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  • #10652
    Blocked User

    Hi, is there any way to check the status of warrants.

    Registered Boarder

    @DH, I am personally obliged with all the clarity and proper efforts put on behalf of retailers. I am a retailer and retired since last 12 years a sr.Indian citizen involved with this group since last 6-7 years; and did not receive dividend till date. Once again I thank you so much for your continued endless efforts putting all the facts on table for the support of retailers. Regards

    Registered Boarder

    @DH, I am afraid SKR would end up Ramlinga Raju(Golden peacock award winner)’s way. So many loopholes in whatever he is doing. Can you imagine 59 PW holders. Such a BS.

    BTW I was working with Satyam back in 2008. I know how events unfolded. Not just raju, his whole family destroyed including his son’s firm i.e. MAYTAS. Remember, it just takes one expose to bring any1 down.

    If this doesn’t get resolved by March, i think we shall reactivate the plan @bullguru talked about i.e. become activist. Anyways our investments is/would be dead if nothing happens. But we should make sure culprits would be brought to justice. Enough is enough.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @vgsatwork, with reference to your #10560, I would like to highlight some of the points below.
    1.It seems, the dividend used to be paid through different modes such as National Electronic Clearing Services (NECS) / National Automated Clearing House (NACH) /National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) / Direct Credit (DC) / Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS).
    2.But the credit advice intimation will be sent to us after 2-3 weeks of the credit of the dividend. (Pls refer your attachment: intimation date and Credit Date)
    3. Yes, you are right that “in the description” it should be mentioned from ????(I have checked & attached some of my previous Dividend Credit notes in which, I could see the description of the credit whatever the mode either NACH/NEFT/Direct) whereas in BCG, you have missed that description which is strange.
    Besides, I have seen some of the messages from our friends stating that the dividend has been made to some of the selected groups and individuals “which is totally wrong”. I am holding significant qnty of BCG and sent an official Complaint to BCG & received a personal whatsapp reply from the Top BCG management within 24 hrs (recent conflicts & doubts during our discussion at our forum 3 days back) but until now me too didn’t receive the dividend and also I believe many of our forum members (who have sent the complaint to BCG & including some of our Hyderabad Team) didn’t receive the dividend. That means the problem is lying somewhere else (may be due to different banks etc.) and we may come to know when we receive the credit advice intimation email after some days (mode of payment).
    Let’s be united and push the Management (in any form either personal contacts/Official Indian & Overseas Government levels & of course I believe that I did my part very well recently for the benefit of our entire BCG investors not only for me and also I will keep follow-up/push BCG management through my channel of communication ) to act accordingly in an appropriate way for the best outcome of the BCG’s potential in the coming days. I don’t think there is a need to doubt or pointing each other in this matter instead we will try our best to find out the solution to solve the issue and respect the genuine people those who are really giving enormous Technical /physical support to our forum including Admin & entire Hyderabad Team. I am a genuine investor with BCG since July 2020 and if somebody still have any genuine doubt on my credentials, please feel free to contact me (my current user Let’s all look forward for the bright future of BCG. Have a great week ahead. Thank you all.

    Registered Boarder

    Received the dividend in my HDFC Bank account for 2 accounts. Dividend for one account is pending. Should get credited anytime during this week.

    Registered Boarder

    Yes jagaworld I too received dividend in 1 of my 2 accountsand dividend is rounded not exact amount

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @drpram, with reference to your post #10640, Many thanks for the update.

    I have not yet received the dividend. I am using HDFC NRE account through HDFC Securities. I presume that the management is using the local personal accounts (not the corporate account) for the distribution of Dividends. If this this scenario then they can’t transfer the dividend to the NRI shareholders from Local account to NRE accounts (conflict of repatriation / fund transfer protocol).

    Dear NRI shareholders, kindly update the status of the receipt of Dividend if you have already received.

    Hopefully, tomorrow will be the final hearing for Axis Settlement if SKR is really serious for the amicable settlement and willing to concentrate on BCG growth in forthcoming days (NCLT Cause List -Pls refer attachment – Sl.No 29). Fingers crossed and lets keep a hope on SKR & the entire BCG Management.

    Dear @Admin,

    Many thanks for posting my older post #10597 and somehow it didn’t displayed earlier. Thank you.

    Registered Boarder

    I am yet to get dividend in both our accounts. Are they deducting TDS for amount greater than 5k. They are supposed to do that.

    Registered Boarder


    Since I did not see any topics which talks about the actual process of Account Receivables Financing (LOC that BCG is trying to get), have started this new thread. Please move this to appropriate topic if it is already existing in some other name

    Registered Boarder

    Came across this interesting article in Investopedia about Account Receivable financing and thought of sharing with the group,based%20on%20accounts%20receivable%20balances.

