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  • #10516
    Registered Boarder

    The only thorough way to break a community is to pitch them against each other. Break it from within.
    And we see it happening here in this forum. If we continue to target each other then very soon this forum will cease to exist as everyone will stop posting their thoughts. This will be a loss for all shareholders.
    I humbly request everyone to post their thoughts and analysis without targeting anyone.

    Topic Author

    @imposiblznuthin – thank you. MMB guys are predicting I will be blocking DH. I wont be blocking someone unless they turn derogative. Here all are free to share any information they have. I don’t delete any posts unlike they do in MMB. Pranil has clarified that he was not blocked, but he chose to stop writing here. 108Bullguru, I had to mute him (not blocked) for multiple reasons, because he was posting same things, often creating multiple threads on same day and for other various reasons especially taking sudden U-turn along with Shoumik thereby confusing all retailers here.

    Registered Boarder

    Just got my dividend guys!!!

    Registered Boarder

    I also received a deposit from DCB Bank and I am guessing its BCG dividend. However company name is not mentioned.

    Registered Boarder

    @manas18goel I just called Aarti after reading your post, to check on the dividend and they confirmed it has not been paid yet and will take some time.

    Given all that is going on, are you able to provide any details relating to dividend being credited to your account? By no means I am trying to question authenticity of your post but many people posted similar messages on various forums. So trying to bridge any gap out there and bring everyone on the same page. Thanks in advance

    Registered Boarder

    i too got dividedn(after deducting 7.5% TDS)

    Registered Boarder

    I also received a deposit from DCB Bank and I am guessing its BCG dividend. But my second account has not yet received. Again how much is the TDS? Can somebody answer?

    Registered Boarder

    Sure here is my credit. I know this is BCG Dividend because of 2 reasons:

    1. I did my calculation of all my shares before exdate and calculated dividend after TDS. It is same as this number
    2. I had no outstanding payment from anyone else and I use this bank account exclusively for investing.

    Registered Boarder

    Thank you, @manas18goel! Really appreciate it.

    Registered Boarder

    After 7.5% TDS deduction

    Registered Boarder

    I got my dividend too. Cr.from dcb bank

    Registered Boarder

    About an hour back

    Registered Boarder

    I also got my dividend credited just now. It is working out to be 0.05*no of shares held by me *0.925 (after deducting 7.5% TDS)

    Strange thing is that in the transaction information, company name or dividend kind of information is not being mentioned and it came as if some XYZ did a NEFT transfer from a normal bank account. I received dividends for some of my other share holdings and they ALWAYS used to indicate the detail as dividend and company name,etc

    Registered Boarder

    Hello all shareholders,

    good news is dividend rollout has started…. through DCB bank.

    now responding to some of queries


    About the parent bringing money in from subsidiaries to repay the axis loan in one go…

    1. all the subsidiaries are independent entities.
    Bcg still not has crossed the break even in revenue after which BCG will start generating ‘FREE CASH FLOWS’. So it is really difficult to strip this independently working entities of funds for this issues or else the business will suffer. which is a strict NO NO by the top executives of the group.

    so the parent brings in money in very small small tranches as and when it is necessary and that is how the parent has been able to repay most of its debt slowly but surely over the last few years.
    ( most of the debt does not belong to BCG, it came on the company when they entered into a reverse merger with LGS GLOBAL…it was a fumble…which we dogged safely over the years and are now standing near zero debt status.)

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @VGSATWORK 10514

    Many Thanks for the reply.

    I could not find the weblink for the same.

    Will it be possible to post the link of the site from where this clipping taken and was circulating

    It will help us all to decipher what exactly were the services availed

    Registered Boarder

    @Diana Horton

    I thought you wanted to keep the name anonymous and hence redacted in your screen shot. So I also haven’t mentioned the name in my post. They are doing commercial upscaling services (targeted for Start up and small scale companies) and getting venture funding into them and enabling easy entry/exit for investors in such companies

    The company referred here is

    Registered Boarder


    Please refer to the disclosure on related party transactions by the company on 10th July 2020 to the stock exchanges. It clearly shows that the parent company has taken unsecured loan of well over 100 crores from it’s subsidiaries and is outstanding as of 31st March 2020.

    So, it is not that they cannot borrow. They are indeed taking unsecured loans (If defaulted, the subsidiary company has no way of recovering it from the parent company)

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGians

    Glad to note Dividend getting credited to our accounts.

    Many Thanks to the Management for paying the dividend

    The delay certainly is a big Corporate Governance issue

    The Management should never take these things easily. Especially so when the Dividend was planned 4 to 5 months ago.

    Second time in my life time, I have got some Credit from BCG.( Previous and this Dividend included).

    The real worth is not from the small token Dividend, but from the actual Rerating of the share price and hope this happens NOW and no more Manipulation or fiddling with equities.

    As usual, I will be keenly observing the proceeds and shall dare Not fear to point fingers at the management of such Governance issues and unwarranted suppression of share Price.

    I was and have been supportive of the management during the years of they trying to come out of their intricate loggerjams of court issue and other stuff.
    We are made aware that all such problems are sorted we all expect the Rerating to happen concurrently.

    When Re rating dosent happen and when the Management does quirky stuff including such bad corporate Governance Muck up and meddling with Equity markets in the form of suppression of stock price, we all need to stand up and Not let the management play the rules.

    If we don’t ask any questions and If we all Blindly support the management – Its equivalent to be supportive of Fraudulance.

    The Management should also Never take Retail Participants for Granted- Just by showing the so called Low Hanging Grapes.

    Afterall , Its our company as we all are share Holders here.

    I shall Come back with lot more other evidence, if meddling continues to persist
    Many Thanks for all the support you all have been showering upon me by liking my posts, questioning the management

    Please, May I request everyone – Call a Spade a Spade and not to fear scribing here of whats the honest truth and not be supportive of any Corporate Governance or equity Market Fraud.

    Many Thanks to Admin for being Supportive.


    Registered Boarder

    I haven’t yet received dividend …also not received it before too

    My demat account is with ICICIDirect and investment account with ICICI Bank.

    Anyone else got dividend with your accounts in ICICI

    Optimus Prime 06
    Registered Boarder

    I am holding in zerodha linked to sbi account…still not yet credited. I hope it will get credit by tomorrow.. congrats to everyone who received their first
    earning in this scrip..all the best..let’s hope for the best

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