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  • #4357
    Registered Boarder

    Nobody opposed your arguments…. Rather most of your arguments are repeatedly aired by we also… What is opposed is extreme reaction involving the media. Further we have to keep in consideration recent developments also….

    Registered Boarder

    Friends lets come to a conclusion, everyone wants BCG share value to increase to its true value. No one wants to sympathize or put pressure on the management, we just want better corporate governance.
    Lets all write to investor relations to have a conf call of 2 hours duration
    Regardless of whether we get proper answer or not in the conf call, lets go and meet SKR personally in his office. When we go as a group of investors he cant be brushing us aside with his excuses.
    Media will never be interested in BCG, they will be interested only when tata’s/mahindra’s/infosys do some mistakes which will get better viewership.
    I have always questioned the ED story, if the ED investigation is true, well and good for all of us. With ED already loaded with lot of investigation cases not sure how much they are looking into this.


    Yes,admin ur right reddy is not clean in his dealings in his past, he played shrewd to kick daum out, i call reddy real greddy person nd im happy he is greedy, let him be more greedy to competet his brightcom share price with affle n tradedesk. Let he get his desired quantity he is looking for so he can speed up the process soon to list himself in nyse, if he has any plans by chance to do it.
    Share market is always meant for promoters n operators, the last comes investor like Me and you all.. let him play his second inngs it will benefit us all this time..

    Registered Boarder

    @ALL… My point is … we all are with you , the CEO… DONT MANIPULATE THE MAREKT. Enough of Market Manipulation. We have given you ENOUGH TIME to sort the issues. Now that , all are in the so called CUSP, and as your majority of personal and comapny related ealings are done )with, take the LID OF THE MARKET and LET IT TRADE FREELY- is aalllllllll, what we ask( we all Know, Market is a Dirty place… been there , seen there ). Sort your issues – Delink it with Manipulation of the shares and STOP suppresing the SHARE PRICE. dont use the words– MARKETS DOSENT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS!!!!


    @lycosmaniac sir, trust me ur going to make a killing , but please be patient.. stock price dont move as per our wish, its made to move by promoters n operators with news n updates n many more things..this time reddy himself wants to take it above 50, i can sense the greed in him to become more richer nd more better than affle now on..and he will do it.. to all others in this forum plz b patience time has come for us to reap the fruits in next two years.. thank u all n good night guys


    Price & Price movements are not under the promoters control, Unless promoter is hand in glove with the operators which might sem to e so. If that is indeed the case then one has to ack up with proper evidence. I am sure none on this forum has evidence to prove it. Shouting hoarse is futile & will yield no result. All of a sudden furry, hmm….very suspicious & Circumspect to say the least. What m/s Shoha has said makes a lot of sense & I strongly endorse her view. Period.

    Registered Boarder

    I Honestly do not Know who is who and Who comes in which ID.If , all of you , who are trying to Console me, soothen me and Comfort me and have requested to put your Trust in you… Thanks for the efforts. I Honestly wish, You are indeed diffrent IDs of the CEO of the company and are trying to pass a message to the community… No one is going to Concede the truth aswell…. So, Best wihes and Good Night…… KINDLY PASS MY REGARDS TO THE CEO AND SAY GOOD NIGHT FROM ME !!!

    Topic Author

    @Lycosmaniac – You have been blocked for falsely accusing all the boarders including myself.

    Blocked User

    Thanks everyone for putting forward your views which i respect and take them into consideration. Now basis my interpretation and understanding of outcome from these discussions.

    I/We respectfully in no mood not to disrespect any views here or to be contrary to any views to allow time to beloved ceo. As very rightly pointed out by Lycosmaniac, Bullguru, the enigma of the issues infront of us all is to trust management, ceo for the deeds performed so far and whats coming up untill May, please let me very upfront Mid May or full May, nothing of any sort ( Audited numbers by Big 4/ Global Audit) will be out or will be shared with public for their consumtion. I have reasons to believe, and we discussed those very openly in the forum not just by me but by others as well. Yes we are bitting our own bullet, whats wrong? just cause am invested in this scrip doesnt guarantee me big returns, any promises to be fulfilled, only hopes and trust we are living in this script.

    Tell me and its an open question to all, in last 10 years name a single entity, corporate, investor, Foreign Investors, Venture capitals, few others who are associated with Ybrant, aka Yrant digital, Lycos, Brightcom, are ever benefited or passed on to benefits who have invested million dollars they made to exit the company at no mercy, do i need to show records the list is huge. what makes us to be sure we are not one among them atleast combinely we are more than 20% of noisy investors making things out from him time on again and again but given a lollipop every year every quarter, am sure there are both yes or no who believes the story and who doesnt.

