Questions to ask / Post-Conference Update


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  • #492
    Registered Boarder

    Dear Friends,

    We are having the conference call scheduled this Sunday(17Nov) @ 2PM for discussing the Q2 Results.

    I propose if we can use this forum to discuss and list out some specific and much awaited questions that we are going to ask.

    So whoever gets connected to the conference call for Q&A will represent and ask these questions to the management.
    (PS: It would be great if someone summarises and prioritises these questions before the conf. call)

    I hope and wish we all get satisfied answers and updates from BCG management.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by vsk.
    Registered Boarder
    Topic Author

    My set of questions:

    1. Daum settlement amount and expected date ?

    2. How mcuh cash is in the books ? Will Daum settlement done via internal accruals ?

    3. LOC when and how much, given the US subsidiary applied for bankruptcy is it still a possibility ?

    4. Closed debts are from internal accruals or promoter funded ( will it add equity to promoter) ?

    5. Affle reports 100% revenue growth Y-o-Y why BCG cannot grow fast?

    6. Increase in promoter holding by release of pledge shares when ?

    7. Axis loan closure amount(~11Cr) and date ?

    8. When can we expect AI to start contributing to BS and topline ?


    All good.
    However.(6. Increase in promoter holding by release of pledge shares when ?) the release of these shares does not in anyway increase holding or % of promoters of the issued stock as on date as they are just the shares that have already issued and owned by the promoters.


    Good idea sir

    Registered Boarder

    Earlier he offered at least a small dividend. when he is declaring that?

    Why a financial institution should give a loan (LOC)of 150 million USD to a company having a market capital of 20 million. Why this much duration, If they agrees?
    He could have settled with daum from internal accruals and with a higher market capital, subsequently tried for loan for working capital which would have created better chances for LOC. Why not doing like that?

    Question of flat results for many years while peers like affle,desk to desk, etc are making huge improvement?

    Whether oak wants to exit or not? Because in last con call he said – supply of shares is over.

    Registered Boarder

    Also what effort is he making to get BCG recognised by the market as a ethical company, has any efforts being put in to make the DIIs & FII’s invest in BCG. Why no regular appearances in Electronic & Print media ?? Of course the answer maybe a four letter word for everything – DAUM


    In the last conf call if I am not wrong he said notice of preference shares will be sent in 2 weeks. but the quarter itself over. SKR need to keep up his promises


    My Questions for Conf call.It would be nice if someone can ask this, i dont get connected from London.

    Can you please outline the steps that are being taken to increase bottom line and topline revenue
    Company is reporting flat growth over the past few years

    Can you please let us know how we are doing on the AI front.
    Is AI generating any revenue

    What are the plans for Lycos
    Has the settlement amount agreed between Brightcom and Daum
    When will the shareholders be updated regarding the settlement amount.
    If LYCOS is back into Brightcom, what is the business startegy for Lycos
    LYCOS brand value is eroded, whats Brightcom’s view on this.

    What steps are being taken to make BCG a professionally managed company
    Brightgroup wesite is rarely updated
    No information regarding subsidaries
    Minimal information regarding Directors
    Conference call recordings not updated

    What steps being taken to promote the company and increase shareholder value
    Are we planning any analyst meet
    Are we planning to bring in any long term investor.

    Can you please provide and update on the below statements to the exchanes on 14th June .

    Some Shareholders, Investors and the
    Promoters have expressed interest in applying
    for additional shares and the company is
    putting together certain alternatives on how to
    accomplish that????

    Question Regarding Big 4 audit firm
    1. The company is working on consolidating
    foreign subsidiaries for simplicity of
    operational management and reporting.
    2. We intend to bring in a big 4 firm to audit
    these entities.
    3. We have engaged a consulting firm to help
    with this restructuring effort. The process may
    take 4-5 months to complete.???????????


    Good questions.Make them brief and punchy.Dont expect any straight answers though.Even if you get them the fulfillment is another issue.


    Hardly there will be 30 mins for Q&A. So give importance to the most concerning issues and keep it short

    Registered Boarder

    I have a few queries on the declared results:

    1. Which parties has loan of Rs. 168.64 crs gone to in non current assets

    2. What constitutes loan of Rs. 755.92 crs in current assets

    3. What constitutes Other current assets of Rs. 699.0 crs

    4. Which party has the company borrowed Rs. 36.02 crs from in current liability

    5. What constitutes other current liability of Rs. 214.97 crs

    I have sent a mail to investor relations and do intend to ask these questions given a chance along with questions raised by other boarders here. My point is that the company has nearly Rs. 1600 crs in current and non current assets, why is it so difficult for the company to pay off small liabilities like Axis bank loan and daum.


    Well done.
    They are very important questions.
    I did not get an appropriate response.
    Some thing for detailed look into for ….


    Please also ensure questions are sent to their IR email beforehand..


    The company is having current assets of RS 1600 crores but it is doing a drama for daum settlement may be..only SKR knows….

    Registered Boarder

    Friends, I know there has been alot of discussion on intrinsic value of BCG being in multiple of 100’s when compared to AFFLE/TTD or other similar companies. That may sound true on paper and based on the consolidated numbers BUT that is nowhere reflected in the current price. Can we detail the reason what can make it a Hero again… I am starting it with a few points. Lets add more points to the list :-
    1> High Corporate governance values by the way of more accurate and more knowledgable disclosures to exchanges.
    2> Daum closure.
    3> Outstanding bank loan closures.
    4> Preferential allotment at Rs 10.