    Registered Boarder

    Per this article, Account Receivable financing could be done in one of the two ways
    1. Asset Sales – Selling entire account receivable to a financier and avoid the default risk on account receivables. Upside is improved cash flow and default risk avoidance, etc. Downside is that the company may get only about 90 cents for every dollar of asset being sold to the financier

    2. Loan – This is more like a secured loan using account receivable as a collateral. This is easy to get and funding is upto 100% account receivables. But the interest rate and fees are substantially higher than a typical business loan. Large shareholders would be dead against this if the interest cost is huge and have a significant impact on the margins and my guess is that LOC in BCG case may have been delayed due to objections from large and institutional shareholders and now given that most of the large investors are out, company may go for the same..

    Not sure what type of LOC that BCG is trying for.

    Team at Hyderabad which has met CEO and were provided update on LOC – Can they throw more light on this?

    Registered Boarder

    May be I am over thinking on this line. But why the Consolidation under one entity is not being actively pursued, especially after a public announcement on the same early last year? Such consolidation would have helped to get more affordable business loans as opposed to costly Account Receivable Financing?

    Would moving out of large & institutional shareholders were triggered because the consolidation not being pursued and more costlier Account Receivable Financing was actively pursued by the management?

    Registered Boarder

    heard that next date provided is 15th feb, can someone re confirm?

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @sac6310, I have checked at the website ( but it’s not yet updated about today’s order. We need to wait till tomorrow.
    However, if this is true that next date will be on 15th Feb means, BCG is in the final stage of closing Axis matter or due to the result on 12 Feb, this has been postponed on purpose to fulfill their pending needs. Lets be cautious and patience.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGians

    In the series that I have been writing here, so far , we have , we superficially discussed and brushed the two topics, so far which were

    1. The Great Testimonial of LOC


    2. The Disaapearing Houdini Act of the Goenka

    In this series, the Next Topic that we can discuss – Only Superficially and Brushing it, rather than not going into the depths will be the


    The Topic is pretty interesting.

    We researched and digged into the Last PE investor exit methodology.

    Asusual, Our Master, The Grand Master, tried to play a Grand game.The speciality about our Grand Master is – His Thought process- Has never been straight- Been Crooked – All the times.

    Nothing goes Straight Forward. All the thoughts and the thought process and the implementation of the same, is Crooked , as usual.

    WE gave a Call to the Team who represented the Last PE investors best interests.The Information what we got was Mind Boggling.

    The Grand Master, always stated that the Big PE investors sold and hence the stock went depreciating down. It has always been the other way around.The RIG pf 2019 Low of Rs 2.25 was not because of the PE players selling, but because of Script was rigged to such a level- A pathetic , I dare say Pathetic Rs 2.25 level( and this was caustioned in the MMB boards, that, this levels will be reached by planted agents almost 6 to 9 months before those levels were reached). During this 6 months time, the previous PE holders did not sell a single stock and were given exit at those levels.

    Who purchased those previous PE holders shares. Two Bombay shady brokers in the first instance , followed by so on so forth. It is interesting who the So On so Forth guys were.But Our Super hero, made this into a Great Victory.

    Classical- The Super Hero does All Shady stuff. Then, the Super Hero, attributes this to the Stock being at Low level. In the conference calls, the Super Hero, states that, Once that event is done, The Stock would reach Great levels.

    The Super Hero by Dirty Tricks, procrastinates on this. During which period of time, the Retailers gets restless and supports the event thinking that,The Horizon is nearly there. Later The task is completed after significant procrastination and he hails Victory by corrupt Corporate Governance.This has been happening time and time again.Later the stock Price is onec again Rigged to the next lower levels for the Next Target and agenda of the Super Hero.

    A few examples

    1. 2nd and 3rd PE Investor exit
    2. Preferential Issue of 2019
    3. Oak Exit of 2020
    and currently
    4. The Warrants issue

    This is a Classical trait.

    Everytime, the super hero, Creates a Menace, Mulls, Procrastinates, Riggs the price , makes the retailers beleive that the Horizon and Great Momentum will be seen immediatly after that particular event( MULTIPLE INFLECTION POINTS!!!!) and makes the retailer support the event. The Aam Aadmi Retailer public, in order to see some Day light, were put in a position to support these Crooked activities of the Crooked hero, just to see Day light.

    The retailers, didnt support this super Hero, for his deeds. But, They were put in a position to support the deeds and the super hero availed what he wanted. Although NEVER DESIRED by the retailers.

    Once the target is reached, the SH, will create another AGENDA and will start the process all over again.This has happend so so so so so so many times since 2016. I am sure all the LONG TERM INVESTORS will agree to it. The SH will show Low hanging Grapes and with Sweet talk will try and convince the Retailers.(Hyderabad team- Be Cautious- The Long Termers have seen this Game of Low Hanging and Sweet Talk- UMPTY number of times. Eventually One will feel and be made a DONKEY- Hence , my kind word of caution to you all). Seen so many times in the Conference Call since 2016…..

