Forum Replies Created
ramganesh1982Registered Boarder
Hi All ,
Does anyone know the reason for stock movement today. Are there any positives ? I don’t see any other reason why this will break resistance and head towards 23 levels with volumes. I am bothered about the cmp I am trying to understand the reason behind the movement. Market moves the stock before news ? in general
Ramramganesh1982Registered BoarderRegarding the shares consumed today I have posted a msg in money control with my user id J83P0PkZ8p . Do check
Ram5+ramganesh1982Registered BoarderI am hoping that sebi has taken this action in order to protect the retail investors from getting manipulated by some of the groups. SEBI should be aware of the fact hat 73% of the company stock is with the retail investors . We are also not aware of what percentage of the shares are held by SKR , Shankar sharma + binomi & the other 21 who are restricted from buying and selling at this point of time . I am hoping that they hold a bigger chunk than what is stated in the SHP. Hopefully they were planning to play big for the next cycle and caught by surprise . This is just my assumption and a wish /prayer for the benefit of people who have invested in this for more than 10 yrs like Logan and others. Should the stock reach some decent valuation by dec we should exit this non-sense . There are plenty of opportunities in market to make money we should be less attached to company as our ultimate aim is to make money in the market . We are not the CEO or founder of these companies . Hope the stock recovers to 60 range from today . This can definitely happen as many believe that SKR is the culprit for all the manipulations / fluctuations over the years and these investors will definitely come back if they get to know sebi is going to closely monitor the company . Also note that sebi hasn’t declared everything to be fake .They have mentioned out of 850cr only 350 odd cr transactions have happened which means we still have some skin in the business. If all the allegations are true then SKR deserves to be penalized with sizeable penalties, however the business should remain unaffected. Hoping for everyone’s good
ramganesh1982Registered BoarderThis sebi accusing by sebi is of great help to Retail investors in one way, otherwise it was becoming an endless game by traders and promoters . Now ther is no other option but for the promoter to have more skin in the game . We all have been insisting the same for a long time .. i remember Logan also pointing this out earlier when they gave bonus and dividend last yr . It would have been great if promoter had taken more stake w.r.t share holding rather than showing 1000 cr + surplus in the books ? . Now time has come for transparency to prevail . He has to clean the sh*t of the past otherwise they are in soup ? . Thanks to SEBI again for this action .. (at least they have done it now)
ramganesh1982Registered BoarderI wish the promoter understands the implications of not having proper corporate governance. A seperate team was established by him for taking care of updates and corporate governance but nothing happened in last 1 yr even after forming a team . He assigned a separate team for daum and nothing happened on that as well (i dont know when this non-sense started .. i took the stock in 2019 and this problem was open even then and I guess it’s there from SKRs birth time 🙂 ) . I see 3 major problems with this company
1) SKR as a promoter never walks the talk . Which is very important for big investors
2) There are too many loose threads which needs to be tied at the earliest and have been pending for a long time without any action taken
3) Don’t know why the SHP has to be kept secretive by the promoter ?? Either some cheats will do that or a person who wants to take over a company through the backdoors will do that . What is stopping him from exposing or disclosing proper details in public is strangeAll together he has messed up 2 things
1) Respect for the company from investors (self inflicted wound)
2) Value for investors for their investment over a long period of timeI don’t know if he has made money indirectly as claimed by many but i get my suspicions at times mainly due to these reasons mentioned above . Why would someone do all idiotic things when they believe that their company is one among the top 3 or 4 ad-tech company in the world ? ???? (Big perplexing question) ..
All the best for other fellow investors . I hope this chaos settles and we end up on the good side of the road ?️
ramganesh1982Registered BoarderThanks Jacksparrow13 for sharing the link
Ram2+ramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi Admin and others ,
There was one link where other stocks were discussed .is that active now ?? Can someone share the link ??
2+ramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi Rathi_b ,
extremely glad and great to see your msg after a long time in this forum .
I have only few requests to SKR ..
1) pls ask him to increase the promoter stake to more than 70% for the bloo*y sake of all patient long term investors . He is literally allowing this game play and should b well aware of the consequences of diluting the equity base without increase in Promoter holding . He doesn’t need to do great deal of work other than that to stop the stock from falling freely.
2) Maintain some decent level of corporate governance. We saw a series of updates on a regular basis in 2021 and when it’s beaten down in 2022 we don’t see any valuable or useful updates . Say , when doubts are raised about SHP a bse website update with latest SHP would have helped . After stock is getting beaten down bcuz of bonus there is some unwanted update about nature of business or revenue to make sure further damage is done ??? Why there is a confession that July month will b not good ??? And why it’s coming this yr ??