    Please append the list and reply with the updated list..Lets have it in one place on what we expect from Mr Reddy and what he can do. Near the con-call I sugggest we send the same over email to IR team. Let us all send the same…and they be pressurised.



    It is a very good idea.
    Friends, I know there has been alot of discussion on intrinsic value of BCG being in multiple of 100’s when compared to AFFLE/TTD or other similar companies. That may sound true on paper and based on the consolidated numbers BUT that is nowhere reflected in the current price. Can we detail the reason what can make it a Hero again… I am starting it with a few points. Lets add more points to the list :-
    1> High Corporate governance values by the way of more accurate and more knowledgable disclosures to exchanges.
    2> Daum closure.
    3> Outstanding bank loan closures.
    4> Preferential allotment at Rs 10.
    5>Lack of trust in the balance sheet.
    6>receivables of 900 crores due…
    7>Poor free cash flow as repeatedly told by the management.
    8>Lack of auditing of accounts by a leading auditor of international standing
    9>Non payment of dividend.
    10>Release of pledged shares of the promoters by the concerned parties.

    Please append the list and reply with the updated list..Lets have it in one place on what we expect from Mr Reddy and what he can do. Near the con-call I sugggest we send the same over email to IR team. Let us all send the same…and they be pressurised.



    It is a very good idea.
    Friends, I know there has been alot of discussion on intrinsic value of BCG being in multiple of 100’s when compared to AFFLE/TTD or other similar companies. That may sound true on paper and based on the consolidated numbers BUT that is nowhere reflected in the current price. Can we detail the reason what can make it a Hero again… I am starting it with a few points. Lets add more points to the list :-
    1> High Corporate governance values by the way of more accurate and more knowledgable disclosures to exchanges.
    2> Daum closure.
    3> Outstanding bank loan closures.
    4> Preferential allotment at Rs 10.
    5>Lack of trust in the balance sheet.
    6>receivables of 900 crores due…
    7>Poor free cash flow as repeatedly told by the management.
    8>Lack of auditing of accounts by a leading auditor of international standing
    9>Non payment of dividend.
    10>Release of pledged shares of the promoters by the concerned parties.
    11>11 loans and advance given
    Why no interest income received ?
    12 other intangible assets in balance sheet of every quarter. what is it?
    13 other current assets in balance sheet of every quarter. what is it?

    Please append the list and reply with the updated list..Lets have it in one place on what we expect from Mr Reddy and what he can do. Near the con-call I sugggest we send the same over email to IR team. Let us all send the same…and they be pressurised.


    Daum closure
    Bank loan closure
    LGS receivables status now
    Big 4 audit of subsidiaries
    Large Other Current assets/ Intangibles in balance sheet ..what are they
    Professional board of directors instead of friends and relatives.
    National and International investors of repute. Not friends and relatives.

    Dividend @ Rs 2 which will be 20% of eps ONLY can prove the numbers.

    Registered Boarder

    19: Future growth strategies?
    20. Can we include the president Pisipati SS prasad in the conf call to explain the intiative he is working on.(Remember SRK telling in the conf call that SS parsad is helping him in some initiative)

    Also can we request the conf call to be of one hour duration.Usually SKR gives generic statements for 15-20 min and we get time for only 4 questions.


    It is a very good idea.

    Friends, I know there has been alot of discussion on intrinsic value of BCG being in multiple of 100’s when compared to AFFLE/TTD or other similar companies. That may sound true on paper and based on the consolidated numbers BUT that is nowhere reflected in the current price. Can we detail the reason what can make it a Hero again… I am starting it with a few points. Lets add more points to the list :-
    1> High Corporate governance values by the way of more accurate and more knowledgable disclosures to exchanges.
    2> Daum closure.
    3> Outstanding bank loan closures.
    4> Preferential allotment at Rs 10.
    5>Lack of trust in the balance sheet.
    6>receivables of 900 crores due…
    7>Poor free cash flow as repeatedly told by the management.
    8>Lack of auditing of accounts by a leading auditor of international standing
    9>Non payment of dividend.
    10>Release of pledged shares of the promoters by the concerned parties.
    11>11 loans and advance given.Who has received these loans?
    Why no interest income received ?
    12 other intangible assets in balance sheet of every quarter. what is it?
    13 other current assets in balance sheet of every quarter. what is it?
    14.LGS receivables status now
    15.Big 4 audit of subsidiaries
    16.Large Other Current assets/ Intangibles in balance sheet ..what are they
    17.Professional board of directors instead of friends and relatives.
    National and International investors of repute. Not friends and relatives.

    18.Dividend @ Rs 2 which will be 20% of eps ONLY can prove the numbers.
    (Agreed .That will comne to only around 100 crores agaibst near 500 rores net profit.Now there is no tax payable by the companies on dividend payout)
    19: Future growth strategies?
    20. Can we include the president Pisipati SS prasad in the conf call to explain the intiative he is working on.(Remember SRK telling in the conf call that SS parsad is helping him in some initiative)

    Also can we request the conf call to be of one hour duration.Usually SKR gives generic statements for 15-20 min and we get time for only 4 questions.
    Please append the list and reply with the updated list..Lets have it in one place on what we expect from Mr Reddy and what he can do. Near the con-call I sugggest we send the same over email to IR team. Let us all send the same…and they be pressurised.

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