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  • #3359

    That ( people talking about it for ages)doesn’t appear to be a valid justification.
    SKR addressed this issue at one conference call, when one caller specifically raised this point and asked if the taxes paid by the subsidiaries were genuine and consequently the net profits shown. SKR was pretty vocal and direct in his response. Not sure if you participated in that particular conference call; and if you did, then you will recall that particular discussion.


    I attend conf C form abroad . so lot of things are not clear.
    I think SKR then lost his cool and did not answer it well as far as i rememeber.
    Sounded like wishy washy stuff.


    Good evening friends.

    Received mail from BCG regarding the voting and the time duration of voting window.

    Did anybody else receive it…

    Anand Sharma

    Yes, i have also received information for voting, yesterday


    Shoumik Ji i have received po ballot notice through email


    Good morning friends.

    We have to decide now whether to vote for or against the resolution.

    SKR has till now said and delivered on few important things like

    lowering and almost closure of all loans ,
    Declaration of the dividend policy and
    Pref share issue would come

    He has also said few most important things from the INFLECTION point of view WHICH WOULD ALSO BECOME A REALITY SOON. These inflection points are

    Big 4 Auditor has been auditing BCG with all of its subsidiaries and results will be declared for the full year on consolidated basis.

    Closure of Daum issue as settlement has been reached and final signing is alone remaining.

    SKR has mentioned about both of these in his conference calls and both of these INFLECTION POINTS would becoming a reality soon.

    Meanwhile what all you think , whether we should vote in favour or against the board resolution on Approval of issue of fresh stock….


    Meanwhile what all you think , whether we should vote in favour or against the board resolution on Approval of issue of fresh stock….
    Our voting wont matter as promoters and his chums have the majority and it will be passed any way.
    I think once pref shrs alltmnt
    is complete we will hear the news re Daum sealed and the rest one after the other.
    News re pledged shares release too. No sooner it crosses 20 after PO issue, market cap will cross 1000 crores and FIIS AND MFS will be looking at it.

    Registered Boarder

    If one of big4 auditors is auditing subs, then why they are not leaking this info to any broker or investor?
    I am not sure about their rules about confidentiality, this is just my doubt.


    auditing of all subs by big four and consolidation of foreing sunsidiaries going on.
    I think they wont make any positive announcement till PO shares are allotted and Daum has signed the closure of Lycos case on DOTTED LINE.
    if all these things happen and numbers are true which is highly likely,
    then in time this stock is at least a 100 times multibagger.
    Hence the silence till …..


    Guruji 108, I fully endorse your view. No two opinions on it. Its a foregone conclusion. Happy times are near for all who are invested in this hidden gem. Wait for it.


    I think we will see 2019-20 finncl yr accounts with sbs audited presented by big 4 and oneo f big 4 also appointed as statutory auditors forr coming finncl year.


    You think the company will have the audacity to mention false numers in the Annual report, No company will do that. It tantamount’s to fraud. So pls refrain from douting the authencity of the numers. Once auditing is complete in all respects, Company will declare the same. Wait for it.


    I am not saying it.People have been writing about it. Satyam was far bigger and every one knows what happened.
    I PERSONALLY SEE LESS CHANCES OF THE NUMBERS BEING COOKED. IF all taxes have been paid etc etc..
    So many mergers happened . all paid. bank loans paid. 1000 crores of cash burn out in buy ot ,150 crores write of of legacy stuff. Lycos life losses.
    so all those made the free cash flow BURN OUT.
    So numbers could be real but created a feeling in the market that they were not.

    Registered Boarder

    I have no doubts about numbers, but my only doubt was auditing by big4.


    Dec shp is out, the new name is there edelwesiss custodial services pvt ltd which is Mumbai based trading company!


    Do not forget 40% have got audited y Ernst & Young as mentioned y the promoter during the last con call.What remains is 60% that might e work under progress. It will get done sooner then you & I think.

    Investors bcg

    As per latest share holdings Edelweiss securities had invested in BCG for 50,00,000 share as on 31.12.2019


    Have a good look at this link and details
    Loyt of shares held in coporate bodies, now Edelweiss
    and the rest.
    330 individuals hold near 19% as indivuidua non promoer shareholders.
    so there is a big need for a seat on the board of directors form private retail there are 30000 other small investors.shareholding pattern


    Dec 2020, SHP Says it all. Those corporate odies & Edelweiss know where to put their moolah. They know they are getting this gem at a stone’s price. These entities will continue uying till it is availale ecause they know the real value of this scrip & They also know that soon supply will get extinguished post allotment of pref. shares. See today’s volumes in oth the exchanges.


    Edelweiss is holding as proxy to someone else

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