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  • #12624
    Registered Boarder

    My views on the recent Preferential shares and Warrants allotment

    – Company is able to bring in same set of investors to pay higher than before in just a matter of 2-3 months. This shows how much confidence these investors have on the future growth of this company. In fact some of these investors have opted for a higher quantity than before which again shows their increased confidence

    – Apart from the existing FPIs company is able to bring in Mr. Shankar Sharma as investor, who is one of the top investors in India and is very popular in media and in investment circle. One of the wishlist item from our old long term investors community that some large fund houses or a big prominent investor to be part of BCG

    The additional funds will help the company in different ways like…

    – For additional cash in case of increased valuation of Indian DM company as it is also growing during this period or to use these funds for growing existing business or to settle Daum or could be even for a fresh acquisition.

    – Any payment to the DM company in the form of shares will now happen at a minimum price of 37.5 or at a higher level as the share price will be moving up

    Mr. Shankar Sharma’s entry would be helpful to BCG in multiple ways like…

    – Increased media coverage as we are already seeing now. This would lead to increased awareness all across the investment community

    – Probable investment by other large investors / fund houses etc; or atleast BCG will be under their radar waiting for Q2, Q3 results

    – Probably decreased manipulation by operators

    Finally, if we want to pick negatives for argument sake and to scare investors … we can say promoter’s stake
    in terms of percentage will be decreasing and hide all other facts like

    – The number of shares held by promotors hasn’t come down
    – Whereas the value of the their holdings in terms of rupees is increasing
    – We can also hide the fact that their pledge shares percentage is going to come down.

    Registered Boarder

    It will be better that we do not spend time in writing or reading all this about naysayers or people who have criticised company earlier, instead we should be positive and talk, read and write about what’s good. These days, Mr SKR is publishing so many articles on AI, we should discuss and try to find what company may be doing in AI.

    Topic Author

    @Logan – The third point which you stated “3) Company has changed its name few times so it must be a fake company”, was the reason given by the moderator of Valuepickr forum to lock the BCG thread.

    I was the reason why they locked the BCG thread as last year I was posting about important events in Valuepickr BCG thread as well so that more investors benefit out of it. They summoned me saying I am biased with positive side only, and asked for my identity proofs and the reason why I should not be banned. I provided all necessary evidences, and they left me saying I should not be posting biased posts. The same day they blocked the thread as well with the same reason. That incident/moment was my lowest point in my investing journey with BCG as it questioned my abilities. That the founders of Valuepickr forum are not thinking well about the company, but I stood my ground and continued here.

    I am waiting for the day when they are forced to reopen the thread again.

    Registered Boarder

    Request the members to have a look at Vertoz advertising LTD a listed company. It is a programmatic advertising company offers digital advertising and monetising Solutions. I come across this stock as a peer to BCG. It’s a very small company available at ₹99 close to its 52 week low. Could be a good stock in the coming days? Please Share your thoughts on this.

    Registered Boarder

    Freshworks reported a 53% surge in its revenues to $169 million in the six months that ended June 30, 2021 compared with revenue of $110 million recorded in the same period last year. At the same time, losses declined sharply by 83 % to $ 8.9 million. The company was valued at $3.5 billion when it raised $150 million from Sequoia Capital, CapitalG and Accel in November 2019.

    Registered Boarder

    Can someone explain how indian employees of freshwork became crorepathis overnight after listing on nasdaq?

    Registered Boarder

    Jay60, probably in year or two Brightcom also going to be listed in nasdaq, how do you think it would existing share holders in india?

    Blocked User

    @Logan@Jay@Brightspot, I saw the today’s video of Shankar sharma , and got a clue that 100% brightcom will try to list in Nasdaq sonner than later ( May be in next one year), otherwise why would he compared this from TTD valuation. Because as per my understanding company can get much needed cash and good valuation immediately in US exchage and then after share prices in India will exponentially change, And this listing you all have discussed many times in your previous discussions. My understanding is, Shankar sharma agreed to invest 50+ Cr after getting clarity of all the future developments from the management and todays was his clue for us. Request you all the seniors please throw some light, if I m wrong.

    Registered Boarder

    Yes, true èven suresh hinted for US listing of subsidiary. Even in this quarterly concall I expect some reputed analysts to be there.

    I am very happy with the bcg journey so far. But now mind has started asking me a question when will I find next bcg.

    Topic Author

    Thanks @Logan – Your research and thesis have been 100% immaculate. We have been so lucky to get a mentor like you disseminating valuable information at an early stage. Some of your writings in this subject will continue to help as a reference of study for all the new investors/analysts wanting to understand the Ad-Tech space.

