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  • #12214
    Registered Boarder

    Till the Preferential issue to FPI’s are completed, stock would not move much and would tend to be around the 31-32 levels and only post the approval from exchanges, it might start moving up. Given that BCG EGM on 5th August is expected to approve buying from secondary market for ESOP allocation, my guess is between 5th August and when exchanges approve the preferential issue (Probably in 30 days time Max from 5th August), stock may be range bound and company would buy from open market for ESOP allotments. Post Preferential allotment, stock might start moving up and hopefully we would have some concrete development on acquisition to support the up move.

    net net I expect the downward trend to remain (Purely due to sheer volume of retail share holding and retail shareholders are mostly driven by Fear and Greed) till it touches about 32 rupees.

    Once the preferential allotment to FPI’s are complete and ESOP’s being issued, institutional players would start looking at entering into BCG as both FPI’s and key employees are invested into the growth story..


    @vgsatwork, Fully endorse your view,It will move in a range as all events/News has got factored therefore the rally up till approx 58. In short once again a waiting game. Consolidation mode now for next 1.5 to 2 months, Eventually will make new highs once consolidation period is over. One good thing that will happen is this L/C, U/C drama will get over & Stock will trade normally.

    As of now HOLD all the shares, Not to part away with a single share come what may. Long way to go.

    Also note Tanla has announced buyback of its shares at rs 1260. Here in Brightcom the operators have brought back the shares of Brightcom at rs 50 for the last two days. These shares could be sold in the Brightcom buyback offer wgich will come at rs 600 plus. Good for the company weak hands are moving out and the price which the company have to pay to remove them out of Brightcom is one twelveth of the future brightcom buyback of shares offer. This buyback offer shall come within a year just before Nasdaq listing news comes out. Cheers to the ones still having Brightcom in their Demat account.

    Registered Boarder

    Wow so fast, they did’nt even wait for 18 months..i assume they wanted to get bonus shares or SKR quickly need money for acquisition

    Registered Boarder

    So they will publish one more SHP shortly, you should be able to see who made bulk deal if he is contributing 1% share holding

    Registered Boarder

    Hi everyone,
    out of 33.18crores alloted to 54, 49 have paid totalling to 32.18 crores.
    Only 1 crore pending with balance 5. Hopefully this should come early next week before 5th August. Hoping for arrest of lc by that date or earlier.
    Best wishes


    Faster it is done, Good for all of us. Hope LOC also comes in now as mentioned in the last concall from the Horses mouth ( Promoter Mr Suresh Reddy ) That will change the game forever as Listing on Nasdaq will also happen early. I think it should come around somewhere in Dec 2022. All in all, Everything Hunky dory. Cheers!!!

    Registered Boarder

    Can anyone guess company name to be acquired based on the description given in the announcement?
    also I would like to know how ex bonus share price will be adjusted? Can someone help on it?


    Example ptice on Ex date is 40 divide it with 4, Comes to 8 & Reduce it from price of 40 comes to 32. That is it.


    I mean prior to ex date price is 40 then it comes to 32 price adj on Ex date.


    Sorry, 40-10 equals to 30 price will get quoted on Ex date.

    Registered Boarder

    I know… Shares allotted through preferential warrants cannot be sold for the next X months. I also know that all these converted shares are eligible for bonus at 1:4. My question is can they sell bonus shares in the open market immediately after the allotment? Or will that also have to wait for next x months

    Registered Boarder

    @radhutheoptimist , They can sell bonus shares immediately I think.

    Registered Boarder

    If I remember correctly. The shares on conversion of PW are locked in for a period of 18 months post conversion. I guess the bonus shares allotted on locked in shares are also locked in for the same period of time.


    I think in a day or two Pw allotment complete.Total amount in company’s kitty. Now Remaining is QIP of Rs 1500 Crs. Will get decided on Aug 5Th. Lets see at what price its is determined. May be near to 50-52, Just a wild guess or May come at a higher price also if there is a run up in share price due to declaration of record date for bonus share which might be after Aug 15Th 2021.
    I am not so sure.

    For the uninformed who wants MF to enter in, Normally they enter in at a price of above Rs 250/- not before that is my understanding.

    All in all 5Th Of Aug 2021 will be an interesting day to watch out for. I am eagerly awaiting the outcome of it as all of you are.Till then enjoy the rains & Chill.Cheers!!!

    Registered Boarder

    Not sure but someone mentioning on MMB to get the 1500 cr funds scrip must have 15000 marketcap , do anyone know about it? Logon do you know if any such condition to be fulfilled? if so , please provide link for justification thank you

    Registered Boarder

    As Much as I know & Understand these are the thumb rules:-If the size of the issue is up to INR 250 crores, there should be at least two buyers (QIBs). If the size of issue is above INR 250 crores, there should be at least 5 buyers (QIBs).

    Similarly, if the issue size is more than INR 250 crores, a single buyer cannot be allotted over 50% stake.

    Promoters of the company cannot participate in this type of issue.

    The company should issue minimum of 10% of the total allotment to Mutual Funds.

    As per 4th Point, It is good through QIP, Promoter can bring i MF.


    Folks,Pls note, If a company is comfortably able to raise money from QIBs through QIP even in such uncertain times, it reflects about the good financial health of the company as well as shows institutional investor’s belief in the business model.

    Also once a company successfully undertakes QIP, there is a some increase in share price of the company. This indicates the overall positive sentiment of the shareholders of the company. Cheers!!!


    Loc in principle approved. Chk the Companys disclosure.

    Long time company disclosure, So can LOC come in soon then we Expect. Cheers!!!

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