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  • #13046
    Registered Boarder

    Lot of negativity is being spread around the Preferential Issue

    Looks like we have forgotten the history … Note that the market cheered positively when issue was announced and all of us has voted in favour of the same

    Listing out some points which the investors liked at that point of time … request the new investors to please know the history and take your investment decisions

    – These funds will be used to acquire companies … lot of people were skeptical at that point of time that how will BCG get funds for acquisitions when it’s MCap was some 2000 odd crores or less and looking to raise 1500 Cr … remember BCG sales was not like this before and there was a challenge in free cash flows too

    – The price at which this was allocated … 37.7 rs which was higher than the pre-bonus figures of around 27 … this gave a lot of comfort for the investors that we were able to raise the same amount with less equity dilution and even the price was high

    – And the big surprise factor of Mr. Shankar Sharma’s subscription … the whole market cheered this event … this event has played a substantial role in the rally of BCG and further fuelled by other events like 100% increase in revenue, PAT, FCF generation, leadership hirings and news of acquisitions etc;

    Anyway, its one more step forward in acquisition of DM and Audio adtech companies … This funds will help BCG to move fast and close MediaMint acquisition and bring the new team on board … needless to talk about the topline and bottomline growth it is going to bring on table both as an individual entity and as a backend supporting entity for BCG’s sales team

    Registered Boarder

    Brightcom is now a trading stock between 150-200, around 25-35 PE, till Dec results. No need to take tension regarding 5% +ve / -ve movements, and conspiracy theories.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear all,
    Company is considering bonus shares for share holders on 25th January, this is in addition to other agenda…results etc.,
    Best wishes

    Registered Boarder

    SE_announcement_16012022.pdf. Bonus issue

    Registered Boarder


    Registered Boarder

    Hi Logan ,

    Great to continue hearing from you on all the current happening and feels great to connect back after a while in this forum , however I see this another bonus share announcement little concerning . I am sure you will also be not appreciating the fact that this dilution is not coming to an end . When I look at it from one side this bonus share is a saviour from dumping of shares impacting the share price .. but if I look at it from market sentiments perspective then it’s a concern if the market sentiments go the other way . Please share your opinion on this allotment plan !!! Awaiting your response on this

    Registered Boarder

    Nothing to be concerned about. This is just a way so that PW holders pay up in full and get their warrants converted to equity.

    BCG can utilize that money to pay for their acquisitions.

    Registered Boarder

    There are 4 major benefits,
    1. Improve liquidity for normal trading of shares without uc and lc
    2. Reward long term share holders
    3. Unlock value for future expansion & buyouts
    4. Avoid paying high dividend and use this reserve for future growth
    Anything more or less favorable informed members can enlighten

    Registered Boarder

    Dear all,
    Company has given clarification

    Registered Boarder

    Lots of news from BCG and Adtech industry in recent days

    – BCG is announcing results on 25th, which is 15 – 20 days earlier than usual.

    – Guidance figures of around 100% growth and the highest ever numbers in the history of the company … FCF of 250 + 250 in next two quarters

    – Approval of 1000 Cr for one or more Audio Adtech company acquisition

    – Approval of Preferential shares to FPIs and to Mr. Shankar Sharma

    – BCG included in MSCI Index and BSE 500 and other indexes

    – Funds are adding on a regular basis

    – Adtech industry is one of the best high growth sector to be invested in

    On top of all these news we have the second bonus issue within a span of six months

    Lots of positive reactions to it, and some negative reactions too … While the positive group is overwhelmed with joy and started celebrating and creating memes and the negative group as usual continue to find faults … the latest being the bonus issue

    This reminds me few years back when the stock was beaten down, investors were asking SKR to do something so that market can cheer up and the real price can be discovered … I see that SKR was always a investors friendly person conducting calls regularly which other CEOs avoid … Before he had other challenges and was focusing largely on the business side, but now he is also focusing on the market side and is rewarding investors wherever he has scope to do so … I should say thanks to SKR gaaru for considering bonus for the second time in an year

    Note that there are different strategies the company adopts at different stages of the growth, driven by different market factors which are best know to the company management and directors … From our side, once we board the ship all we need to do is Trust the captain of the ship and not keep doubting every action of the captain … Remember the captain of the ship in our case is also the owner of the ship

    The information is all out there in public … it all depends on how we look at it and most importantly what weightage we give to each of these news

    Going by books knowledge, dividend given multiple times in an year is a good sign … but the situation of BCG is different … given all these below factors and any many other future things, I feel SKR and the board are the best people to decide on what is good for the investors

    – In terms of time, the proposed bonus is after 6 months

    – In terms of price, it is after 5x the price of previous bonus

    – In terms of sales and profits, it is after 2x times previous sales.

