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- This topic has 5,565 replies, 167 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 2 days ago by Longplay55.
May 11, 2021 at 10:24 pm #11701Follower of Logan Sir.SpectatorMay 12, 2021 at 1:41 am #11703sac6310Registered Boarder
@Diana Horton, it’s a long time since we listen from you, what do you think where BCG is heading to in next few quarters?
Again very poor display of corporate governance by management by not declaring results by 15th May and taking advantage of sebi relaxation to declare results by 30th June.
Kasam kha rakhne hain na sudhrne ka.
May 12, 2021 at 11:56 am #11704Diana HortonRegistered BoarderDear Sac6310
Many thanks for asking my opinion.
I shall write three sentences, Sac
1.Company is in a relatively very good position- because of Funds they have got from PW,PA and possibly LOC.
2.The PW allotment, As I see is and was the game changer ,as it satisfied the appetite of whoever wanted it at such lower price
3.BCG already announced about the plans for inorganic growth from.the PW funds and the tweet from.Brightcom confirmed it ( watch the space)….AdAuth figures may possibly represent growth of organic figures, possibly, but, Logan, who is a veteran in this field,in one of his posts stated that, there is no direct correlation between AdAuth figures and organic growth.
BCG is certainly and extremely well poised.I am more than bullish and waiting for the tide to take the ride.
May 12, 2021 at 12:22 pm #11705raviblkRegistered BoarderMay 12, 2021 at 4:57 pm #11706LoganRegistered BoarderI’m not a veteran in this field, I just follow the industry closely because of BCG. I try to follow things that are important for investors but I don’t know much about the business aspects. Many years back (before Affle came public) there were no peers to compare BCG with and people compared it with random IT companies which made zero sense to me. BCG’s business is completely different from IT companies. Most people think that all software companies are IT companies and they won’t even bother checking the business properly. I wasn’t getting proper information anywhere, even financial websites compared BCG (Lycos) with random IT companies so I started following companies that were listed in the US.
Regarding Adauth data, I don’t understand that properly and I don’t think that should be considered to compare companies. Magnite Inc (Rubicon and Telaria combined) and PubMatic have 10 times the accounts that BCG has but both their revenues are less than BCG’s. TTD doesn’t have many accounts but it’s revenues are 2 or 3 times more than BCG’s, Magnite’s and PubMatic’s (not combined).
May 13, 2021 at 11:07 pm #11709aindiaRegistered BoarderSome inputs on clarifications sought by Logan:
a. ADAuth metrics
b. Some correction about perception on Israeli entity Brightcom.com, the Israeli sub of BCG
c. The sub’s progress from the year (2008)of acquisition vs. 2020
——————————————————————————————-——————————————————————————————-a.ADAuth:Under watch is the count of The Publishers which crossed 50000 today-13 May 2021.Equally important is the count of “DIRECT” Clients of the TOTAL NUMBER. Let me try and address 2 clarifications Logan sought. The metrics should not be understood as growth in absolute number of clients.They indicate growth in counts under different headings ( PUBLISHERS/ TOTAL/ DIRECT) essentially of the companies(old & new) who have adopted ADS.TXT ( a MUST for GDPR and CCPA Compliance). When we try comparing two companies DIRECT count goes with VERY HIGH Margin engagements vs. the LOW Margin engagement mapped to RESELLER count.
b.ABOUT BRIGHTCOM.COM:ORIDIAN(pre-acquisition name),Israel is“ONLINE MEDIA SOLUTIONS” of 2008, currently dba(doing business as)BRIGHTCOM.COM, is the wholly owned subsidiary of India Listed parent-BCG.
c.Progress of THE THEN OMS,now doing business as Brightcom.com• Investment – Rs.51 crores ($16 mn in 2008)
• Revenue (2020) – Rs.1020 crores ($20mn in 2008)
• Profit-PAT(2020) – Rs.192.5 crores(Ebidta $3.2 mn in 2008)——————————————————————————————-————————————————————————————————
May 14, 2021 at 1:32 am #11710LoganRegistered Boarder@aindia, I think you’ve mistaken, I didn’t seek clarification on Brightcom/OMS and I don’t have any incorrect perception on Brightcom/OMS. Many people still have confusion on this but I never had that confusion and in fact I have said many times that Brightcom and OMS are one and the same and also mentioned about it’s importance to BCG when I first started writing in the forum itself.
Topic on investments (and returns) in BCG’s subsidiaries was one of my first posts in the forum. I was the first person (in this forum) to write about the investment that BCG (back then Ybrant) made in OMS and how much revenues and profits it was making in the recent years.
