- This topic has 217 replies, 49 voices, and was last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Saach.
January 30, 2022 at 12:10 pm #13129hw_twRegistered Boarder
My views on some of the points discussed in the call … a bit lengthy one, hope it will be published
—– Receivables —-
[SKR, YSR comments]
– Receivables are around 2095 Cr … most of it is pertaining to this quarter sales– On track for total of 500 Cr FCF in next two quarters … We are gung ho about achieving it
As most of it is for the current quarter’s revenue we could expect significant collections in Q4 and most probably this number will come down in Q4 and FY23 Q1 (excluding growth factor)Anyway this High receivable amounts / days is no longer a worrying factor for BCG. It has now successfully overcome this threshold limits and is now into a FCF zone… Yes it is still a problem for its peers who are struggling to swim across this zone and also it will keep away any new entrants at bay … also it is advantageous for BCG as it will now be able to make competitive deals compared to it peers and grow faster while increasing its market share
—- Other Points —–
[SKR comments]– Publishers count at 43 … The number given is for Full Service publishers … We also have automated model … Will share more details soon in a PPT
My understanding on this is that, in the Full service model, BCG team will be working closely with the publisher team to discuss on things like ad types, size layout etc; plus many other things … they would be looking to maximize the revenues for the target publisher … mostly this is opted by large publishers with multiple sitesAutomated model, is like a self service type wherein the publisher himself takes care of everything on Brightcom’s platform, its a typical SaaS model
[SKR comments]
– Added 12 new Ad agencies on top of 200 existing agencies[hw_tw]
This is a significant increase in a single quarter[SKR comments]
– There are other pure play video players … the major advantage with Brightcom Player is that BCG will also be giving a monetization option to the publishers—- Future Focus Areas —-
[SKR comments]
– Not interested to get into gaming / content side– Not interested in start-up fund creation and partial stakes
This shows that the team’s strategy is to clearly focus on AdTech business … given the FCF it will be tempting what other new age startups are trying to do with investors money … VC type investing with some crazy valuations in the name of cutting costsThis also brings the point of low Promoter’s holding … It is again clear that the promoters interest is only in this business and are full-time working only on this business and not trying to do anything outside or even inside … ?
—- Long term Visibility and Sustainability —-
[SKR comments]
– Contract periods are usually for 1 year and are automatically renewed … budgets are defined upfront– EBITDA margins will remain at same level in coming quarters
Stable with multi-year contracts, provides a clear visibility in terms of revenues, margins and resources etc;.You know now why BCG is able to give guidance and is able to meet it consistently unlike other Adtech or midcap IT companies who’s contracts are for shorter periods in months and totally depends on how much the sales team is able to bring in new business on a quarterly basis
Needless to say Analysts give higher weightage to this aspect and will be comfortable in giving higher PE as they see long term revenue visibility with multi-year contracts coupled with a healthy and industry leading EBIDTA margins … of course this needs to be coupled with other factors like growth, FCF etc; which we will discuss below
—- Growth Related —–
[SKR comments]
– AdTech industry growth will be EVEN GREATER than 20% CAGR for next 5 years and our target is to do better than this … FCF, ROE will help us to do it better– Don’t see much impact post pandemic as most people are spending online and this behaviour is going to stay … also more people are purchasing online which has shown a 60% growth last year
– Ad impressions count has touched 90 billion / month … hope to see this touching 100 billion fairly soon
– High quality Publishers flowing through Google MCM partnership
This is a super good news if you are a long term investor … lets decipher this a bitConsidering it is around 25 to 30% industry CAGR and BCG trying to do better than this figure by a plus 15 to 25% … I guess this is reasonable considering that this year BCG is clocking 80% plus which is 20% above the highest growth rates of 60% seen in eCommerce segment, one of the massive contributor
So, overall we will be seeing a organic growth of 40 to 55% range in coming years … I am also including MediaMint led growth into this as achieving it would be requiring this teams support
On top of this growth figures, for the next FY we will have to do some additions
– The first one is the gap of around 500 to 600 Cr because of lower base of last year Q1
– The second one is around 185 Cr revenue from MediaMint … This is expected to close max by Feb / Mar endThis addition will be 500 + 185 Cr = 685 Cr
40% growth on top of it = 685 + 274 = 959 (near to 20% of 5000 Cr)So, the final growth will be 60 to 75% for the next FY
What about the FCF component … this year the FCF is around 50% of total profit … Assuming it will be in same percentage this could come in the range of 800 to 875 Cr basis above growth figures
This is just my view from outside, and my expectations on growth and FCF might be totally wrong both on lower and higher range … Things will be clear in March with official guidance numbers from the company
Listing some important growth drivers and levers which gives us an idea of what is causing growth for AdTech industry how BCG will be capturing it
Adtech Industry growth drivers – Increased digital time, 5G, Audio, Metaverse, Increased adoption of digital and programmatic ads etc;
Levers of growth from BCG’s side – FCF, Acquisitions, New Product and Services offerings, New markets, Existing market share increase etc;
With these growth drivers, levers and projections even on lower side, I am seeing a “Decacorn” in my portfolio … hope it’s not foggy out there for you ?
