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- This topic has 5,565 replies, 167 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 1 day ago by Longplay55.
July 12, 2021 at 1:51 pm #12092sknataniRegistered Boarder
@ Chris Thank you for sharing this wonderful article. I enjoyed reading it. Yes it is foolish to cut the flowers (Winners) to water the Weeds (Losers).
It is great honor to be a member of this forum where I am learning through the insights shared by respectable Logan, Admin, Kris and Jay69 some other also.
RegardsJuly 12, 2021 at 6:42 pm #12094drpramRegistered Boarder@Chris..
Beautiful article.. Conviction to hold.. I am in stock market for just four years and with BCG for two years. This is the only stock i hold patiently because this forum .. I entered and bottom fished almost many sticks like magma fincorp, Manappuram finance, Ashok Leyland, Bhansali engineering, Wellspun ,Meghmani organics and PG electroplast, but i didn’t hold none of them because of fear of holding..
I made huge losses in other stocks like PCjewllers,Kwality, manpasand , Vakrangee , Srei and all.. Because some stocks i made huge losses and other stocks i exited with minimal profit of 10-20%..
The biggest success story is BCG, i had a conviction to hold for just two years because many august investors are waiting for more than eight years..
I am now in huge profit, i have also invested in some of CI sir’ s recommendations, and i had conviction to hold them..
2021 is a great year for me in stock market fromwhich almost i wished to quit in 2020 ..
Thanks friends for teaching me to develop conviction..
My manasika gurus Logan, odysee, admin, headstead, CI Sir and all for giving me totally free knowledge about not only BCG but on the whole Stock market…
Please accept my PRANAMs.. This is not a name sake but from bottom of my heart..
I hope soon Admin and other senior and wise friends find another gem in the market and form a forum.. Waiting to invest..
Bye friends..July 12, 2021 at 10:39 pm #12096Rishi_lifeRegistered Boarder@logan….. please do not stop on guiding us…this is share market and everyone is investing on their own risk and as per their appetite…we need your suggestions/ update/ insight…we need it NOW THE MOST…where company is in drastically changing the equations with acquisition, dilution, growth etc.etc.. we need your view immediately after tomorrow statment when BCG will declare the name of that other company…
July 13, 2021 at 6:57 pm #12104conservative_indianRegistered BoarderHi all.. LOC talks in final stages.. by end of the year. and new opportunities to unlock soon. 5G..new acquisition, LOC will jump core growth by 30-40%… in nutshell very robust outlook. SKR is reducing pledge and increasing holding. Positive. Plus we may see new fundraising at higher rates and Bonus & dividend. No point of speculating cash flow at this stage. LOC will change everything..
Next Affle will fly like Rafale
?? It will be 150+ at some point and 500+ on longer term.. 50+ will be soon… Moving in “J” pattern .!! Hopefully, by end of March, we may see pledge issue behind us and company would cross 3000 cr topline threshold. Equity dilutions will take some quarter of EPS but new inorganic additions will prop up the KPI. Very interesting times ahead. I had written on Moneycontrol that BCG would lift many from the middle class when stock was trading at 5. This J shape is accelerating this process. BCG is one of my three prospective Nasdaq entrants besides SUBEX and 3i Infotech.SUBEX has moved from 5 to 70 and on its way to 100 and then 500. 3i is about to explode after SOA. Good Luck!
July 13, 2021 at 7:24 pm #12106vgsatworkRegistered BoarderBCG’s acquisition target – How much it might have to shell out? Between 5X-10X of sales? Assuming meagre revenue per employee of $5000/month, it would mean BCG would end up paying anywhere between $330-$660 million – roughly between 2500-5000 crores? Views pls..
P.S – BCG’s average revenue per employee is about $70k per month.
July 13, 2021 at 8:27 pm #12108rahulRegistered BoarderJuly 13, 2021 at 10:14 pm #12110@conservative_indian – Sir, many thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts in this board. I read that you have dropped the idea of paid forum and instead looking to start an open discussion forum. Please let me know if I can help you on this.
What I can do for you is,
– create a new site with your choice of domain name (e.g. conservative_indian.com)
– make yourself and chosen members as moderators. I can also assist in the moderation work like daily approving of new registration/messages, filtering spam contents, taking action on abusive users etc.
– forum structure similar to hidden gems column which we have here. With some topics marked as locked, where only you can post and it would be good for users to understand the story in a chronological order with no clutter.
– support during downtime/crash
July 13, 2021 at 11:22 pm #12111AbhishekRegistered BoarderCI Sir, thank you for the insights on BCG business, roadmap and stock movement with growth story. You also mentioned Subex and 3i, need your help to understand why do you think these 2 are also potential multibagger stocks. Both Subex and 3i seem to be very expensive stocks as stock P/E 77.3 and 65.9 respectively. 3i has delivered a poor sales growth of -11.57% over past five years and Subex is trading at 6.89 times its book value. Appreciate your insights on Subex and 3i with more details.
July 13, 2021 at 11:36 pm #12112AbhishekRegistered BoarderToday’s Outcome of the Board Meeting – Preferential Issue – 12.5% further dilution, does it mean these investors too will get bonus shares if they pay full amount before bonus shares allotment?
Also I am curious to know that why India’s big bull and investment companies are not investing, do they invest only on certain market cap and stock P/E > 10 ? Appreciate if anyone can share some insights.6+July 14, 2021 at 7:11 am #12113Sumeshnair2005Registered BoarderJuly 14, 2021 at 11:50 am #12114drpramRegistered BoarderRespected CI Sir,
I hope and wish you accept the offer rendered to you by our adminji..You do lot of research and post very meaningful and worth a lot messages at free of cost at MMB forum.. But the problem as quoted BH our adminji is not traceable and not in order.And so your work and charity is not available to all amateur investors like us..
