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  • in reply to: General Discussion #4823
    Registered Boarder

    @tanv … Agree with you. Its not just who entered at higher levels are in pain. Its about how long, that too in a Very Good company with Great Fundamantals, with languishing share price.

    My take….

    Will wait to hear out from the conference call

    If no concrete information turns out, set up a, Professional and Official meeting with the Promoter in his office, with representation from few of us, to get more clarity, which the promoter might be able to share in confidence, when in person, in presence of the surrounding issues which seems to be at its verge

    I would value all your opinion- Tanv, Xo, Platinum, Admin , Sdx, LI

    in reply to: General Discussion #4806
    Registered Boarder

    @Xo09….I am not able to understand the outburst.Untill yesterday, we all were in agreement, to sit ,untill conference call.

    Now, One announcement by the company, without the name of the auditor and a Lower circuit, causing furore?…

    My Q to you

    1. Is the daum case over?
    2. Are the bank loans closed completely?

    With these things happening and trying to get solved, ofcourse UC and LC, will be noted and stock maybe rangebound.

    I am waiting for conference call regarding status position.

    Me personally, won’t be happy for drastic measures,untill clarity prevails,this conference call

    Registered Boarder

    @Xo09.. disappointed.but can see the position putting myself in the promoters shoes.2018, what if white oak, was genuinely quashed because of the prod. What if, daum gets hold of the, the global auditor, and the game gets prolonged? I shall wait for conference call. Get clarity.If no clarity prevails, personally shall accompany you

    in reply to: General Discussion #4760
    Registered Boarder

    It has to be Out of court settlement and from the news updates, this seems to be agreed upon. There wont be any sale or auction of Lycos

    in reply to: General Discussion #4745
    Registered Boarder

    Close the Docket. Not to close the case.Possibly a Years time might have been given to both parties to come out with an Out of court settlement. Which seems might happen. After this, as discussed, The mentioned clause of Prejudice to be ascertained and closed once and for all.

    in reply to: General Discussion #4744
    Registered Boarder

    ORDER: Accordingly, the Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to close this docket. The parties may apply to the Court to reopen this matter as appropriate. (Signed by Judge Alison J. Nathan on 3/29/2019) (jwh)

    in reply to: General Discussion #4728
    Registered Boarder

    Can any expert with Legal Knowledge back ground explain this in more detail sense?

    in reply to: General Discussion #4727
    Registered Boarder


    In the share holders notification vide dated 29th Jan. The PPT presentation slide 8 states :




    Usually, lawsuits end in a settlement via a Settlement Agreement

    Generally, when a settlement is reached in the U.S., it will be submitted to the court to be “rolled into a court order.”

    This is done so that the court which was initially assigned the case may retain jurisdiction over it. The court is then free to modify its order as necessary to achieve justice in the case, and a party that breaches the settlement may be held in contempt of court, rather than facing only a civil claim for the breach.

    A party may request that the case be dismissed with prejudice to ensure that the lawsuit cannot be resubmitted.

    I wish the Management Keep all those areas Water tight so that, there is No chance for further leakage….

    in reply to: General Discussion #4726
    Registered Boarder

    In the share holders notification vide dated 29th Jan. The PPT presentation slide 7 states :



    Who are the Legal advisors?

    If already Global Audit and interlinked Receivable Finance is WIP ( since March 2019) , then, what is the necessity for todays, another Global Auditor appointment?

    Did we have a different Global Auditor before (I dont think so).

    If not, Whats the relevance of this ?

    Can someone explain ?

    in reply to: Questions to ask / Post-Conference Update #4701
    Registered Boarder

    This wasn’t published. This is from the compilation by the retailer groups

    Registered Boarder

    wishful thinking!!!!!! No harm in that , I guess….

    Registered Boarder

    Based on the above- It will be interesting to see who the Brand New Auditor from Newyork is going to be. If all is well, I earnestly wish, that, this particular Action plan will boost the Morale and the investors who are sitting on the sidelines, take action accordingly and sweep the market

    Registered Boarder

    Going through the last Conference call SKR verbatm words were – Brand New Auditor from NewYork with a notion towards – a. Opportunity to raise More funds b. Boost Confidence in Market and also to the investors who are sitting in the sidelines

    Process about to start- approx 3 months.

    Not Beyond that.

    in reply to: Questions to ask / Post-Conference Update #4661
    Registered Boarder

    I have posted the summary of the previous Conference call.Might be a worthwhile idea to refresh our memories, to see what was promised and what was delivered. Can we have some prudent discussion this? Will be an useful tool to frame the questions for this Q call , post results

    in reply to: Questions to ask / Post-Conference Update #4660
    Registered Boarder