May 31, 2022 at 6:21 pm #14028hw_twRegistered BoarderI guess there will be lot of questions from the direct callers related to FA, SHP, CFO/CS appointmentsl etc; … I am not covering them and also limiting my questions list … request @admin to please remove any redundant/ non important questions from this list
On Overall numbers
– Thanks SKR garu for a strong set of numbers once again beating industry growth rates … however we fell a bit short from the guidance figures … Could you explain the reasons for the same– What’s the impact we see from Ukraine operations
– Receivables were 2095Cr in Q3 which is reduced to 1881Cr in Q4 … Considering most of the receivables were from Q3 and were expected to be collected in Q4 this reduction is small … do we expect this figure to remain same or further reduce in this quarter and if so to what percentage– Could you share Receivables Ageing sheet across your subsidiaries similar to the one shared post last year’s Q2 numbers
In case guidance numbers for this year is kept on hold request SKR to please answer the following questions so that the investors get some idea– Given that we had already completed 2 months in this quarter could you share a ball park estimate for this quarter
– You had mentioned that “Agencies are projecting 68% average growth in 2022 vs 54% growth in 2021” … Can we expect BCG to do better than this growth rate or somewhere around that rate
– What’s the growth rate we are targeting for the ROE and FCF numbers
– What’s the reason for delay in MediaMint acquisition completion … Is it on hold, can we expect this to be closed in this month– Given the valuation of AdTech companies across the world has come down by 40 to 60%, will there be any change in the target Audio AdTech valuation
Quarterly Investor Presentation
– Along with the results, request SKR and team to please share a quarterly Investor presentation detailing your Financials, Key Metrics across quarters / years along with Product UpdatesJune 1, 2022 at 1:18 am #14030LoganRegistered Boarder@Admin, these are my queries, please check them once and send it to the IR.
Congrats on a great year. We hope to see similar growth rates in the coming quarters.
1) Update on forensic audit initiated by SEBI.
2) In one of the articles in The Morning Context, it is mentioned that the audit was initiated because of lack of disclosure by the company on impairment of assets. You did disclose about it to the shareholders through the exchanges but the same details were not reported in the annual report. Was this the reason for SEBI to initiate the audit?
3) Did the promoter group (which includes the CEO) sell their stakes in the company? If so then why didn’t they (you) disclose it to the shareholders? SEBI can take further actions against the company/promoters because of this and will have a negative consequence later. This will impact all the stakeholders (management, shareholders, promoters etc).
4) Why was there a delay in crediting bonus shares? This time crediting of bonus shares took more than 2 months but last time there was no delay and you credited the shares within time. Was the delay because of the absence of company secretary who’d have handled these tasks properly?
5) Why is the company secretary position vacant since many months? Why didn’t you appoint anyone till now?
6) The same with the position of CFO, you knew that Mr.YSR would retire in March but still you haven’t appointed anyone to that position yet. You said that you have shortlisted few candidates for the position and also said that the position would be filled in April, now it is June and still the position is vacant. What is the reason for this delay?
7) All the good work done by the company/management all these years will be forgotten because of few actions like promoters selling their stakes without informing the market and also if the communication with shareholders/market is not transparent.
Regarding communication, we feel that the company does not take shareholders seriously and you provide details only when you feel like doing so. One example is delay in crediting bonus shares and not updating the shareholders about it even after many days. You decided to update only when there was a pressure from the media. We have to wait till the conference call to get clarity and all our mails and calls will not be answered by your IR department.
