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LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder
12 subs conglomeration is a Self Inflicted one.
Got nothing to do with the already done 95% audit which included the 60% of Israel stuff.
Do you mean to say that the Investment Banker who was to support to sweep the Market, wants the Global audited figures?
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@KPal:- Thats the Coweb theory, Im talking about.
1. As you say, When all the figures are there, Whats the harm in Publishing it?
2. Why does One need the Entanglement of of 12 Subs under One umbrella? It is not Mandatory.
12 Subs entanglement is for Future purposes only. What has it Got to do with Releasing the Auditing Figures? Why include this in the Cobweb?
Are you talking about LOC and the need for 12 Subs conglomeration?
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Kapl:-
You seem to be conviniently ignoring the facts in the discussion.
WE dont want Unbbbilievable Action. We need Bbbeleivable action.
What happened to the Audited 95% figures of 6 months ago for the LOC Funding?
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Kpal:-
The audited and certified numbers via E&Y of 60% of the firm is alraedy there..
During November Conference call, the Promoter said – 95% of the Job regarding LOC was done and the main job in getting the LOC to be done was Auditing of figures.
when the alleged 95% was done 6 months ago, why does the remaining the so called 5%, has taken 6 months time??
The Global audited figures were there ready , 6 months ago!!!!!
As per the SEBI guidelines, Every year the books ought to be AUDITED and MANDATORY
Do you mean to say, that, the Books were not Audited, for the past 5 YEARS????
Once again KPal, @admin – You have not commented on you getting yourselves registered. KIndly do consider doing it fr the betterment of discussions, please.
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@ KPal.. I also note that you are not a regsitered boarder. @admin,kindly please take note.
@kapl.. Kindly get yourselves regsitered to authenticate and validate yourselves.
#5659…In response to your post
1. E&Y audited 60% of the company 9 months back.
2. The release of those figures in itselves wuld have proven the authenticity.
3. Now , the stance used for procratination is – The Cobweb theory, I have spoken about in detail in my posts- Global audit and for that Coglomeration – Classical pattern- Create New Problems- Link it with old problem and procrastinate. Seen this umpty number of times
4. Dividend- Cmon Man… Do you honestly beleive? The promoter TOYED with the words and procastinated on those lines since the PPT presenation One year ago.
5. Between- The Main event for the retailer is the PRICE ACTION, rest everything will be acceptable and pardonable
Kpal:- Hope, I have made my point in Point number 5- Loud and clear… Cheers
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Mosaic #5647.
Many thanks for your advice for me to sell the stock.
First of all, I am a Registered boarder. Looking at your profile Your ID still appears still Not Registered.
I understood from the admin of this group that, Non Registered boarders cannot post from here onwards.
@admin kindly take note please0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderDear Retailer Fools:-
The above is the promoter wording, 9 months ago… Stating pledged shares will be released in 2 months…
Did it?
What Response One gets regarding the same?
Zilch…..and excuse me… whats the word Im looking for…..Mmmmmm Yes…. FOB
0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderI am posting the Conference call Transcript of June 2019 , said , by tyhe promoter here:-
Unidentified Participant, [50]
So I think one of the retail investors already asked you this question about the increased promoter pledging. It has gone up from like around 35% to about 57% in the last few quarters. So you are confident that you will be releasing them once you make the outstanding payments, right?
Muthukuru Suresh Kumar Reddy, Brightcom Group Limited – Founder, Chairman, CEO & MD [51]
Correct, correct. It may take a month or 2 for it to be released, but we are confident that once this is all done, it will come back.0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@mosaic:-
The release of pledge is not in the hands of the promoters.
It is an automatic release process
No one can hold others shares for such a long period of time.
So, It is not up to the promoter to hold the shares as a pledged one…
So, if the bank loans are paid, the pledged shares would automatically have relesed long time ago…By default
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Mosaic:- The indirect answer to your hypothesis is a Question from me.
Try and give me an answer if possible….
Despite the release of both Canara and SBI Loan, why arent the pledged shares released?
This leads on to 2 questions
1. Were the Pledged shares pledged with these bankers
2. Are there any other people involved here, where the shares are pledged or money taken
3. Is it altogether a totally different game here?
0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderDear Retailers… This is my thesis based on 6 years of observation and research on the promoter.
My 5 cents…
Not sure How many can see through this…
0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderOnce again dear retailers… Can you see the relevance of the above quoted post of mine, from the history and analysis of the promoter?
This time the Issue that has been created in the Knot is-
1. Need to bring all the entities together for Equity creation!!!!
Untill March last year 95% of the Job was done for LOC. By December, nearly 97% done.
But come Feb 2020, a New problem will evolve in getting the alleged LOC. Which is a Mammoth, Audit of whole year and Bringing all entities together!!!!
My Q is… What happened to the 95% of work done including audit of last year of all the foreign entities towards the alleged LOC.
So, the cobweb continues…
Refer to the last line of my quote #4292….
Between create another issue .. Inter Tangle it… Give further future reference date… put it in the mindsof the reatilers… make them FOOLS!!!