    Registered Boarder

    I think that the issues of negativity and scare-mongering hyped up by the self-important petty minded negative boarders are pretty much done and dusted by now @Logan.
    Pointless expending energy on irrelevant boarders who have never understood the importance and depth of your knowledge and contribution to the investing community during the last few trying years.
    But the genie is truly out of the bottle now, and no amount of nonsensical naysaying comments are going to put this back in now.
    The rapid and exciting developments in the last few months have been breathtaking, and the promise of BCG finally attaining international recognition and stature is not just a dream anymore.
    You believed and you made us all believe too. Methodically, systematically, and with painstaking research and study.
    Thank you.

    Registered Boarder

    @Admin, you beat me to the draw in thanking @ Logan. But I fully endorse your comments, and commend you for your success in keeping the flock motivated and together.

    Topic Author

    @odysee – I could not thank you enough for the role you have played in the success of this forum. You have by and large stood along Logan and have immensely contributed towards nurturing an atmosphere for constructive discussion.

    Registered Boarder

    Million thanks to Admin for creating this beautiful platform. @Logan @odysee are real gems of this platform.

    Registered Boarder
    Registered Boarder

    Those who still keep questioning the name changes of the company should try to understand the reasons as well.

    1. Lanco Global to Ybrant Digital – Ybrant got listed in India by reverse merging with a listed company called Lanco Global. When acquisition/merging happens, why would any company want to have the name of the smaller company? Ybrant Digital had better brand value than Lanco Global.

    2. Ybrant Digital to Lycos Internet – Ybrant Digital acquired Lycos. Lycos, even today, is a popular name in the US. To give an analogy, what Yahoo used to be in the 00s Lycos used to be in the 90s. Ybrant wanted to capitalize on the brand value of Lycos, which is one of the many reasons for the acquisition. To know how popular Lycos was, go through its wiki page.

    3. Lycos Internet to Brightcom Group- Because of the settlement dispute with Daum, Lycos lost the trademark and the company was forced to change the name. Even when the dispute was in court, Daum objected to the usage of the Lycos trademark(see point 12 in the attachment).

    Registered Boarder

    Just a thought. I know this forum has been doing a wonderful job by spreading the right information to the people thanks to the administrator and the contributors.

    I introduced Brightcomgroup to a couple of friends. As newcomers they had few questions and I directed them to this forum as I thought it would be a better idea to learn from the intelligent community than me. Though this forum is rich in content, they seem to be having trouble searching for information. Some of the valuable information is lost/not easy to find in the threads. So I was wondering if we could create an index for frequently asked questions. That way we can point all the newcomers to the document. This will also avoid repetitive questions on the Telegram group.

    Registered Boarder

    One of the operators active on MMB “slipped”. He said

    we will take care of this

    Attaching a screenshot of the same.
    That clearly shows that operators are active and spreading negativity.

    Registered Boarder

    Changing name is a normal thing in the course of the business…it could be for legal reasons or for change in business line or for a better branding

    There are many famous and large companies which changed their names including Google, Yahoo, PayPal, IBM.

    Even Zomato, Freshworks originally had a different name…I still recall Freshworks as Freshdesk as it is their first and most popular product…:)

    Probably he doesn’t know that the Twitter platform he is using to spread negative gyan to his followers is originally called Odeo with a different business line all together…:-)

    What next people want to cry for … take some fresh ideas

    Registered Boarder

    On LoC… I feel BCG might not be in need of LoC in near term or might go for a small amount or even totally stop it …Some of the recent developments gives me this feeling like the ones given below …

    – They will be getting an additional 200crs from the fresh PA / PW allotment

    – The recent earnings guidance, I guess is without considering any additional cash. I guess with the new Google’s MCM partnership model probably they may not need to purchase media upfront and doesn’t require any additional capital to scale up

    – The increased revenue might also increase cash flow

    – They might also get some cash generated by the new DM company

    They might go for LoC only if they need additional capital for activities like building new products, upgrading existing products, scaling their adtech, DM business etc; wherein they need to pay upfront and the cashflows are not sufficient enough to support these activities

    SKR will be looking at many other factors as things pan out and will be taking decision accordingly…I feel it is a wait and watch step and is not going to happen in a hurry

    We as investors need to understand that this is no longer a mandatory step and keep waiting / talking about this event to happen just because the management has spoken about this plan long back

    This is just my view point and I might be totally wrong on this.

    Just wanted to bring this thought to everyone … We shouldn’t be surprised at later stage if there is a change in plan

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