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    Done. It is corrected in the original post. Thanks.


    Price action suggest that market maker/operators under immense pressure to keep it below 52 week highs so that it does not move up fast and chanleenge prices further close to the prferntl alottment price.
    Interesting times.
    Looks like once Prfr alltmnt is doen it could enter continuous UCS and no supply from any where as operatos/market makers job will be over.


    @Guruji 108. Dry volumes indicate that this will go to Rs 65/- in a jiffy. This week is the last chance for the ones who are waiting to enter. Make full use of it. Our company is indeed a rock star & it will keep on rocking till its find its fair value which you have already stated as Rs 900.


    Technical projections run this way intially…
    52 week highs taken iut then 1st projection 11.50 area.
    20-23 zone.
    65-70 taken out
    then next.
    then 156-160.
    once that is taken .Next projection 330 -345.
    After that in God’s lap .
    Let us see how things behave and how fast it goes. there.


    @Guruji 108,Normally what i have observed is that once the previous 52 week is taken out, The stock starts making new 52 weeks high. Note this scrip is in a range from last few yrs & if we have to consider that its is in consolidation mode, Then a huge break out will happen as & When pref.share allot done news comes in along with the other positive disclosures regarding issues which we all know. 10Th Mar 2020 it will come out of T2T, Therefore circuit change will happen as a result it will gallop with high speed & if you notice volumes are drying up, So the stock can have u/c till Rs 65 as good upcoming qtly results get factored & Thereafter a short term pause with intermittent corrections helping the stock to go on to 156-160.


    Is this fair value to enter at this stage or shall I wit to come down to 3 ruppes


    MAarket can do any thing.
    It could got to even 3 paisa or 300 rupee.
    Only God knows for sure


    Good morning friends.

    The operators are treading cautiously and not putting up large quantity of theirs for sale.

    Use the opportunity to grab whatever you can without giving them any sort of clue.

    Big purchasers are waiting eagerly with all their criterion and soon will buy large chunks when they are offered with a chance by the operators.

    When the price move up the large investors can buy without a hitch as the money does not belong to them in the first place. They are doing it for someone else and earning a fee.

    But we as small ones would find it difficult to corner more and more when the prices moves up higher and higher.

    May the coming year set a
    milestone where you achieve all your Financial and Personal goals.

    The hard work that you have and are putting in , in cutting on to your expenses, to buy this one will certainly be rewarded BIG TIME..


    May this HNY 2020 make you a
    HNI 20×20.


    Registered Boarder

    KPal ji Bg ji, with due respects to you, the stock is not going to shoot up anywhere in a hurry, even after the daum settlement. I has taken 5 years to hit rock bottom and will take 5 years minimum to hit the top again. Stocks take longer to recover than fall. Bad news sells & good news doesn’t..Personally I am happy if it appreciates by 200% per annum…say even 20 by Dec 2020 is a big achievement..I will be more than happy if Iam proved wrong.


    Dear,It all sounds reasonable,logical to me.
    But in markets past or normal things is not always repeated in future too.

    Moreover the history and nature of this stocj is very different and it goes up in UCS
    fron lows of 3-4 to 156 zone and v v fast.Jst few motbhs to less than 1 year.
    Then BV was 20 and eps 4 and even lower.
    So thinbgs are v v different this time.
    Daum settlement alone can take it to 20-23m35-37 and also 60-70 zone.
    No big deal.
    Once prefrntl altmnt is over and news flow egins with actions it can become unstoppabel.
    we are ina very different market and environment, macro micromfundamentals etc for BCG.

    Registered Boarder

    looks like many people are in BCG at higher price, hence not much volume at this level… Looks like only few traders managed to buy it around 3, hence the market makers are making them exit at 6.5 levels.. before 52w high is hit.


    @ sateana. What you have mentioned is correct in all respects. Need not be true in context of our company, The reason , The fall was or should I say that it was hammered down due to negative trigger, The Daum Issue as we all know. Now the scene has changed as Guruji 108 has rightly put in. There are triggers in the pipeline which will be of positive nature which I have mentioned umpteen times, As a result the stock will catapult with great speed. Also note higher the fall, Greater the jump. What has gone down has to come up & Vice versa. All in all, Great days ahead.


    @ 108BULLGURU, reply to post no. 2689, 90 cont. up circuit to get 500 done from 6.50 and 94 cont. up circuit to get 600 done.


    Are we expecting any announcement to exchange in the next couple of days on postal ballot?


    Thanks dear for your help. so it means around 5 full back to back UC trading months.
    Say uptoJune 2020 end.
    Let us say that with some consolidations on the way by Dec 2020 end .
    No one knows what is going to be the news flow and how strong those triggers will be.I think if all the things that we discussed here and were told at the last CON CALL happen on time then the ridew can be ride of life.


    BCG usually does that late night on Fridasy/satrds.
    So U may be on the money that it happens soon.
    Imagine if market likes the purpsode of preferntl allotment and also the news re who is getting it.
    The back to back UCS on from Newyear.
    2020 can really be a gr8 year for BCG ,LT investors.
    Let us hope for the best.

    Registered Boarder

    Results are going to be out on 1st or 2nd Jan…. wow so quick! Notification on BSEINDIA.

    Registered Boarder

    No, I dont think so. Read it carefully , only closure of window for designated people till the results are announced. The same is in lieu of Big Announcements coming before the quarterly results.

    Registered Boarder

    You are right, I over read the notification.


    Dear friends let us pray God to shower his blessings for prosperous year ahead

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