- This topic has 162 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by hw_tw.
February 27, 2020 at 5:22 pm #5670LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder
You seem to be conviniently ignoring the facts in the discussion.
WE dont want Unbbbilievable Action. We need Bbbeleivable action.
What happened to the Audited 95% figures of 6 months ago for the LOC Funding?
0February 27, 2020 at 5:24 pm #5669kpalEverything is there ut need to e pulished & That will get pulished once all the 12 susidiaries come under one umrella as per latest disclosure therefore the appointment of gloal auditor. We have to overlook the past disclosures & Only perceive the latest disclosures. In this gloal audit matter promoter has clearly said he cannot any time line ut guaranteed that he will do it 100 % & As i said earlier it will e done ecause he wants it now & Not ecause you & Me want it. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 5:37 pm #5672LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@KPal:- Thats the Coweb theory, Im talking about.
1. As you say, When all the figures are there, Whats the harm in Publishing it?
2. Why does One need the Entanglement of of 12 Subs under One umbrella? It is not Mandatory.
12 Subs entanglement is for Future purposes only. What has it Got to do with Releasing the Auditing Figures? Why include this in the Cobweb?
Are you talking about LOC and the need for 12 Subs conglomeration?
0February 27, 2020 at 5:40 pm #5674LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder12 subs conglomeration is a Self Inflicted one.
Got nothing to do with the already done 95% audit which included the 60% of Israel stuff.
Do you mean to say that the Investment Banker who was to support to sweep the Market, wants the Global audited figures?
0February 27, 2020 at 5:46 pm #5673kpalLast investors presentation was conducted somewhere in Ag 2018 & Now Analyst meet, Why, ecause the promoter wants it, Why gloal audit now ecause the promoter wants it. Everything will fall in line as the Promoter wants it. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 5:48 pm #5676kpalecause he wants it to ring under one anner rightcom group which was not the case earlier & he wants the gloal audit done & That will pave the way for LOC. As far as cowe theory is concerned we all have the right to construe the way we want it. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 5:50 pm #5678LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@ KPal.
2019, there was a PPT Investor presenation aswell.
The analyst meet is a Written Off , even before it is published, as Both You , me and the promoter know that, Its a Futile eyewash attempt
The words of the Promoters wants it is …. Rather abrubpt
What about the Retail Participants WANT?
I am happy to note that – Currently the Promoter wants the same as what the Retail Participant want aswell.
But, when is the question?
0February 27, 2020 at 5:57 pm #5679LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Kpal #5676 … Pardon my Ingnorance. I have the respect for you.
Regarding the #5676, BCG group was already holding all the subsidiaries under One banner. Whats new here?
You mean to say, although, It was under the banner, It wasnt under the banner because of legal issues- Via varied Holding companies, leading onto limitations of Cross border Fund and movements?
werethere water tight seals noted in the Hirearchy,because of the legal suit and that watre tight conncetions needs to be loosend so that watre flows freely, to the place where it needs to flow?
0February 27, 2020 at 6:04 pm #5680kpalIf you & Me are aware,Then promoter is also well aware of retail participation Therefore the updates, Time to time disclosure, Conference calls to instill confidence among investor community. As to the question of When ? Then the more important & Pertinent question is why one invested & When you invested did you ask When ?? Also note we see hidden value here therefore we have invested & Therefore deating on this forum. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 6:06 pm #5682kpalRighty so. You answered your own question in the most authentic manner. Hats off for that & Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 6:24 pm #5684LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@kpal.. Thanks for that. The Conglomeration might be for LOC or for The Investment Banker?
0February 27, 2020 at 6:40 pm #5685LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Kpal #5680/ Asked about this CERTAIN WHEN to the managment on multiple occasions, via various media and sources.Answers were given 3 months and 4 months to please us. Never materialised. It was big Lollypop
0February 27, 2020 at 6:56 pm #5686kpalI have emphasized on that in my earlier posts, Trust me this time around Our company Promoter is going to play his cards well, This scrip can give multi returns for sure, Time eing quintessential in this case which all of us have to wait provided numers are certified & a dividend follows suit. Certification gives authentication, Whereas dividend indicates that the Promoter is share holder friendly, This two in place will enchance the crediility of the promoter & Keep all douting Toms in place. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 6:57 pm #5687kpalThis time around Promoter has clearly said timelines cannot e given & If we still wants to persist then no point in doing so. It means its a waiting game & One who is willing to wait can get a platter of exotic dishes along with real Lollypop as a desert, If you wish one. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 7:25 pm #5690LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@kpal… #5687…
That’s a good sign.
What most of us retailers are rather P off, is the stock trading at, such demeaning, less than 1 pe figures.
The PO was offered at Rs 10. In an ideal world, we would expect the stock to have traded by now to such double digit figures.
It will be reasuring for the retailers to, to see the stock price in lower double digits now.
That LL also, give the confidence to the retailers that, we can rely on this guy.Not that, we don’t want the best to happen to the stock.
Let the stock trade at a reasonable 1 pe at least NOW, whist the background actions take place.
It’s not too much of an ask,in reciprocation for the way too long wait, by the long term share holders?
0February 27, 2020 at 7:29 pm #5691LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@kpal… It’s a gentle expectation,that the markets react to all the good things that are happening in the background, rather than, sitting at pathetic levels.
Let the background work continue.All the retailer will be happy to support the management,for the next 3 months, in exchange for a early double digit, levels.
That’s all one would wISH for….
0February 27, 2020 at 7:38 pm #5692kpalThat is why I have strongly emphasized with regards to the most (2 ) prominent factors & As when it starts to manifest, Market sentiment will change drastically & will start factoring the price in a huge way as re-rating also comes into play at the same time. At present market participants are watching from side lines as they feel uncertain & Trust me Markets do not like uncertainty even though the irony is it is full of uncertainties. Stock languishing in the range 2.30- 7.47 cannot e ruled until such time. Cheers !!!
0February 27, 2020 at 7:57 pm #5695LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@kpal
The real Market participants are not on the sidelines…
The real MPs are the long-term share holders
The MPs that you seem to be quoting are the ones, who every one knows.They are not known as MPs rather M makers.
The real MPs ,are not on the sidelines..Yhey were made to feel exhausted, purely,by procrastination and purely and purely Supply, to suppress.
0February 27, 2020 at 8:04 pm #5696LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@kpal#5692..
The 2 factors quoted, have been used now, as an excuse to keep the price of what has been on the blue print.
In the past,a lot of such excuses were used.. They were countless indeed
Now, an, artificial agenda has been created, for 3 months procrastination (MAYISM).
This is also in the blue print.
If, there is not an understanding or a compromise ,on the stands of the management, then, not to worry
All action plan will go ahead.
Its going to be summer.Someone has to Feel the heat.
0February 27, 2020 at 8:15 pm #5697LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Kpal..
In most and established companies, Shareholders are given adequate respect and the company works in the best interest of the share holders…
Here, share holders interest, is the least , that has been accounted for.
Blue print and Promoters interest has been accounted for at the very Best,. rather
There is nothing to Cheer about it, as like you are constantly stating cheers, as a figure of speech, in all the paragraphs written
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