Re Satyamite’s comments at #4834, it would be fair to assume that the appointment of the international firm of auditors is closed linked to the proposed new USA based company that would amalgamate and have within its fold 12 subsidiaries of BCG India, and this new company would itself be a 100% subsidiary of BCG. Hence, I would speculate that that this particular US based international audit firm is already engaged in the exercise of consolidation (likely in a consultative capacity).

    Registered Boarder

    Paves way for future listing in the USA


    If that is the case, the same is a good proposition, so that, that US holding entity’s audited figure by the New York auditor can be incorporated by the parent auditor (?) instead of just copying the different bit papers supplied to them by the management in respect of different subsidiaries, as the consolidated US entity consisting 12 subsidiaries is updated by the management, as fully owned by the parent (BCG) in Hyderabad. Satyamite, request u to post ur opinion, please.


    At last someone has read the disclosure & Interpreted correctly, Kudos !!! That is why I was always mentioning there is something more to it then meets the eye, So very true. New Grass on old soil germinates etter.


    Old wine in New bottle or new wine in old bottle?

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    It will be champagne!


    Old grass in new rand pot which will grow into a full grown tree. with NYSE Listing. Cheers !!!


    I really dont understand how are people so sure about the NYSE listing.. Trust me NYSE will not even stand such a share who is trading in pennies. Rather get the proper clarification from SKR else we all will just be dreaming.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Conference call is there to ask such questions. Feel Free. The answers may not be Black and white. But, I m sure you will get some guidance

    Registered Boarder

    I dont have a iota of doubt that the new auditor will be for the merged US subsidary, bringing in a reputed auditor to audit parent company’s revenue which is very miniscule when compared to subsidaries doesnt make any sense.


    Sam sir when bcg goes above Rs300 they may think about NYSE listing say by 2022

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