    Well, to cut the story short, its have been decided that whoever joins me or not, i am making it up as per my action plan. we can wait untill Q3 results Feb 14th. But i am declining the Q&A on concall f9r obvious reasons stated here, cant be one sided closed ended statements as it happens all the time.

    People want to buy more time, they are free to take some, have their own opinions, and can still have a valid investment decision, and i respect that, while i stay invested and being a responsible investor/civilan i know my rights, authorities, and limits to know the reality F2F, in-person and not to be baffled by sweet words. I insist on Material evidence from here on and not on vagur disclosures which makes no sense as an investor.

    Whatever is the outcome, evidences of it, and feeding with information wont be made available unless and untill one takes it themself to be here present with us and show full blown majority. Be my guest in Hyderabad, and i fully support each and every one who can take pain and come with us to put the concerns forward to the right person in right way.

    When i am 1 am a retailer but when am multiplied with 10, 20s 30s i amm no.longer an ordinary investor.

    Decide yourself and let me know for any support, help and whatsoever you need to ensure we do it this time. Lets put an end to this ongoing 5 years journey where we are not finding the ultimate outcome.



    Dear Hitesh,
    Thanks for coming forward.
    My best wishes in your efforts.
    When i am 1 am a retailer but when am multiplied with 10, 20s 30s i amm no.longer an ordinary investor.
    Absolutely. So i request all of you to join and support him. I wish i could physically be there to support .However my moral support and my best wishes are with you all.
    I wish you all success.


    Dear Admin,
    I request you to reconsider blocking LYCOSMANIAC.
    Many of the investors i BCG are under immense stress in every way. They are tired ,exhausted emotionally, physically, financially and many have their family and personal lifes effected very adversely.
    I know of 1 case where some one invested 1 crore retiremenet funds of the partner all of it in one go in 3 lakh shares of Lycos. Imagine its effect on that person and their life.There will be hundreds and thousanmds of similar stories here.
    What to talk of trusting others ,some people may have lost the ability to even trust themslef after being tossed around for many years by all the promises by the management and no delivery or follow up.
    It will be a good idea to give people one warning and after that block them.
    So i am thinking if you give one warning to Lycosmaniac and unblock him this time.
    see what U think.

    Best wishes.

    Blocked User

    @ Admin, i endorse BG view, request to consider unblokcing Lycosmaniac. Its all pain he might be expressing nothing against anyone in specific. Rgds XO


    From this flood ,I am seeing an invisible axis ‘falseinvestorXOphobiaManiaCoperator’,which is a fiddle . This fiddle is winded enough tightly to crest a storm and flood during last few hrs to terrorise small investors to exit. Also could bury some serious discussion of many people in this thread to drowning in this storm and flood below to around ten to to fifteen pages down below so that nobody could access it easily.
    SO it appears time for the take off and the storm and flood created by this invisible axis want people to sell in abundant quantity on the way up.Small investors can be cautious about this storm to shake you through this invisible axis.

    Registered Boarder


    Big LOL.

    Probably u r a recent investor.

    Everry long term investor can relate to the discussion and pain. No fraud person would dare to post him personal details on public forum..

    Just pick up the phone ..and call. U will know the reality.

    Let’s not doubt our fellow friends..let’s not doubt the long term sufferers..


    Logical speak you are open to discuss my fraud instinct with me directly unless you yourself is not trying to be one.
    +919848189420, Hitesh Gupta, Hyderabad. We can meet and discuss the rest about the action plan if you and others are really want to get the most of it. Lets prove everything and have an evidence i agree with your doubtful behaviour, lets agree to disagree my friend, come and speak to us. Rgds XO.


    Hi all the long suffering shareholders of BCG.