    – Dividend option is ruled out as the company needs funds for acquisitions and technology development

    – With increased demand coming from both retailers and funds, prices are moving fast leading to circuit limits and ASM by the exchanges … demand is going to go up because of inclusion in different indexes and possibility of inclusion in other indexes too, coupled with further improvement in business from the company side

    Registered Boarder

    Fund houses are continuously adding in BCG on a daily basis

    On Jan 2nd, Morningstar was showing 72.8 lakhs and this stat has increased now to 107 lakhs or 1.03% … around 35 lakhs increase during this period

    Brief stats since last few days

    Jan 14th – 98,48,326, 0.95%
    15th – 103,09,928, 0.99%
    16, 17 – no change
    18th – 107,11,024, 1.03%

    I see some new names like TIAA Investments, Teachers Advisors, Russell Investments etc; in the list


    Registered Boarder

    Dear Investor friends, As I referred about massive wealth creator Infosys when question came on low promotors stake in BCG, similarly regarding bonus shares too BCG is not the only company giving second bonus in 6 months, Infosys too did in Dec2014 1:1 and then Jun2015 again 1:1. BCG has such a great cash reserves and so it makes complete sense to reward share holders. BCG is on path to become Infosys in DM and Adtech business. Happy Investing.

    Registered Boarder

    Hi Logan , thanks for your post #13066 . These days I don’t see any MSG from Rathi or others who visited skr during rough patches and got some road map . It will be great if they can comment on whether we are aligned to what was discussed during those days .. wish to get some response from Rathi and team on this .


    Registered Boarder

    @Logan, I was pretty appalled when I read that piece that you are referring to.
    Surely, this gross distortion of facts cannot and should not be passed off as just lazy journalism. This is a criminal act in that it has blatantly distorted and twisted factual publicly available published data with the clear intention of misleading thousands of small retail investors who rely on reporting in such publications for their investment decisions.
    Wonder if there is any remedial action available to bring to book such reckless and cavalier ‘journalism’.

    Registered Boarder

    Some people are thinking that Q3 numbers are not good and that’s the reason for the second bonus recommendation.

    Just to refresh our memories

    – During Q2 call, SKR has answered for one of the caller’s question that the guidance numbers are in tact and there is no change … this suggests that we are on target and this event has happened in middle of November … we can give some weightage to this statement

    – Again during the AGM, which happened on 31st Dec, SKR has re-affirmed that we are on target for both Q3 and Q4 numbers … A bigger weightage to this statement considering this event happened at the end of the quarter and was mentioned by SKR himself upfront and not for some random caller’s question

    Please check the AGM video from 25:30

    These two statements gives me enough confidence that the numbers are good enough and bonus is to reward the investors

    On the contrary let’s assume that the numbers are missing guidance and are falling short by say 10 or 20% … Even In this case, I believe we are still good enough as it will be still 80% YoY growth and much higher in comparison to any other IT / digital / Adtech companies which would be showing 20 to 50% max … On top of it we are also getting bonus shares … Isn’t this good that company is proactively taking steps to protect investors money, what more we want as an investor

    Registered Boarder

    Well said @Logan. But it does pain me to see the lack of professionalism in financial reporting and journalism, where no effort is made to provide an objective analysis and interpretation of factual data.
    It’s a given that different conclusions may well be arrived at after studying the same set of data and company presentations,depending upon the experience and exposure to financial markets of the particular reporter, but the sheer brazenness of the distortion and the lack of editorial oversight is breathtaking.

    Registered Boarder

    The media post had irrelevant comparison of BCG with IT stocks and considering only the standalone numbers for concluding BCG is highly over valued. The report will make no sense to people who understand the business and fundamentals. Cheers to all the investors of BCG who are going to make a big fortune.

    Registered Boarder

    Having lived outside the country for a decade, I am sorry to say that mostly our journalism is garbage and can be easily bought or manipulated with a bottle of liquor or perfume….exceptions are always there.
    The Great news is big investors like us are accumulating along with FII’s and HNI’s.
    Bonus 1:1 and share split can unlock the value in future.
    Good luck

    Registered Boarder

    Dear All: One of the reason which is very valid for the 2nd Bonus issuance

    This is from CI Sir and according to him “Needs average daily turnover of 1.1M shares over 12 months for NASDAQ listing. All other requirements are met. Bonus issuance will increase turnover. Expect listing news to hit the headline in 2022 and listing later.”

    Registered Boarder

    Bonus issue is a welcome move by BCG management. Bonus announcement per se was sufficient and was quite positive one, but a separate late night clarification on the rationale for bonus is what is probably what is affecting the sentiment in the last few days.

    Any generous bonus in the ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 would be seen as a very positive sign combined with stellar Q3 results. But, If the bonus ratio is 1:4 or 2:5 kind of ratio, one would tend to think that this is to pacify/compensate the FPI investors who were initially supposed to invest in at 31 rupees and get the 1:4 bonus are being compensated now (for their investment at 37.7 subsequently post bonus price) that the exchange approval for the preferential allotment has come through barely a week before the notification on the bonus. If we do end up with such bonus ratio, I would tend to think that it is more to compensate the FPI investors than to reward the retail shareholders. An interim dividend would be a better sentiment booster than 1:4 or 2:5 kind of bonus ratio.

    Please do not take me as a doomsayer or someone against BCG. I have been holding sizeable number of BCG shares for over 3.5 years now and I continue to believe in the long term prospects of the business and continue to hold all my shares without selling a single one of them. But I believe these moves should be done with genuine retail shareholder interest in mind as opposed to be a pleasing move.

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