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  • #10103
    Registered Boarder

    Really nice inputs Shri Logan Ji

    Registered Boarder

    Once the news of approval from the exchanges is got for warrants issue the next uptrend which started today is likely to strengthen further. When the 30 dma is crossing 200 dma of 6.52 momentum to accelerate.

    Registered Boarder

    Finally connection to BCG’s website is secure (https). First they changed the logo’s direction from \ to / and now this. Something is happening for sure.

    Registered Boarder

    Logan, the logo is still the same.. Towards left..

    Registered Boarder

    Sorry Logan, I have check the brightcom site.. Brightcom Group has been changed.. ??

    Registered Boarder

    there are two diff websites for BCG ..

    1. – Logo changed but unsecure.
    2. – Old logo but secure

    Registered Boarder

    When parent company can change the logo, why can’t the subsidiary? Any thoughts..

    profile inactive, exited bcg
    Registered Boarder

    I think they are working on the secure website.
    Looks like it’s work in progress.

    Registered Boarder

    The subsidiary website is more comprehensive than the parent. Except Newsroom, IR & contact us, other pages like Global Presence, Team, Clients & Board are not working on the parent site. Not sure if it is my browser issue. But parent website quality needs to be improved.

    – It may be in progress. Hopefully, we will see changes soon.

    Registered Boarder

    I think they neglected the software business all these years and saw it only as an holding company but now they may have found opportunities to revive the business.

    The CEO talked more about AI and ML in the AGM than about online/digital advertising so my guess is that they may scale up the existing AI business (Dyomo) or maybe they’ll acquire an AI company.

    We should just hope that whatever he does it won’t end up like Lycos Life where even though the products were good, the company burnt a lot of cash. In one of the calls he said they’ll take things slowly with AI and ML and won’t rush it like Lycos Life which is good. They must have learnt a lesson on not to rush things.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear@buffet and @dileepvn,

    Just now noticed that the website is fully secured with new logo (direction changed one). – Logo changed and secured.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @drjaysee,
    parent site works with both http(unsecure) & https(secure) protocol which is not good security practise. With http, communication is completely un-encrypted & hence not secure.

    Generally, http url should be redirected to the https url as standard practise.

    You may want to check with other standard websites like CTS,TCS etc.

    Registered Boarder

    When is the next NCLT hearing on 18th or 19th Jan?

    Registered Boarder

    18th I believe..

    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCG investors,
    I am posting here for first time though i am following this group closely for last 6 months. Started investing in BCG in 2013 when it was Ybrant Digital and Tanla in 2014 when it was a pure play A2P SMS provider…still going strong and long in both… Though we are yet to realize the real underlying value from BCG, i have learned tons and tons about stock market investments in last 7 years by following BCG in the forums like MCB,, this forum, etc. which is worth much more than the monetary gains from BCG. This experience is really helping me identify new opportunities and take matured decisions. Thanks a lot to admin, logan and all others who take time to post reviews and contents which make all of us better investors.

    I just read a news about technology barons like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos acquiring agri-land across Americas.

    Does this mean these leaders are seeing the next big disruption area in agri after electric and digital? Are they acquiring these lands to implement their agri-tech initiatives in the long term?

    SRK hinted about BCG working in agri-tech in 2 or 3 forums as well as working with a global internet giant in this space. In Linkedin, i saw few profiles working in BCG in crop research, agri-tech, etc. Does all these mean that SRK is also betting big on Agri-tech with AI? Does the Internet giant SRK hinted refer to Google/Microsoft/Amazon? Happy to hear everyone’s thoughts about this initiative from BCG.

    profile inactive, exited bcg
    Registered Boarder

    @drjaysee Yes the website is secure, but just the homepage is active. The links within aren’t functioning. They may be are working on it.

    Registered Boarder

    TTD,MGNI: Programmatic ads on connected TVs seen growing to $8.7B this year

    Registered Boarder

    TTD,MGNI: Programmatic ads on connected TVs seen growing to $8.7B this year

    Registered Boarder

    Any Update on today’s NCLT hearing? (18 Jan Axis vs Brightcom)

    Registered Boarder

    Heard case is postponed to 10th Feb.. ?…

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