8) We request you to take the initiative to talk to more analysts and the media. Since the company is not covered by many analysts and since it also doesn’t have a proper peer trading in our markets, people assume many things wrongly. For example, in a recent article in the Economic Times (ET Prime) they have written about receivables, loans and advances and that the revenues seem inflated etc without talking to you and getting any clarification from you. They have compared BCG with random companies which is very inaccurate. These can be solved to an extent if you give more interviews and talk to more analysts and institutions.
9) We have requested you many times to provide complete details of few items on the balance sheet in the annual report but you haven’t taken our request seriously. You have explained in conference calls about those items but still people will have doubts because most of them will read annual reports and only a few will attend conference calls. How will analysts and new investors know what those items are if they’re not mentioned in the annual report? Giving information on those items in investor presentation also won’t matter much because people will always prefer to have those details in the annual reports (items like loans and advances, other current assets, other receivables, other liabilities etc)
10) The news of forensic audit, reduction in promoters’ stake, delay in crediting bonus shares has brought a huge negative press about the company and also the company is losing credibility. How do you plan to change that?
11) In the last conference call you said that there’ll be a change in the accounting policy of the company and that we’d get an update in the month of March about it but we still haven’t got any update yet.
12) Can you share annual reports of the company’s subsidiaries? Since BCG is a mid/large cap now, people will expect more from you and uploading annual reports of subsidiaries will bring more transparency.
13) When will the acquisition of MediaMint be completed?
14) We see reports of other ad-tech companies saying that inflation, supply chain issues, Ukraine War are affecting their businesses. How do these impact BCG’s business? Will it lead to a cut in ad spend by most of the advertisers?
15) Since Netflix has announced that it would start an ad based plan in the near future, what is the impact of that on BCG and MediaMint?
16) Can you appoint Mr.Arjun Malhotra (who is on an advisory role) as a board member?
17) Update on Lycos-Daum issue. When do you plan to close this? It would be better for all the stakeholders if this long pending issue is cleared. It’ll bring more credibility to the company.
18) The money raised from issuing preferential shares for the acquisition of MediaMint is with a subsidiary of BCG. What is the reason for this? Shouldn’t it be with the parent company?
19) Regarding acquisition of Audio Ad company, what payment options are you considering? Will you again do a preferential offer or do you have plans to raise any debt?
June 1, 2022 at 1:58 am #14031adminKeymasterThanks @hw_tw and @Logan. Have mailed the queries to IR.
Dear Sir,
Congrats on a great year. We hope to see similar growth rates in the coming quarters.
1) Update on forensic audit initiated by SEBI.
2) In one of the articles in The Morning Context, it is mentioned that the audit was initiated because of lack of disclosure by the company on impairment of assets. You did disclose about it to the shareholders through the exchanges but the same details were not reported in the annual report. Was this the reason for SEBI to initiate the audit?
3) Did the promoter group (which includes the CEO) sell their stakes in the company? If so then why didn’t they (you) disclose it to the shareholders? SEBI can take further actions against the company/promoters because of this and will have a negative consequence later. This will impact all the stakeholders (management, shareholders, promoters etc).
4) Why was there a delay in crediting bonus shares? This time crediting of bonus shares took more than 2 months but last time there was no delay and you credited the shares within time. Was the delay because of the absence of company secretary who’d have handled these tasks properly?
5) Why is the company secretary position vacant since many months? Why didn’t you appoint anyone till now?
6) The same with the position of CFO, you knew that Mr.YSR would retire in March but still you haven’t appointed anyone to that position yet. You said that you have shortlisted a few candidates for the position and also said that the position would be filled in April, now it is June and still the position is vacant. What is the reason for this delay?
7) All the good work done by the company/management all these years will be forgotten because of a few actions like promoters selling their stakes without informing the market and also if the communication with shareholders/market is not transparent.
Regarding communication, we feel that the company does not take shareholders seriously and you provide details only when you feel like doing so. One example is delay in crediting bonus shares and not updating the shareholders about it even after many days. You decided to update only when there was pressure from the media. We have to wait till the conference call to get clarity and all our mails and calls will not be answered by your IR department.