3) is there more scope for chaos in Aug when initial set of investors will get their preferential allotment
Ramramganesh1982Registered BoarderWhat a strategy in BCG today .. 53.8 rs (nse) bulk sell orders placed while the LC is at 53.75 (nse) . All retail investors are expected to panic considering the bulk sell order at 53.8 levels and desperately place their sell orders at 53.75 .. and that is getting swallowed immediately 🙂
All the best to those who hold long and also to those who sell at 53.75 today 🙂
8+ramganesh1982Registered Boarderramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi All,
This is one of the most unprofessional interviews I have ever seen . It was like a Hollywood / Bollywood / tollywood movie where the interviewers assumed themselves to b some sort of CBI’s who wanted to expose one of the biggest scams, just by asking their interview questions (should backfire them soon) . They want to become world famous overnight and want to create that wow effect. Fools don’t understand the nature of business ..nor do they compare with peers on receivables .. I wish skr asked them back some stronger questions .. like ” do you really know how much dividend Google pays ?? ” ” Have u ever seen the receivables of other ad-tech companies ??? ” .. he was too polite to them .. should have fired back some strong questions .. it’s a matter of time before bcg bounces back even stronger
Ramramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi Logan , thanks for your post #13066 . These days I don’t see any MSG from Rathi or others who visited skr during rough patches and got some road map . It will be great if they can comment on whether we are aligned to what was discussed during those days .. wish to get some response from Rathi and team on this .
Ramramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi Logan ,
Great to continue hearing from you on all the current happening and feels great to connect back after a while in this forum , however I see this another bonus share announcement little concerning . I am sure you will also be not appreciating the fact that this dilution is not coming to an end . When I look at it from one side this bonus share is a saviour from dumping of shares impacting the share price .. but if I look at it from market sentiments perspective then it’s a concern if the market sentiments go the other way . Please share your opinion on this allotment plan !!! Awaiting your response on this
ramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi All,
Can someone share the investors meeting recording if any (later today)? I just managed to join now (slightly late)
Ram4+ramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi Logan, my hearty thanks to you for having shared all critical information when this stock was struggling around 5-8 rs . I still remember your words in 2020 “those who take this share now are lucky” – with reasons you gave . That was a confidence booster for me to add more to bcg and avg the share at that point of time . Wishing you and all others – Rathi and team of members (sorry I don’t remember individual names now) a wealthy time ahead 🙂 . Awaiting more venues to open up for bcg ..if LOC and Nasdaq listing happens now or by June 2022 it will blast and bump beyond what everyone would have imagined as the important factor of market sentiments is in its favour now
All the best again and thanks to each and every one here who has shared their opinion
Ramramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi All, Good morning. I have only one query here after a long time. After having a fabulous run in BCG for the past 4-5 months, Can we find another BCG ? (A 40-100x potential stock) 🙂 . Almost all safe stocks with high potential are exhausted in this bull ? market
Ram6+ramganesh1982Registered Boarderramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi all,
Can someone share the latest investors meet audio or video ?
Ram1+ramganesh1982Registered BoarderHi Admin,
I have couple of requests w.r.t the webpage .
1) Can we have a feature to go back directly to a desired page ? . I remember page 198 has the link to discussion related to other stocks . Now I don’t have this link saved. Finding it difficult to switch to page 198 everytime.
2) can we have the other topics of discussion as a sub-hierarchy at the bottom of the page or somewhere ? Something like one home link to see all open discussions including bcg’s
3) saving login options will also help
Not sure if we have all or any of these already but adding my suggestion here
Ram2+ramganesh1982Registered BoarderBcg has always bounced during the March – July phase every year in the last 2 – 3 years but one distinct factor that will add to stability of the stock this time is the cash flow. Bcuz of this sole factor market sentiments can have a positive impact. If I am rite & if the company plans to retain this momentum I think they will time the publishing of acquisition news just around the bonus share ex-date . Results this time might play a role in sustaining levels . We are definitely in for a good positive up ride . Now everything is in management hands to retain the momentum and I think they are aware of this very well (mentioning this based on the updates to bse in the recent times ) . The number of updates company has made to bse in the last 3 months is way more than what it did last year which is a big positive from corporate governance perspective . All the best for fellow retail investors !!