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SuryaRegistered Boarder
Good to hear some positive vibes again. Nevertheless the time frame to complete few in the above list might take 1-2 years ?? may be….
Besides all above, equally important one is when the Operators Game play will be minimized. Until unless if that is not minimized, all those riped hanging fruits will be dried up and useless. We (LTIs) just have to enjoy/frustrate the show.0SuryaRegistered BoarderGood to read your posts DH. The other great member Headstead shown up in Mmb today. Is he already been here or not aware of this forum ? If anyone has his contact/follow him personally, can let him know and request to join us and share the views. Thanks
0SuryaRegistered Boarderexactly 108BG. Why always few pieces of information released ? Do you see the reason behind hiding it ? or it is a practice by any other company ? I am not sure about that.
If it is not the general practice by any other company….
Its high time to show transference with each public release.0SuryaRegistered BoarderTo issue and allot 3,14,00,000 Equity Shares of the
Company through Preferential allotment at Rs. 10/- each (face value of Rs. 2/- each)
at a premium of Rs. 8/- for allotment size of Rs. 31,40,00,0000SuryaRegistered BoarderDoes anyone clear what the BSE statement released on this topic ? something still missing ?
0SuryaRegistered BoarderI was thinking this kind of forum since long time. Fed up with moneycontrol/mmb. Thanks finally we can see some useful constructive discussions
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