8) We request you to take the initiative to talk to more analysts and the media. Since the company is not covered by many analysts and since it also doesn’t have a proper peer trading in our markets, people assume many things wrongly. For example, in a recent article in the Economic Times (ET Prime) they have written about receivables, loans and advances and that the revenues seem inflated etc without talking to you and getting any clarification from you. They have compared BCG with random companies which is very inaccurate. These can be solved to an extent if you give more interviews and talk to more analysts and institutions.
9) We have requested you many times to provide complete details of a few items on the balance sheet in the annual report but you haven’t taken our request seriously. You have explained in conference calls about those items but still people will have doubts because most of them will read annual reports and only a few will attend conference calls. How will analysts and new investors know what those items are if they’re not mentioned in the annual report? Giving information on those items in investor presentation also won’t matter much because people will always prefer to have those details in the annual reports (items like loans and advances, other current assets, other receivables, other liabilities etc)
10) The news of forensic audit, reduction in promoters’ stake, delay in crediting bonus shares has brought a huge negative press about the company and also the company is losing credibility. How do you plan to change that?
11) In the last conference call you said that there’ll be a change in the accounting policy of the company and that we’d get an update in the month of March about it but we still haven’t got any update yet.
12) Can you share annual reports of the company’s subsidiaries? Since BCG is a mid/large cap now, people will expect more from you and uploading annual reports of subsidiaries will bring more transparency.
13) When will the acquisition of MediaMint be completed?
14) We see reports of other ad-tech companies saying that inflation, supply chain issues, Ukraine War are affecting their businesses. How do these impact BCG’s business? Will it lead to a cut in ad spend by most of the advertisers?
15) Since Netflix has announced that it would start an ad based plan in the near future, what is the impact of that on BCG and MediaMint?
16) Can you appoint Mr.Arjun Malhotra (who is on an advisory role) as a board member?
17) Update on Lycos-Daum issue. When do you plan to close this? It would be better for all the stakeholders if this long pending issue is cleared. It’ll bring more credibility to the company.
18) The money raised from issuing preferential shares for the acquisition of MediaMint is with a subsidiary of BCG. What is the reason for this? Shouldn’t it be with the parent company?
19) Regarding acquisition of Audio Ad company, what payment options are you considering? Will you again do a preferential offer or do you have plans to raise any debt?
20) Given the valuation of AdTech companies across the world has come down by 40 to 60%, will there be any change in the target Audio AdTech valuation
Receivables were 2095Cr in Q3 which is reduced to 1881Cr in Q4 … Considering most of the receivables were from Q3 and were expected to be collected in Q4 this reduction is small … do we expect this figure to remain same or further reduce in this quarter and if so to what percentage21) Could you share Receivables Ageing sheet across your subsidiaries similar to the one shared post last year’s Q2 numbers
In case guidance numbers for this year is kept on hold request SKR to please answer the following questions so that the investors get some idea22) Given that we had already completed 2 months in this quarter could you share a ball park estimate for this quarter
23) You had mentioned that “Agencies are projecting 68% average growth in 2022 vs 54% growth in 2021” … Can we expect BCG to do better than this growth rate or somewhere around that rate
24) What’s the growth rate we are targeting for the ROE and FCF numbers
June 2, 2022 at 11:57 am #14045hw_twRegistered BoarderThe key takeaway for me in this call is SKR’s opening remarks where he hinted on the guidance numbers
SKR has mentioned that we are looking at 68% average growth in this year … but this might need to be adjusted for things like War, Instagram issues etc;
Assuming the impact of these things is between 10 to 15% or in a worst case scenario it could probably come down by 20% the guidance figures for this year will be anywhere between 48 to 58% growth over last year sales of 5000 Crores
So the estimated Revenue figures would be between 7400 to 7900 Crores or around 1 billion dollars which is a significant landmark
Assuming the EBITDA margins and FCF ratios remain at same levels as before the PAT numbers will be between 1300 to 1450 Crs and a huge FCF of 600+ Crs
Having said this we need to wait for a more concrete and detailed guidance numbers from the management which would be shared soon … Hope it will be shared ASAP ☺️
On a lighter note, BCG management is like “CG, CG, CG … We don’t like it, but Investors like it” … ☺️
August 19, 2022 at 12:35 am #14459LoganRegistered Boarder@admin, these are my queries for the conference call, please review them once and send to the IR. Sorry for posting it so late.