If they are stored and kept in locker , they will be lessons for future analysts and poor investors like us..as i wonder the words you wrote one year ago for BCG is true and it is unbelievable as at that point of time even i didn’t believe as we all know how BCG was trading so pathetic.. Now one can’t buy a single share of BCG from Market..
I pray to you just store your views documented , stored safe in a forum like this one..
The necessity is some vulnerable fools like me will get benefit ,whenever the stock goes down we get urge to sell..
One message from @ Rathi of this forum after meeting CEO, i read it repeatedly whenever i feel to exit from BCG..AND I STAYED ON.my daily profit from BCG nears a lakh per day today and as you said it really made me millionaire..
Please i beg you to accept the offer as i feel the wise person like you, Logan , Odysee, Diana, and others , your writings shouldn’t go waste or lie untraceable….
They will be of immense help to fellow investors..
Hope i tried my best to convey my feelings with real intention with my English i can…July 14, 2021 at 5:23 pm #12115raviblkRegistered BoarderJuly 16, 2021 at 12:09 pm #12123ppaulRegistered BoarderI am following this meaningful forum from last 1+ years since i started investing in this counter. Seen ups & downs and at same time unshakeable patience of LTIs. I always remain committed to this counter (except when i dint received dividend for almost 3 months and then followed scores track). But as CI sir posted few msgs , i felt like to express myself as vry small yet patience investor. I made many friends to invest in this counter and suddenly all are thanking me again and again (although after tense 8-10 months). As stated in earlier post i also revisited this counter again and again to gather, gain hints of bits n peices of information reflected in bse/nse updates by management. As i was novice in market (2.5+ yrs now), posts of this forum helped me to assess other counters also. Thanks logan , headstead , admin,rathi , odysee, diana and all positive thinktanks for such a perfect platform . Infact initially when ever i was shortlisting a counter i was thinking of taking help by searching an investorforum for same counter. Though i found few also but no one upto standards of this forum. I seen a full year of emotional / professional/ frustrated / positive thoughts here and it helped me alot to realign myself with the flow of LTIs . I may have just few thousands of shares only but i allocated my 25% portfolio to this counter and am happy that i took right decision at right times to reap benefits today.
Sometimes i feel many of above mentioned members are like satoshi nakamoto who silently in some forum like this laid foundation of bitcoin.
Expressing my heart so openly here is not that systematic as all forum members posts but i ll try to improve here onwards. Thnks admin for wonderful managment. And request CI sir for give all more chances .July 17, 2021 at 11:27 pm #12130Rishi_lifeRegistered BoarderSKR action from last 3 months which he is planning for last 5 years…
– small infuse of capital for loan payment
– debt free company
– infuse of capital for growth
– infuse of capital for acquisition at 4 times higher the earlier price
– acquisition of Indian company
– bonus issueFuture events
– Audio adtech company takeover
– LOC approval
– Daun settlement
– US subsidiary merger
– NASDAQ Listing
– mutual fund entry
– higher dividend
– Synergy gain of multiple aquisitionJust imagine the share price…
Future event are my assumption based on past study….
July 18, 2021 at 2:36 am #12131AbhishekRegistered BoarderVery well articulated Logan, value realization has just started. Bonus shares, ESOP, FPIs entry and most importantly acquisition are very strategic approach to unlock market value and business growth. This rally wont stop until Bonus shares received, that means stock price should reach 100 non stop and then acquisition will take it to 150 by Dec, after that all depends on company performance to take the price to around 300 for Nasdaq entry. This is my personal opinion on based of events happened and plan shared by company. Please share your thoughts. Happy Investing in BCG.
July 18, 2021 at 1:44 pm #12132Follower of Logan Sir.Spectator@Logan Sir, With all the latest developments, Sky is indeed the limit for this stock. In one of my earlier posts, I had mentioned that, Retailers will not enter when it is within their grasp. They will now run after this stock up till 150. Only a few will get it now. What to do ?? That is the way it is. Those who even get at 150, Nothing to loose as this is going to gallop at great speed & Also the day is not far off when it will indeed get listed on Nasdaq. It will shatter all records left, Right & center. This stock is now
a “FOREVER STOCK” Cheers !!!Special Thanks to you, Admin Mr Sudhakar & The great CI Sir along with other greats on this forum.
Mr Sknatani, Pls note mine is borrowed knowledge but Strenght of conviction very very strong.
July 18, 2021 at 9:10 pm #12135buffetRegistered BoarderDear @Logan !
Very well articulated.. As always, your views are thought provoking. You may want to start paid services. Thousands would happily subscribe to.
We have all seen many ups & downs. I must say this, you have played captains role to hold all retailers together. Over last 10 years, I have accumulated substantial BCG shares. Finally moment of reckoning is in the horizon. May be many of us would be in top 200 investors.
As CI has correctly stated, BCG has potential to uplift many of us to upper middle class. I am foreseeing this happening in next 1-2 years. Good luck to every1.
Thank you!
July 19, 2021 at 7:09 am #12136RajRegistered BoarderJuly 19, 2021 at 9:43 pm #12137akkithegrtRegistered Boarderwow,great too see a logical discussion in this group.Thank you !
2+July 20, 2021 at 12:19 pm #12139Investor_2022Registered Boarder -
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