0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderI would also like to Quote another quote of mine for reference:- #4292
Once again- see the Cobweb created by the CEO…. Daum, WhiteOak, Audit, LOC, … There will be One problem created… Give a Pseudo timeline…
Between create another issue .. Inter Tangle it… Give further future reference date… Seed it amonst reatilers… make them FOOLS!!!
0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderHow many of you think, history repeats or repeating itself?
The classical pattern happened 4 days ago in the name of the Conference call.
From Monday, as quoted in the last paragraph of the above post, History repeated once again….
0LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderDear Retailers:- Refer to my two posts #4303:-
@ Ly Investor:- He hasnt followed Cor Goverance for a Long period of time. I will also tell you this . This CEO is a Word Charmer. I will tell you what will be the end point of your hard core efforts in meeting up with is chap.He will Heart warmingly welcome you. He will Sweet Talk you. He will tell you 95% of job is done. He will also show paper works to you. He will add further problems, whilst you are there. He will ask you to give solutions from you and he will intermingle you in the conversation and problems.
2 hours later you will come with a Heart warming Soul warming smile, stating that he is such an approachable CEO and that you have never met any such Mahaan CEO in your life!!!
He would also given you future dates and such and such will happen. But beleive me…. Nothing will happen. after 2 lonmg sweet hours of ytrying to get all clarification, he will make you feel as if all are fantastiv and its NEARLY there!!!!
Been there seen it … Felt it for 5 loooooong years. after 2 months following the conversation or after 1 year in this same forum, You will feel as if you have been made the Friend of Shrek by the CEO, whilst he has sucessfully done his gameplan.
After talking to you (Sweettalk) for lovely 2 hours, the next minute he will turn up to his Match maker frind… Challagaya …. Chal… Teri Kaam lagataaar kar abhi!!!
0LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@XO09 #5355… Hi Hitesh. LM calling. Participated in the conference Call.
Observed all the discussions.
My Observations that I have noted in the past 2 weeks since we discussed
1. The Company has become more open and has shown keenness and eagerness to take things further forwards
2. The Company Notifications that are out and official once again points towards being Investor friendly and showing progress
3. All the Factors that we discussed in the past- The promoter has given a Time line and Positive Direction, Which I havent seen in the Yester years
4. Trying to bring ANalyst Meet etc are infact Positive Move towards Improving the M cap
5. Oak has been taken care off and there wont be any Dilution in the market is a Very Big news
6. All the banks sorted , with a small pending amount with Axis – That too will be sorted with PO fund – Is indeed Very good
7. Daum- Agreement in line – Once again a very good move – That too- Intimaton to the Boards- Not only to the retailers
8. PO – Completleted is Once again a Good move
As a Retail Invetsor, All I need is APT VALUATION of the share price. From the direction, I see things moving, I feel, we will be there, as I see a Clear Intent from the management Per se. Never saw , this clear an intent.
The stare Price is Not going to jump to 50 or 100 in a day. Things from what I feel and visualise, based on the notifications and communications- I reckon, we will there to a respectable figure by Mid year..
Dear Hitesh… Lets be together here. Its our soul wish that we make money- rather Big money here. And the Off shoots are clearly visible.Lets not do anything to spoil the show.
I can certainly understand your angst.I was of the same impression. But, I would not expect anything more than what has been actively done by the management in the last 2 weeks.
More than happy to discuss here buddy
1+LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@all retail participants…. Is it my only observation or yours aswell.
I have noticed that, somehow or other, this group has been primed, by various posts that has been posted here,in varying order or sequencing, that, even before results are out, even before all the updates are announced that, EXPECT , no movement in share price will be there untill, May 2020??!!??
This is kind of seeding,Feeding and Priming and pre parking of share price movements has been noted here.
Not good.. Is there something called real Market driven forces..I’m sure the answer will surface by various forces, – WAIT FOR AUDITED RESULTS!!!!
So, what does Q3 or Q4 results mean?.Nil significant value untill, JOBS of Necessary people are satisfactorily done to Thier completion
0February 12, 2020 at 10:43 pm in reply to: News: Business line – Brightcom group goes for organisational restructuring #4853LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderPaves way for future listing in the USA
0February 12, 2020 at 6:12 pm in reply to: News: Business line – Brightcom group goes for organisational restructuring #4838LycosmaniacRegistered BoarderSo, what’s your point satyamite? It is a global auditing firm. And restructuring happening at a global level, bringing ,all into, one USA umbrella.
0February 12, 2020 at 4:41 pm in reply to: News: Business line – Brightcom group goes for organisational restructuring #4826LycosmaniacRegistered Boarder@Xo
two questions to yourselves
1. If No clarity prevails from news front- But If stock goes up and reaches Double digits – Will the retailers be happy ?
2. If Flow of news happens, as it seems to be happening now – are the retailers Unhappy – because the stock is not moving?
Eventually It all boils down to Stock Price.
If the stock price was in double digits, No questions would have been raised about,
Loanand , all those surrounding issues of the company.
Since, the stock price is at peanuts, all these Unncessary stuffs are being dissected.
Would you agree, that everything boils down to Stock Price, essentially?
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