——To The CFO,
On behalf of all the shareholders we welcome you to BCG. We hope we will have a great relationship with you as we had with Mr.YSR.
1)Some section of the market has doubts on BCG’s financials, as the new CFO, what are your thoughts on this and what measures will you take to improve on that front?
2)What are your comments on the forensic audit initiated by SEBI?
3)The management said that BCG would produce a free cash flow (FCF) of 500crs by the end of June quarter but now you’re reporting it as operating free cash. The company from the past many years has been reporting a good amount of operating cash flows. What’s the difference between the two and which should we consider?
4)The auditor has commented that the financials of the subsidiaries are not reviewed by their respective auditors. Why is this so? When will they review the financials? Does it happen every quarter or once a year (when auditing is done)?
5)Since BCG is no longer a small cap company, we request you to publish the audited financials of all the subsidiaries.
——-To the CEO,
Congratulations on a great quarter, we are excited to see great growth rates in BCG’s business. We appreciate you and the entire team of BCG for all your efforts. Though we all want to concentrate more on the business and the company’s future, few outstanding issues make us concentrate more on them than about the business. Hope we get clarity on all those issues in this conference call.
1)Should we be concerned about the forensic audit? Market will react extremely to even a small negative comment by the regulator. What are your thoughts on this?
2)There’s a confusion in the SHP of the promoter holding. In the last conference call you said that you have not sold a single share but we are seeing a significant reduction in your holdings. The same with Mr.Vijay Kancharla’s holdings. In a letter addressed to a shareholder, you mentioned that the reduction was because of pledged shares. If that is the case then will you get back the shares which are being pledged? If not, why did you show it as your holdings all these years? Should we be concerned about this too?
3)You said in the last AGM that you are going to change the accounting policy and have experts review and comment on the company’s financials. We expected you to publish results of all the subsidiaries like how other mid and large caps do. What’s the reason for not publishing results of your subsidiaries?
4)Your comments on Free Cash Flow?
5)The second bonus issuance has created a huge float and as a result the stock price is not stable. Why was the second bonus considered when you had already issued bonus shares previously? Do you have plans to reduce this level of free float?
6)What’s the update on the MediaMint deal? Is it put on hold or cancelled?
7)What’s the update on audio ad company acquisition? What’s the name of the target company?
8)AGM updates? Will it be virtual this time also?
9)Effect of high inflation and slow growth/recession on BCG’s business? Should we expect lower growth rates for this FY?
10)Update on consolidation of all the subsidiaries?
11)Update on the preferential shares allotted last year. Will you acquire those LLPs or will those shares come to the market?
12) What’s the reason for the delay in appointing a company secretary?
13) In all the previous conference calls you had said that there’ll be an improvement in investor communications but till now we haven’t seen any improvement. When can we expect that to happen?
14) Update on Lycos deal with DAUM?
August 19, 2022 at 1:30 am #14460tanv151Registered BoarderI would like to add the below to the list of questions.
a) Shed some light on 44ventures and its management team. How and why they are associated with Brightcom Group? Lakhs of shareholders purchased BCG shares in the last year and half and they will hugely benefit from this info.
b) How are we utilising the money that was raised for Mediamint acquisition and what impact it has made to the overall business?
c) Please provide free cash flow guidance/estimates for the remainder of the financial year
d) Does the number of locked in shares shown on the SHP include bonus shares?
e) Timelines for purchasing shares for ESOP?
August 19, 2022 at 10:12 am #14461vkhare789Registered BoarderAugust 19, 2022 at 12:17 pm #14462adminKeymasterThank you @Logan, @tanvi151 and @vkhare789
Have sent the consolidated questions to the IR just now. Hope they are taken.——To The CFO,
On behalf of all the shareholders we welcome you to BCG. We hope we will have a great relationship with you as we had with Mr.YSR.
1) Some section of the market has doubts on BCG’s financials, as the new CFO, what are your thoughts on this and what measures will you take to improve on that front?
2) What are your comments on the forensic audit initiated by SEBI?
3) The management said that BCG would produce a free cash flow (FCF) of 500crs by the end of June quarter but now you’re reporting it as operating free cash. The company from the past many years has been reporting a good amount of operating cash flows. What’s the difference between the two and which should we consider?
