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BrightspotRegistered Boarder
Big relief, Mr shankar sharma broke his silence on BCG..he tweeted this
Let’s be clear: compliance & reporting are extremely important things to give weightage to, as Investors & the SCN rightly points out lapses on this score.
BCG 100% needs to ensure that never ever does it have any such issues.
On the veracity of the global accounts ( Sales, Profit, Cash, Global Tax paid), the SCN doesn’t seem to have any allegations.That’s a HUGE relief for all investors in the company, big & small.
Once accounts are restated showing impairment via P&L, that issue gets addressed.
(That said, investors don’t consider non-cash charges while calculating ” real EPS”. We look at regular operating PAT for this. This concept is called ” Proforma EPS, globally)
Let’s hope BCG management takes this situation as an opportunity to fix its shortcomings. Hard reforms usually happen in crises.From what one can see in the SCN, problems don’t seem insurmountable.
(Lastly, Good thing is that it’s a debt -free company, so liquidity & solvency aren’t an issue. )
BrightspotRegistered BoarderSory for my previous message, definitely its not end of the world, SKR can take this opportunity to strengthen his balance sheet and corporate governance by hiring professionals from good industry, rather recruiting people from unknown companies
Royal orchids also got similar interim order in the past with multiple allegation but its investors did not panic, it reacted only one day , but later company came with many good news and stock rallied, SKR should come with good news like Daum settlement to cool down these panic souls and respect the timeline provided in the reportBrightspotRegistered BoarderGuys according to you impairment of no cash assets should be in P&L or part of Balance sheet
In accounting, impairment is a permanent reduction in the value of a company asset. It may be a fixed asset or an intangible asset.When testing an asset for impairment, the total profit, cash flow, or other benefits that can be generated by the asset is periodically compared with its current book value. If the book value of the asset exceeds the future cash flow or other benefits of the asset, the difference between the two is written off, and the value of the asset declines on the company’s balance sheet.
BrightspotRegistered BoarderThe END of Brightcom
6+BrightspotRegistered Boarder51 Lac after market order sell orders , we had seen such sell orders when company disclosed about FA, probably FA result was out , can someone check on sebi website
3+BrightspotRegistered BoarderIts too late for forming association or any other collective action because there wont be any support for our voice in this as suspected we will have to wait for single digit or delist and close this channel forever
BrightspotRegistered BoarderOur Lazy management person (peshwa) poked his nose during conference call told investors community that DII seasonally invest in companies while we can see DII buy and sell everyday,those people not interested in value creation or bring profit to small investors..They need to escape from investors question at that point in time, this applies to SKR and Peshwa
9+BrightspotRegistered Boarder@ved we can do many things and bring pressure to management, unfortunately we lack unity, no interest found among the we probably wait for single digit for invoke buying interest in retailers and later after 6 months we will be desperate to see double digit ..stay tuned!!
5+BrightspotRegistered Boarderanyone got reply from management? hardly 3 people responded that they have sent email..if numbers are not huge SKR wont arrange special conf call
BrightspotRegistered BoarderI dont believe we should ask management buy back at this time because price came down to pathetic level buy back at this price is not good for anyone, as per new sebi rule promoter should buy at the rate 1% above market price, not beneficial for long termers, they need to bring in new marquee investor or start ESOP buying to boost the sentiments..above 100 he can announce buy back
4+BrightspotRegistered BoarderTo bring in some interest in retailers, operators initiate some short rally and dump crores of shares later , so be careful ..this is not the share price for company with this kind fundamental
6+BrightspotRegistered BoarderThats what happening, few upper trends ppl forget to send and start dreaming until LLPs dump and take 10% down, after sending email followup with call center guys to forward to management
BrightspotRegistered BoarderGuys like MMB pls do not post any false news, rumours in this channel also, if you have anything to share share with link or supporting data..thank you
BrightspotRegistered Boarder@niraj who are those Big investors? can you name pls..ask them to join this channel to discuss
BrightspotRegistered BoarderI have sent email to IR to conduct special conference call
BrightspotRegistered BoarderSKR last time arranged conference call because NSE asked to provide correct and complete information to investors query, instead of giving reply to each and everyones email.. he called for call and wasted thousands investors time..this time please every contribute to it email and acknowledge here..Thank you
BrightspotRegistered BoarderHuman tendency that if we find one UC or 10% upside we start forgetting about sending email to management and start praising him instead, guys as per fundamental this scrip should not be below 250-300 Rs , but now there are crores of sellers below 18, we all know that who is responsible for this pathetic valuation, Management can not escape by saying they dont know why scrip is not performing in each every conference call, they can not fool us on every conference call saying Daum is done deal and still not concluding it, management can not fool us on every conference call saying DII has specific season to buy when DII buying other scrips every day, please learn to counter when CEO is fooling around other than happy with whatever assurance he give
BrightspotRegistered BoarderEveryone pls email and acknowledge here so that we know the number of ppl
BrightspotRegistered BoarderGuys Retweet and add comment to below tweet, let it trend by evening
#ChaloHyderabad yatra to save investors of brightcom
@BrightcomGroup @suresh_66 @peshwaacharya11+BrightspotRegistered Boarderby mistake they have uploaded September 2022 “New SHP September 2022 declared” and later removed , u can see suzlon old SHP even now also
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