Regarding adauth, I understand about ads.txt implemention part and also understand the importance of having direct accounts. (I’ve also written about the importance of having direct account many times). One of the reasons why the count is increasing is because more publishers are implementing ads.txt.
What I’ve said is data on adauth alone should not be considered to compare and value companies. SSPs have more accounts (direct and reseller) but companies like TTD, Marin software etc don’t have that many accounts. TTD’s revenues are 2-3 times more than BCG’s. Marin has only one account (on adauth) but it’s revenues are over $100M (750crs).
May 14, 2021 at 10:40 am #11711aindiaRegistered BoarderGood Morning Logan:
I have no agenda to show you in a poor light. Stand excused if I left such a mark.I am swayed by the following statements in your post.
1.I don’t know much about the business aspects.
2.Regarding Adauth data, I don’t understand that properly and I don’t think that should be considered to compare companies.
Bottomline is that you, me and all the boarders here be on the same page.
……..hence my post…. ….hence added
1.HIGH MARGIN ( DIRECT )vs LOW MARGIN ( RESELLER ) counts of clients.2.Added relevance of READINESS for GDPR and CCPA through the proportion of BCG’s count of ADS.TXT COMPLIANT clients ( PUBLISHERS/ DIRECT & TOTAL)
Please don’t get bogged down by the musings of infrequent visitors like me. Please carry on with your contributions……Rest of us would want to benefit from your posts.
———————————————————————————————May 14, 2021 at 12:40 pm #11717LoganRegistered Boarder@aindia, I’m sorry about that, I should’ve been more specific when I said I don’t know much about the business aspects. What I meant was that I didn’t know about businesses of many companies like how a veteran would know i.e. I understand the business but don’t have the knowledge that a veteran would have. They’d have deep knowledge about different technologies, current events/trends going on in the industry etc etc. I follow the businesses of many companies also but I give more importance to things that are important for investors.
May 14, 2021 at 8:04 pm #11720VALUEBUYER001Registered BoarderMay 14, 2021 at 8:05 pm #11721VALUEBUYER001Registered BoarderOut of ASM
6+May 15, 2021 at 11:28 am #11722kmr003Registered Boarder1) It had been more than month BCG got access bro PW amount, no visible action seen
2) It has been more than 6 months LOC timeline crossed – no updates
3) DAUM – no updates
4) Investors Relationship – no reply
5) SKR is too slow in execution, high time to change his behaviour towards market update
6) if SKR don’t want to share any updates/false updates to investors, why to be listed public companyMay 24, 2021 at 10:38 am #11729RajRegistered BoarderHi all, LOC (line of credit) update was given by the CEO during September 2020. Its been 9 months and till now there is no update on the LOC status. Don’t understand why things are being dragged and kept under suspense. No update on quarterly results, pledged share details too. Very sad state of affairs. God bless the CEO..
May 24, 2021 at 11:42 am #11730Follower of Logan Sir.SpectatorMay 24, 2021 at 10:32 pm #11731Follower of Logan Sir.SpectatorAnother Fake story teller has cropped up suddenly from no where. Name, vkhuswaha. I think now Javed akhtar should take rest & Make room for this so called vkushwaha. Mockery…………………. Cheers !!!
2+May 24, 2021 at 10:59 pm #11732sandyc316Registered Boarder@kris Who are you talking about? Is this someone from MC forum?
Anyway, a 10 days old article in Hans India by Suresh Reddy if anyone is interested to read:https://www.thehansindia.com/business/robot-dexterity-will-be-a-game-changer-for-the-world-686386
May 25, 2021 at 12:09 am #11733Follower of Logan Sir.SpectatorYes- Mc forum. Second one has also erupted asking to refer to annual report 19-20. Latest annual report will come out soon for yr 20-21. We will refer to it & then lets see who will lick whom. Alfa44 will have to lick kris. Period.
1+May 25, 2021 at 12:28 am #11734Follower of Logan Sir.SpectatorIncome tax dispute of 95crs plus is chickenfeed for the promoter who is having company reserves of near to 3000crs. Alfa44 & vKhushwaha give your IT sermon to someone else not to us.
2+May 25, 2021 at 5:09 pm #11735LoganRegistered BoarderIt’s funny how some people try to make you the enemy of everyone just because you don’t agree with them (or correct them). They always need someone to blame so first they’ll start talking shit about the company/CEO/Management. When the company/CEO don’t respond to them they’ll try to look at others to blame. They go to some WhatsApp group or some forum like ours and they’ll write something stupid to seek attention. Most people will avoid/ignore them but there’ll be some stupid people like me who will try to correct or give any clarification. These genius people can’t tolerate that. When the price is not moving according to their liking, they don’t want anyone to talk anything good about the company and they just want everyone to bash the company/CEO 24/7. They think that they can write shit and no one should correct them and later they’ll start targeting people who correct them.