4) The auditor has commented that the financials of the subsidiaries are not reviewed by their respective auditors. Why is this so? When will they review the financials? Does it happen every quarter or once a year (when auditing is done)?
5) Since BCG is no longer a small cap company, we request you to publish the audited financials of all the subsidiaries.——-To the CEO,
Congratulations on a great quarter, we are excited to see great growth rates in BCG’s business. We appreciate you and the entire team of BCG for all your efforts. Though we all want to concentrate more on the business and the company’s future, few outstanding issues make us concentrate more on them than about the business. Hope we get clarity on all those issues in this conference call.
1) Should we be concerned about the forensic audit? Market will react extremely to even a small negative comment by the regulator. What are your thoughts on this?
2) There’s a confusion in the SHP of the promoter holding. In the last conference call you said that you have not sold a single share but we are seeing a significant reduction in your holdings. The same with Mr.Vijay Kancharla’s holdings. In a letter addressed to a shareholder, you mentioned that the reduction was because of pledged shares. If that is the case then will you get back the shares which are being pledged? If not, why did you show it as your holdings all these years? Should we be concerned about this too?
3) You said in the last AGM that you are going to change the accounting policy and have experts review and comment on the company’s financials. We expected you to publish results of all the subsidiaries like how other mid and large caps do. What’s the reason for not publishing results of your subsidiaries?
4) Your comments on Free Cash Flow? Please provide free cash flow guidance/estimates for the remainder of the financial year.
5) The second bonus issuance has created a huge float and as a result the stock price is not stable. Why was the second bonus considered when you had already issued bonus shares previously? Do you have plans to reduce this level of free float?
6) What’s the update on the MediaMint deal? Is it put on hold or cancelled? How are we utilising the money that was raised for Mediamint acquisition and what impact it has made to the overall business?
7) What’s the update on audio ad company acquisition? What’s the name of the target company?
8) AGM updates? Will it be virtual this time also?
9) Effect of high inflation and slow growth/recession on BCG’s business? Should we expect lower growth rates for this FY?
10) Update on consolidation of all the subsidiaries?
11) Update on the preferential shares allotted last year. Will you acquire those LLPs or will those shares come to the market?
12) What’s the reason for the delay in appointing a company secretary?
13) In all the previous conference calls you had said that there’ll be an improvement in investor communications but till now we haven’t seen any improvement. When can we expect that to happen?
14) Update on Lycos deal with DAUM?
15) Shed some light on 44ventures and its management team. How and why they are associated with Brightcom Group? Lakhs of shareholders purchased BCG shares in the last year and half and they will hugely benefit from this info.
16) Does the number of locked in shares shown on the SHP include bonus shares?
17) Timelines for purchasing shares for ESOP?August 19, 2022 at 5:02 pm #14463vkhare789Registered BoarderIt is highly surprising that no question was asked regarding the most important topic which shareholding pattern. Are we even going to get those shares back?
6+August 19, 2022 at 10:16 pm #14464odyseeRegistered Boarder@vkhare789, your question is not clear.
When you ask “Are we even going to get those shares back?”, who exactly are you referring to?
The company cannot possibly pledge its shares -only shareholders can. The promoters in their individual capacity or a promoter entity can do that usually to borrow funds with those shares being provided as collateral or security. The pledged shares if returned on settlement of dues or the loan, would revert to the individual or the entity.
The lender may sell the pledged shares if the borrower is unable to return the funds within the agreed time frame although this is an exception rather than a regular practice.
The company is not involved in this transaction at all.August 19, 2022 at 10:53 pm #14465vkhare789Registered BoarderHi Odysee, Thanks for replying. I have two questions.
1. If company is debt free, who are these lenders to whom the pledged shares were transferred. There should be no lender as company has zero debt.
2. I am referring to promoters like SKR and vijay kancharia from whose account shares were transferred to lenders’ account. When are these promoters going to get their shares back? How confident is SKR that promoters will get their shares back from lenders.
3. As you would be aware about the response letter which sent to one of shareholder’s query regarding SHP in which pledged shares issue was explained. Why was this response not made public and published on exchanges?I believe these are important set of questions and we didn’t see any question in conference call regarding same.