    Currently the Agenda is Warrants… Whats Next??!!

    Having said that…. All the Evidence of the drama have been collected and collated for the above mentioned two stories (Houdini & Testimonial) we stated earlier and the current topic discussion of – The Great OAKxit.We are not mentioning the name of the agents who worked in the best interst of OAK for privacy

    WE have got all the details of How the Oak guys were taken for a Ride,How they were Manipulated, How the Super hero planned to take OAK off from a Planned Pump and Dump, and what eventually happened. All data, we have collated from talking to the team members who represented the Best interest of PE people- From the CRY of the OAK guys. We have Full evidence as to How the game was played.

    Lets wait for the Q3 Results and lets see whether the So Called markets respect the Q3 Numbers!!!!

    Markets- Funny Name given and used to thier OWN Convinience of the NEEDY ( I always feel funny, when some experts use the word – Because its invisible and Not Organic and it dosent have a MOUTH. But can be conviniently used to play the Tricks of the Powerful and Needy and blame on it –
    M A R K E T S (beechaara)


    Registered Boarder

    Hi Diana Horton,

    i always had the big question , if LGS acquisition was used as tool to manipulate the issues , because i always had curiosity what value did they find in LGS aka Lanco global system, earlier i used to believe this was done to safeguard itself from Daum issue ( As ybrant digital shares were to be used as collateral). But now the issues and repeated mistakes in Corp Governence raises many concerns.

    We can never get clear ans , only God knows the truth.

    Registered Boarder

    2010 – Ybrant acquires Lycos for 36$ Million
    (Source :

    2011 – LGS global gets acquired in reverse merger scheme
    (Source :
    Note :- There were 1400 employees around that time , now it is around 500 where did other 900 people go?

    2015 – Ybrant Unit Files for Bankruptcy Over Legal Fight From Lycos Deal

    2021 – Acquisition which started in 2010 is still not completed while a co like Bhushan Power which was admited in NCLT in 2018 got acquired successfully within 1 year.

    Registered Boarder

    Dear @ Diana Horton, I have been an admirer and follower of yours for a long time and have always appreciated your balanced comments on BCG.
    However, I am puzzled by by your current cynicism and, in particular, by your cynical comments on the Oak exit apart from your sustained unhappiness ( although shared by me) on the preferential warrants.
    We are all invested in this company because of our faith and belief in the business of this company, and the future prospects and opportunities that lie ahead. We are also invested in the management of this conglomerate, for better or worse, and we retail investors hope to ride on the shoulders of this management to benefit in terms of an enhanced market value of our investment.
    We all have a major grouse on the relatively poor corporate governance displayed by the the same technically competent management, but at the same we are relying on them to deliver ‘big time’ on achieving the realistic market value of the stock we all own.
    We are also unhappy with the the whole drama surrounding the preferential warrants issue, but at the end of the day, if the outcome results in the company getting the much desired funds, the promoters getting to increase their stake and the outstanding liabilities being cleared, apart from achieving the desperately required growth in this very promising digital space, then why despair at this point of time?
    We look to you to infuse confidence and trust and hope in all retail shareholders, as you have done so may times in the past. That does not mean that criticism, where it is due, should not be articulated. It must, because the management must never take the small retail shareholder for granted. This is particularly so in the case of a public listed company.
    Unfortunately, Mr Reddy displays a singular lack of appreciation for that reality, and consequently the lack of will to keep his shareholders happy.
    It’s about time that these games and manipulative activities are terminated, and realistic price discovery commences.

    Registered Boarder

    @odysee, going by probability..high chances are that the super hero will play some dirty tricks again. So I support @diana Horton comments because it is very necessary and need of hour to show management that retailers are aware of their deeds and they will not be silent this time they don’t stop all these this time.

    We all retailers wants real discovery of prices,not this articificial prices suppression and greed of management.

    Registered Boarder

    DH I agree this much that we are pawns in the larger scheme of things. We together can get things done. Personally I agree with you and the longers here in HYD concour with that intricate post. We were and are very careful. I know market is something we cannot on face tackle him but we had requested the things that were done on paper. We saw the papers and documents, which inturn made us concentrate on the material developments. And that is giving us confidence. We are not only just taking him for his word but also with documents. As far as SH we are part of a big game played by the grand master and there is no two ways about it. DH I’ll write this much, the material developments we seek to happen should happen before April. After which we need to regroup and rework of our approach. We have looked at the documents and in that regard we expect material developments in the next 2 months. After that any grand shenanigans by Grand master will not work. If grand master doesn’t decide the end game. We shall make one for him.

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