    Summary of Nov Conference call

    1. Inflection Point
    2. Going through Renowned banker, who is going to put us in front of potential investor
    3.Fii…. No Dilution of shares …Secondary Market Buy + TakeOut CURRENT investor (? new FII)
    4. We are Moving well and absolutely in line (Debt???) – LOC?>??? .
    5. Cash Flow increase , Once Debt Reduction happens- Dividend- Distribution
    6. Meeting Daum.. – Pay a small amount and Get an Agreement in place before december. (So far we have not announced the amount yet) – Announce the Money to be paid – and Line Up the Money to be paid-. Once the money starts flow into the company. let know the market. Will bring the confidence back
    7.Brand New Auditor from NewYork – a. Opportunity to raise More funds b. Boost Confidence in Market and also to the investors who are sitting in the sidelines .Process about to start- approx 3 months. Not Beyond that.
    8.LOC- Indirect Probing – 3 Months time( SKR- I didnt say that, But u can assume)
    9.WE End Vr- with Brightcom Group- They are part of Brightcom Group. They manage BC Group.. WE gave them free hand as we were not able to give stock Option. They are allowed freedom to do other Non Conflicting Businesses.
    10. Pledged shares:- from the Can bank- Investor Update
    11. Book Value to go up
    12. Analyst called last week– Affle- BCG- perception battle- sorting fundamentals.
    13. Plan for Lycos:- Brand- Lot of plans– Cant divulge information- Competitive edge- we have few ideas.- Next Generation way Leveraging Lycos Brand. Its only the Brand Usage….
    14. AI and expectation:- want to be the part of Journey. 6 months time
    15. Pissipatti- working on new initiative for the company on some solutions ( ?? Next gen internet)- very good progress. – soon to see some announcement

    in reply to: General Discussion #4367
    Registered Boarder

    I Honestly do not Know who is who and Who comes in which ID.If , all of you , who are trying to Console me, soothen me and Comfort me and have requested to put your Trust in you… Thanks for the efforts. I Honestly wish, You are indeed diffrent IDs of the CEO of the company and are trying to pass a message to the community… No one is going to Concede the truth aswell…. So, Best wihes and Good Night…… KINDLY PASS MY REGARDS TO THE CEO AND SAY GOOD NIGHT FROM ME !!!

    in reply to: General Discussion #4362
    Registered Boarder

    @ALL… My point is … we all are with you , the CEO… DONT MANIPULATE THE MAREKT. Enough of Market Manipulation. We have given you ENOUGH TIME to sort the issues. Now that , all are in the so called CUSP, and as your majority of personal and comapny related ealings are done )with, take the LID OF THE MARKET and LET IT TRADE FREELY- is aalllllllll, what we ask( we all Know, Market is a Dirty place… been there , seen there ). Sort your issues – Delink it with Manipulation of the shares and STOP suppresing the SHARE PRICE. dont use the words– MARKETS DOSENT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS!!!!

    in reply to: General Discussion #4356
    Registered Boarder

    Hi Admin… I understand yours and Shobas concerns about Media coming in… Ok, If thats going to be the case… CAN I ASK ONE FAVOUR? Will You Guys show your numbers ON 15TH? See, the CEO very well knows that, being a Double edged Sword, the Retailers , might not want to shoot dow in thier own foot… THIS , HE HAS TAKEN FOR GRANTED… If , You Guys are requesting NO Media, I might Concede to your request.But, I want Numbers for representation on 15th…I will infact VIDEO RECORD, all thats happening on the 15th and , if for any particular reason, things , dosent span out well, in the VERY NEAR FUTURE, will not HESITATE TO GO PUBLIC

    in reply to: General Discussion #4354
    Registered Boarder

    @sobha;- I have never doubted the books. This is my Disclaimer. But My question is- Ofcourse – All the issues has been going on. All the issues is being sorted.BUT, BUT, BUT BUT BUT BUT….. Whats has it got to do with the MARKET MAKERS keeping the SHARE PRICE DOWN at 4 and 5? If the CEO is an Honest person, and not a MANPULATOR of the market, Can you Honetly explain the CONTROLLED TRADING PATTERNS aided by the MARKET MAKERS help? Can you Honestly Explain the Big Investors Play time and Time again? Can you honestly explain , WHY SHOULD THE PRICE IS KEPT SUPPRESSED , WHEN DAY IN DAY OUT , Retaillers are Nibbling the shares from the Market Makers Kitty???!!!!Cant you see the association?The Association of the Market price being suppressed appears to be for OBVIOUS REASONS….Need Not to SAyyyyy… Been discussed here Umpty nuymber of times… Let the CEO sort out the issues of the companuy.. But, Supressing the Markets For his Own reasons… SEEMS NOT ACCEPTABLE

    in reply to: General Discussion #4347
    Registered Boarder

    @dream…I am very much aware that , One should not be shooting at his Own Foot… At the same time, The Plan of action is to Meet up with the CEO and asking himn the details. ASking him to show the MATERIAL EVIDENCE. I have done this before and at that time, was all alone. Was Fobbed by the CEO. This time , it might be a worthwhile, going to his Office backed with an AUDITOR and MEDIA, to get Validated, whatever the CEO has Got to say… If everything is in Black and WHITE, it will infact be GOOD for the company. Afterall, the CEO never BROUGHT IN MEDIA about the companies PROSPECTS. If, We get the Media and shall ask the CEO, to let know of the prospects , which he has been hiding for a while, It might be WAY TOO BETTER, to rope in NEW investors… dont you think? Do you think, a 20 minute, One sided Conference call, will sort out all your querries? How many times did you get a chance to ask the question, which was heavily Moderated and Orchestrated?!In this approach, You Not only get a 2 hour slot, rather, get to see . ALL THE MATERIAL EVIDENCE, the CEO has been ALLEGING, INCLUDING THE AUDITED FIGURES OF 2018-19, WHICH HE said, he will get it ready last time

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