August 20, 2022 at 10:50 am #14466Sumeshnair2005Registered BoarderDear vkshare bcg is debt free and has not taken loan its promoters who hv taken personal loan keeping their shares pledge any shareholder can pledge their shares even you and me and can get loan … the pledge will be returned whn the loan is paid back by skr and vijay .. lenders once invoked the shares can sell thm but I dont think skr will allow that to happ as the value of those shares is much more than whn it was pledged
August 20, 2022 at 11:15 am #14467radhutheoptimistRegistered BoarderSomeone asked about reason for the second bonus and SKR did mention that second bonus was issued to spread out the equity to deter anyone accumulating shares and creating problems later. Looks like he was worried about harsh take over bids and once the shares are widely spread out it may not be easier. My assumption is SKR recognised this takeover threat and I assume he is doing everything to mitigate. So logically I can speculate that promotors are increasing their share holding in someway. Why it is not show in SHP is not yet clear. Questions related to SHP is intentionally avoided and we may have to leave it there and trust that promotors are doing the right thing.
Overall I gained more confidence as usual after attending the concalls… Two years down the line we will be handsomely rewarded. Till then we need to bear the labour pain ?
August 20, 2022 at 2:24 pm #14468odyseeRegistered Boarder@vkshare789, Sumeshnair2005 has answered the questions posed by you.
The September 30th SHP when released would shed more light on the respective holdings. I personally am not overtly concerned with whatever may have transpired. If some disclosure shortcomings have been there, then the promoters will have to deal with those whenever necessary.September 8, 2022 at 12:53 am #14512LoganRegistered Boarder@admin, these are my queries for the conference call. Please review them once and send to the IR.
1) Why was the MediaMint deal cancelled even after due diligence, definitive agreement, share allotment etc were completed? Didn’t the management check about the competition/operational issues while doing the due diligence? You could’ve cancelled the deal before signing the definitive agreement right?
2) Who decided to cancel the deal? Was it BCG or MediaMint?
3) Did forensic audit play a role in cancelling the deal?
4) What happens to the shares allotted to MediaMint people?
5) Because of various issues (forensic audit, variation in promoter SHP, Lycos case with DAUM), BCG is not having a good name in the market. How do you plan to change that? Because of these things, shareholders are anxious. What is your message to all the shareholders who have supported you all these years?
6) What is the update on Lycos deal? Closing the Lycos deal will bring much needed credibility and it will be appreciated by all the shareholders.
7) What is the update on audio ad company acquisition? When will you reveal the name of the target company?
September 9, 2022 at 11:23 am #14521SobhaRegistered BoarderSeptember 9, 2022 at 8:51 pm #14524September 28, 2022 at 9:29 pm #14535LoganRegistered Boarder@admin, these are my queries for the AGM. Please review them once and send them to the IR. I’ve not asked about SHP, FA etc because those were answered in the last conference call.
Congratulations to the CEO, management team and all the employees of BCG on a great year and thank you for all your efforts.
-In the last conference call you said that Brightcom of 2023, 2024 will be different from Brightcom of 2020, 2021, 2022 etc. Can you please explain what will be different and share your future plans?
-In the past you talked about growing the India business of BCG, what plans do you have for that and when can we expect higher growth rates in the standalone business?
-Since we’re at the end of the September quarter, how is the business doing this quarter? Are you going to do better than the guidance? How much free cash flow are you expecting to generate this quarter?
-Are you experiencing the effect of higher interest rates and inflation? Will there be a slowdown in the business in the coming months?
-Update on Audio Ad company acquisition? Why is it taking so much time to announce the deal?
-Update on AI and ML business?
-Now that the MediaMint deal has been reworked, what plans do you have for the backend services business of BCG?
-How much will you be spending for R&D on Quantum Computing?
-Update on Lycos deal with DAUM? When can we expect this to be done and dusted?
-We would like to see an improvement in communications with the investors. We don’t get our mails and phone calls answered and for us to get our queries answered we’ll have to wait for the conference call every time. When can we expect to see improvements in this?
-Finally, looking at the stock price slide and volatility, we shareholders are a little anxious. What is your message to all the shareholders on this? We know that stock prices are not in your control but we would like to hear your thoughts. The company is doing excellently but that is not reflecting in the stock prices.
September 28, 2022 at 11:21 pm #14536VALUEBUYER001Registered Boarder -
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