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- This topic has 5,565 replies, 167 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 2 days ago by Longplay55.
February 7, 2021 at 1:05 pm #10594nitin_asceRegistered Boarder
@vgsatwork I agree with your statement. If promoters had money then they would have bought PW themselves.
But we should note key thing all this would end when share price rises and it will definitely happen someday. Till then it will be a test of our patience.
6+February 7, 2021 at 1:28 pm #10595SobhaRegistered BoarderDo you think that in a scenario where the promoter is increasing the stake, big holders like Goenka would have exited? Whenever the promoter is buying, it will only increase the share price. If the management was buying at that time they could have managed to get some 6 or 7 crore. Undoubtedly not 34 crore. They could have increased their stake up to 55%. not more than that through such attempt.
The second point raised is regarding the funding capacity of the promoter. I do also think that the promoter don’t have money. How they will manage is already explained.
Let me explain with an example. Out of the 34 crore, consider 30 crore for investment and 4 crore for fundraising. The 4 cr shares they are purchasing for 30 crore. let’s consider that 4cr shares, they will sell for 100 per share. After 6 months this can be easily done by handing over the same to some fund houses. Probably to his assured big investor. Then he will get rs 400 crore. Out of that 370 crore is profit. That 370 crore will manage the entire purchase. So the entire 30 cr share has been managed to get free of cost.
Another doubt also in this connection we have to keep in mind. Already the LOC might have got. He could have easily used 300 crore from that to manage for six or seven months for this entire drama. Otherwise also a company with 3000 crore rs turnover can manage 260 crore rupee for some months.February 7, 2021 at 1:37 pm #10596buffetRegistered BoarderI wish PW would become void.
But what if these 59 individuals are promoters proxies. After approval, they will pump up price 10x 20x & dispose off e.g. 10% of it to some institutional investors & fund the 360+ crs required for warrant conversion. In this case promoters would still have 75+% + 20% thr existing proxies like muskan/goenkas. Isn’t it a master stroke? He already has cornered 20%+ through proxies. With PW, he will get funds for growth+aqusitions & 90% control of company.
February 7, 2021 at 3:25 pm #10603vgsatworkRegistered Boarder@sobha
I am repeating the same point again. If indeed the PW is getting issued and the price increases by 10X or more, no sane person would hand the shares back to promoters for a peanut 10X profit where the shares are grossly undervalued compared to its peers, when they can sell it to a competitor for a much better price and a competitor company can get entry into BCG. Hence promoters might as well forget about getting majority shareholding, if indeed PW happens. If they are any smart, they would form a unison group and take control of the company. Since any sane promoter would not let that happen, one of these things has to happen1. PW getting shelved
2. PW allottees would sell their stake to a competitor paving way for a competitor company to take over BCG by making an open offe subsequently. This way PW allottees would get right price for their shares.February 7, 2021 at 4:56 pm #10605sac6310Registered Boarder@jay69 i do not think there can be any written deal of such kind is possible. Then it will be sure shot case of written manipulation and they will be in trouble. Oral deal can be possible but not written.
1+February 7, 2021 at 4:57 pm #10606Diana HortonRegistered Boarder@sobha….
Great Insights based on your analysis 10592, 10595
@vgsatwork…. The whole Idea of PW is to increase the stake.In this materialistic world, there might be and will be 1000s of ways that an Aam Aadmi retailer cannot think off to make it feasible.I have said it on Many occasions. Management wins on 99% of occasions. By whatever mechanism. I personally am NOT against PW that has been issued. But its the Greed rate and the Amount of dilution at which this was done and and MOST OF ALL at the Cost of Retailers Hopes getting Thrashed.
There was and clear case of Meddling of the Stock for 5 years.
THis planning hasnt happend for a short period of time. This would have been planned as a 5 year pathway, when the needy started Shorting the Stock on a Methodical basis.There were Multiple References that came on the MMB board, regarding Shorting of the stock. I was of the then opinion that it was stupid. However, when the needy, dispersed thier quantity time and time again ( Look at NSE, for Promoter sale- since 2017 onwards). Constatntly, there has been every day Trading, by the promoters throughout this period.
It might not have been the intention to sell off. But,sale to keep the stock price suppressed. I always wondered, Who on Earth, will sell thier own stake at such stupid and peanuts price!!!!! Later when the Mammoth PW was announced, everything came into Limelight and then I realised( Reasons to support the management pitying them for the past 5 years- but later when I realised we were all made Donkeys by the management!!!- and hence wanted to expose the game, after ardently supported the management), Of course, It was a Carefully planned and sucessfully implemented 5 year Game of Shorting.. There could have multiple advantages of this big Game
1. Wade off difficult times
2. Take all the PE investors out
3. Sort Out the pending issues
4. Not to allow any Biggies to Nibble the stock
5. With a End plan to increase the stakeby the current Implemented mechanismI am 100% sure the PW will go through. Having endured the pain for the past 7 years as a Long termer and a Well wisher of the company, I wish the management Good luck in procuring the PW and Subsequently Take the Stock to Great heights – Together
But at the same time, If the Management, does any kind of Foul games, after the PW are allotted, It should come as a Dire Warning to the Mgmt, that- At any Point of time, If appropriate and TRUE Valuations are Not Reached , especially given this 5 Year period for them to sort out all the issues, Everything will be Exposed.