    Good to see some people comign out and discussion going.
    Stop attacking each other and doubting others and behaving like kids.. just being typical indians as we are .We all are shareholders of BCG .
    We all have same objective.We may have different opinions and strategies.
    Learn from the past and latest updates.Dont vacillate. Be decisive.
    Lot of you are being emotional and we see lot of good in others and in CEO because we are good humna beings and we see others the same way.
    Measure others and the CEO from actions and not words.Have very clear thinking. Answer to yourself honestly.Then see what answer you get about the CEO.
    There is no reason not to dobt that price is being suppressed /played around in a brutal manner for 5 years at least.If you think that is norm and justified , then get your head checked and why do U think it is happening and why some one doing that shoul not pay the price for it.
    Yesterday’s price action clearly confirms that and it also confirms my thinking that all /most company message boards are infilitrated by company chums or monitored by companies to say the least.
    You all are entitled to your opinion about me and my following up with this issue with PMO,ED etc..I have no interest in name , fame or any position in life. I have had enough.I am a happy man in myself and very contented. But i am for truth justice honesty for every Indian and for evry one living on this earth no matter who they are and what their religion is..I have given all the details to Hitesh.I give those who thin kotherwise about me the benefit of doubt as they dont know me in person. Also rememeber i am at that state ,some one praising me or abusing me does not effect or me makes me happy or unhappy. I am just me and always will be.Yes i will be happy for all the small investors of BCG to get justice and be fairly treated and share the success of BCG .
    Remember companies dont go down because some people have a demonstration against a management. Also remember comapnies dont close down because ED is having a complaint against them.All good honest managements and their companies survive and become better , stronger and more responsible with such actions.If you think that it will hurt the company for long then we are invested in a wrong company.
    Forget your differences.Unite for a common cause.You may meet the CEO but do not expect any thing out of it if you do . In my previous life i have been a zonal level unionist too as well as a manager. We are all trained to handle such scenarios and it is a part of our daily life.
    Mass Media of all types must be involved when you have the protest local as well as national.You can have this after the CON call.
    Needless to say i defended the CEO for many long years and wrote that he could be a victim of the circumstances and may have made some mistakes.I think NWO THAT that may not be the case hence my complaint and coming here.Repeated incomplete DISCLOSYRES are a testimony to that which serve more as an intentional tool to musguide investors rather than guide them giving true and honest picture only to be used by others for their vested interest to play in the market.
    I can keep going but will stop here. Please do yourself and all other small investors a favour. Unite all of you. management will respond ONLY IF SOCIALLY AND PUBLICALLY INFLUENCED IN THE MANNER HITESH IS THINKING.
    Why do U think company received 25 crores personal funds from the management. why do U think they cleaned the standalone accounts by writing off 25 crores of receivables. BECAUSE THEY ARE RECEIVING HEAT AND SHOWING FEAR OF ED. People think that ED cant investigate foreign subsidiaries . How stupid is that.
    If ED suspects that company is a shell company then what is ED going to do.
    ED will assume that every thing is wrong TILL PROVEN OTHERWISE.SOif BIG auditors have taken 1 year to do the accounts, imagine how much time ED can take.
    Good luck all. I see a UC again today as all our messages are being monitored . Dont be emotional and give up your cause and fight for fair play and justice because some one obliged you with few UCS. Rememeber a mushroom of a company AFFLE sells for 1800 rupee.
    Remember i am not selling a single share , never ever have sold one , ithink it will be very foolish investment decision if one is invested for so long and now books a loss and gets out.

    They say keep the busturds honest. Fear of public is the biggest fear.Managements know that things with ED takes time. So in a nut shell the conclusion from my inner computer is go piblic and the rest as discussed by Hitesh. Whne we think we will get things from MANAGEMENT MEETING I THINK WE ARE again selling hope to ourself and like living in that.Even if U meet and U think every thing is OK . i still think protest making issue public is a wise thing to do to keep the busturds honest.Let some one know that they are not God and above law and they are answerable to the 30000 small investors and their families and laew of the land applies to them.
    15. Yes i have voted against PO issue. I think all retail investors shpuld do that to register their protest against the management even when we know that due to promoters majority holding it will go through. Not sure how and why exchanges will approve it when BV IS 70 AND EPS 10.SHOCKING REALLY.
    Good luck all BCG investors.

    PS, If price suppression has happend for so many years for the reasons we have discussed , do you think it is justified /legal fair etc etc ..
    Ask yourself…..

    Registered Boarder

    Charging somebody without proper evidence is injustice. Request all to keep away from that..

    Everybody has the right to express their opinions so long as those are not personal attacks and abuses. Others have to hear that patiently which is democratic. Blocking somebody from talking is an extreme action which is to be taken with extreme caution. In this case I think a warning was only required. So I request to unblock the blocked ID to admin.

    I myself is a long term investor with a single share portfolio and having a holding value less than 20% of invested sum. So I do Identify with the expressed suffering of Bull Guru/Hitesh/Maniac, etc. The management was playing with time is a fact.

    What is criticized is the emotional and extreme way of reacting. Further the failure to look into the recent actions is also a point. There is a jump from narration of suffering to illogical actions. That’s the only point.

    Registered Boarder

    I have voted against PO issue …just now..


    Dead cat ounce & Intermittent spurts will e there, Unless & Until the issues get resolved & One among them is the Gloaal audit report with regards to the numers, Which i at least strongly elieve that it is correct in all respects. A surprise in store could e that the company might come in with a new investor might sell 25-50% stake to google ut like to add till these things happen the stock might languish at 2.30-7.45.One will have to e patience till at least mid May 2020. Cheers.


    I have voted against PO issue …just now..


    Highly appreciated.
    So please all of you voice your dissent by voting against. PO ISSUE.p
    This will make the bus turds think again.
    so friends voice your concern.
    I will add this to my complaint to PMO too.
    Let the management know that they cant ignore small retail investors.

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