They know that they can’t randomly target people who correct them because people will understand their nonsense thinking so what they do is they start calling these people as paid agents or insiders or sometimes they call them the CEO. When these people stop talking to them (or ignore them) then they’ll find someone new to target.
It’ll be their decision to buy shares in any company but they won’t take responsibility for their decisions if the share doesn’t perform well. They’ll take all the credit if it performs well but if it doesn’t, they’ll blame everyone else except themselves.
These people are just attention seekers and they behave as if everything is a conspiracy. Wrt BCG, they’ll act as if it is the only company in the world and they won’t bother to check other companies before commenting something stupid. First it was audit and now it is tax related. You just need common sense to understand these things.
Tax disputes are common everywhere, and almost all the companies will have disputes with the authorities regarding taxes (including the bigger ones). It takes years to resolve these things. Wipro’s earliest is for FY1985-86 (over 30 years ago).
Let me share some information about this topic,
Top IT companies have over $2 billion in tax disputes Read more at: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/ites/top-it-companies-have-over-2-billion-in-tax-disputes/articleshow/64847253.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
Tata Consultancy Services, Cognizant, Infosys and Wipro have about $2 billion in tax disputes pending in India, largely over differences in calculating incentives for export-oriented units and distribution of dividend taxes to investors.
Tata Consultancy Services, India’s largest IT services company, has over Rs 5,600 crore in disputes pending with tax authorities, a figure that has nearly doubled since the previous financial year, the company disclosed in its latest annual report.
An IT industry executive, requesting anonymity, said companies lose even if they take a dispute tp a court. “If a company wants to contest a tax notice, it will still have to deposit a part of the money claimed by the tax department before a court takes up the case,” he said.
In a recent case involving Cognizant, the Madras High Court granted an interim stay on the Income Tax department’s proceedings, subject to the company depositing 15% of the Rs 2,800 crore dividend distribution tax demanded by the department. Aformer CEO of a Bengaluru-based IT services company said such cases remain indecisive for years, and decisions have been in favour of companies on many occasions.
“Companies take one stand and tax authorities take another stand. Then the tax authorities want it to be sent for appeal because no party decides. It goes on,” this person said, declining to be identified. These tax disputes are in stark contrast to the situation in other countries that are rolling out the red carpet to Indian IT companies to set up shop.
BT Buzz: India Inc’s tax dispute load is reducing but for how long
It is not unusual for businesses to find themselves locked in a dispute with tax authorities for years given India’s low compliance track record and slow pace on resolution. However, there seems to be some notable progress on these fronts. Corporate India has seen a substantial decline in tax litigations of late, helping the government unlock revenues.
Disputed taxes of a little over 1,000 BSE-listed companies saw a year-on-year (y-o-y) growth of 1.5 per cent in 2019/20. It had increased 5.3 per cent and 7.8 per cent in the previous two fiscals. This respite comes after taxes related to income, sales and excise locked up in such disputes rising to a massive 42 per cent by the end of 2015/16. Companies usually disclose the amount stuck in these disputes under contingent liabilities owing to their uncertainty of outcomes.
Supreme Court Set To Resolve A 20-Year Old Software Tax Dispute
The Supreme Court is set to rule on a two decade old tax dispute. The outcome will impact companies like Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., IBM India Ltd., Hewlett Packard India, Mphasis Ltd., Sonata Software Ltd., GE India and 100 others who import software for sale in India.
As mentioned in the articles, some disputes go on for 20 years or more. Famous and big companies like TCS, Wipro, Samsung, Infosys have disputes for such a long time. Attention seekers will try to look at these things as some conspiracy theory but in reality these are very basic and just common sense is enough to understand.
People don’t have to be the CEO or paid agents to have common sense. This is a forum dedicated to talk about BCG (and it’s peers, industry etc) so whatever I discuss or give clarification will be related to BCG – it’s simple as that. Some genius people don’t understand all these and they’ll write nonsense things about us. Some people trash talk about the company/CEO when the price falls and the same people will praise them when the price rises. They blame others if they don’t make any profits. I’m not like them, if I don’t make profits in BCG, I’ll take the responsibility and I won’t blame others. This is equity market and I know the risks and rewards.
May 25, 2021 at 6:15 pm #11738Follower of Logan Sir.Spectator -
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