We have seen so Many examples of Company Fraud and Meddling with Equity Segments and the Mgmt sentenced appropriatly.Having Researched the Company Extensively over the past 6 years, We have so much evidence to Expose.Once the Mgmt gets the PW, they should never go on High stating we are King and we have made it and make any kind of FOUL Game. You have made it with the help of WE- THE RETAILER PUBLIC, Who have given STAND and SUPPORT during the BAD times, having Faith in the Company and partly with the Promoter. If FOUL is Noted, after PW are allotted,especially after the Mgmt appetite has been mitigated via this Long drawn Shorting Game ( THE BIG SHORT) then , with all the Hard Core Evidence, We have, we can also Completly Expose the Management and make them Null and Void aswell.
If Shorting is Noticed, Despite Good Results as written by some experts, stating that Markets Might not Recognise Good results untill the Old issues are sorted (Old issues are Kept pending for Personal reasons), which in My opinion is a Glorified Short, Further Stringent action will be taken , as Majority of the Retailers are Infact Aware of what exactly what is happening in the Counter and what Games has been played so far
But,as we as retailers have given support to the management throughout the difficult times, We beleive that the Management will appropriatly Recognize and appreciate the same and will help Sail the Boat to a Great Distancemaking this company a Wealth Creator and not simpley a Money Maker.
Best wishes and Support for the Management On BEHALF OF ALL RETAILERS, to make this happen…..
……………….. DH
February 7, 2021 at 5:14 pm #10607RajRegistered BoarderVery well articulated DH..thanks..
9+February 7, 2021 at 9:29 pm #10608VALUEBUYER001Registered BoarderVery well written Diana Horton . thanks for your efforts and strain taken to put it every thing on record. For some people old timers average is still over 30. Let us hope for the Best
February 7, 2021 at 11:09 pm #10590harshayRegistered BoarderHi received dividend HDFC sec, HDFC account
2+February 8, 2021 at 9:08 am #10610odyseeRegistered BoarderSterling performance by Affle India. 60% growth in revenue. Other parameters also excellent. Where does BCG go from here? We have had a relatively flat performance in the last many quarters, with strained net positive cash flows. Outlook also very encouraging as per management comments fo Affle and their space of business.
6+February 8, 2021 at 3:54 pm #10614buffetRegistered BoarderI have 3 accounts with icicidirect & Zerodha linked to ICICI bank accounts. I have not yet received the dividend in any of those. Can you please confirm if any1 haven’t yet received the dividend ?
3+February 8, 2021 at 4:02 pm #10615rpm87Registered BoarderI haven’t received the dividend as yet. Zerodha account linked to Axis here. Will wait this week before I lodge a complaint. BCG has taught me, among other things, the art of waiting.
6+February 8, 2021 at 4:13 pm #10616SobhaRegistered BoarderMake complaint. My zerodha account linked to Axis received dividend on February 5th noon.
3+February 8, 2021 at 4:26 pm #10617drjayseeRegistered BoarderDear BCG Invest Forum Friends, I have not yet received the dividend and my Account with HDFC Bank under HDFC Securities. Kindly let me know if anybody received the Dividend under NRE Account?. Thank you.
5+February 8, 2021 at 5:05 pm #10618RajRegistered BoarderDrjaysee, Even I haven’t recd the dividend yet. I am with hdfc sec. Whose fault is this? Have they disbursed to everyone and Whom can we complain to?
5+February 8, 2021 at 8:20 pm #10620drjayseeRegistered BoarderDear @Raj and All BCG Friends,
I believe something went wrong internally in the process of disbursement of the dividend. In general, it shouldn’t be like this in distributing the dividend to 50K shareholders in phased manner. I believe many of our friends would have received an email from BCG IR regarding the dividend credit.
Yesterday evening, I have received an official email reply (Pls see the attached and I trust this time many of us will trust that this is “genuine”) from BCG IR for my complaint through email on 2nd Feb (in addition to the private reply/WhatsApp message on 3rd Feb from BCG Top Management). But still I didn’t receive the dividend and again I have sent an email to BCG IR last night for the non-credit of dividend.
I would suggest everybody to send an email complaint to BCG IR and wait for their reply. I know very well that we all will get our dividend maximum by this week but this is not a professional way of running a MNC and also it’s clearly indicates their lack of corporate governance as discussed by many of us in this forum. I am in the process of further follow-up with BCG management in this regard. Experts/long term investors, please share your views / advices to move forward.
Thank you all.
February 8, 2021 at 8:23 pm #10622Srd.rdxRegistered BoarderEven I havent recieved it for all the accounts.
I am yet to get from 2 of the accounts.Thanks!
1+February 8, 2021 at 9:32 pm #10624vgsatworkRegistered BoarderUpdate on the scores portal complaint that I made on 10th Dec regarding bulk deal by Zuber trading
– It is still Open in Scores portal – Looks like BCG has not responded to it yet though when SKR spoke to me I had asked him to put whatever he told me as the formal response and close it.
– From Scores portal, an entry seems to have been created automatically in NICEPlus portal of NSE earlier this month and they had reached out to BCG and the update there is that BCG seems to have responded back to them, but they reverted it back to BCG as there was deficiency in response and awaiting to hear back from BCG..February 8, 2021 at 10:03 pm #10625ramganesh1982Registered BoarderSame here , I haven’t got it yet . I have zerodha linked to sbi . Will wait till this week and submit compaint . Can someone share the sebi compaint link and the information we need to enclose ?
1+February 8, 2021 at 11:31 pm #10626 -
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