Unofficial community forum for investors of Brightcom Group (BCG), an Ad-Tech company
There is lots of frustration seen on the moneycontrol forum with vulgar comments. What can be the reason?
Friends, any idea on todays price movement action? Looks like all the positives are being heard by Mr market..
Can someone share insights on the current shp?
Currently bcg is asm lt. How many days would that be and Will it effect the company?
OK. So out of 39% holding, pledged is 50%. That’s right?
When pledge is reduced, eventually the promoter holding should go up? That didn’t happen. Any views.
Shareholding for 31st March published on bse website..
Google reliance jio, Lycos. There should be some kind of partnership in between them..
Looks like this site is hacked by bcg operators. Somehow, they get in. Even admin is clueless. Better to stay invested and post any updates posted by the company.
I think the management names and designation in the last slide were not aligned properly.. ?
Bcg standing tall in this mayhem.. Very positive..
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