Forum Replies Created
Rathi_bRegistered Boarder
Logan LOC would be very necessary to ambitiously fund their business now, the warrants issue to my mind is just a back door entry to gain stake. My guess is once the warrants are notified by the exchanges we should see rapid activity. You know @logan LOC is not going to be as small as the 260 crore warrants it is going to be a larger amount because they are looking for an upside of 30-50% in business revenues once it becomes operational. We should wait for the warrants now to be notified, I hope it happens early and not like the muskaan issue. Just remember he was talking also of a substantial dividend too for the next quarter in the AGM. When we were at SKR’s office last couple of times we were given concrete updates and that is why we the hyd investors are also hopeful that it will happen in the near future.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderThanks to the admin for the forum. Because of him and this forum all the meetings with SKR were possible, you people are a constant motivation for us to meet and discuss important issues with SKR. Just remember we collectively amount to a lot of credibility and respect in the company. Let’s now for all our sake and stake in this organisation hope that we finally earn the money we rightfully deserve. Thank you admin for all your efforts in keeping us intact through a very difficult phase in the market.
Rathi_bRegistered Boarder@sobha yes the Hyderabad investors ( me and others) had meet him thrice. We did discuss about many things amongst them Goenkas and their manipulations were constant mainstay. I’m happy that they are out now, who so ever owns big chunks are stable investors from the past few quarters. We had spoken about axis, LOC and Daum which are pending now that Goenkas are gone. We should expect a major development in this regard this quarter. I am not so bothered about increase in the retail investors who are generally vulnerable and volatile because the company’s share price has been for a long time impinged on the settlement of these issues. These look good to be settled in the near future, we had been constantly asking SKR regarding the developments regarding these issues and we were generously heard and accomodated with updates. So from our meetings with SKR we expect this quarter and the next to be very eventful. Just remember that the issue of warrants has still not been notified and attested by the exchanges so I think once this happens rest will fall in place one by one. @sobha to be very honest if nothing happens before March then it is a new problem for us. Let me very clear we investors who have met him expect atleast LOC or Axis cleared before March at max.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderInstead retail investors have now have 10% more than before. SHP makes for an interesting study, but my only worry is if there is such an increase in retail investors is that any little rattle and they will start running around like a headless chicken. Correct me if I’m being very pessimistic.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderSo OCB plus nri now is 14.57%. interesting
3+Rathi_bRegistered BoarderLet us wait for the SHP report for the quarter first, it’ll be out ina week. Let’s hope it sheds some clarity now.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderPlease vote whatever be your preference, you’ll see mail from aarti consultants in your mail box. But please vote
4+Rathi_bRegistered BoarderWe should except them to be done by Jan end.
Rathi_bRegistered Boarder@bhalothia9 the delivery volumes were less than the last week though. Let’s see if bulls are still on it in Monday. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
4+Rathi_bRegistered Boarder@bhalothia9 wait for January to end. Hahahaha we will go crazy.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderTo be honest I think we Hyderabad should start an irani cafe outside Holiday inn so that the price keeps rising. Salute SKR every morning and evening if it helps the price to increase and get a good dividend.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderLet’s hope they give us something back. Hehhehe man I hope next dividend us not 5 anna. We have to see how the company’s business does in the next 2 quarters to properly get an idea of eps.
4+Rathi_bRegistered Boarder@Logan and others we did speak to him at length about it. Yes there are details that cannot be spoken in a public forum. But my friend read between the lines you will see something that doesn’t meet you eyes in the first glance. I’m happy to state that we are at the tail end of all the issues. My advice to everyone keep this one for a while, we are going to have a bumper 2021, I stand by every word that I have written. We did have discussions on other topics as well but it is not the right time to talk about it. Please be patient with me there is only that much that I have already written that can be presented on a public forum. But hold on to your stocks good days are now just a few days away.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderThe third meet between brightcom investors forum’s representatives with SKR.
Date: 16 Dec-2020.
Today we had met Suresh at his office chamber to discuss the issue of the recent warrants, LOC and Daum specifically.
We asked him as to why they came up with the issue of the warrant now. To which Suresh told us he had done it with foresight and keeping regulatory and legal aspects in mind. He assured us in due time, our fears about the dilution will all be allayed. We spoke to him specifically about Parth Bhavesh Zaveri to which Suresh has assured us that there won’t be any manipulations as feared.
Regarding Axis it looks like only a few modalities are left in this regard as the matter is sub-judice, he explained to us that this situation with axis loan is at its final stages of the settlement now.
The LOC now increasingly looks more likely than ever. We are hopeful that we could see it get operational in a little while or after the holidays season is done. We were shown specific documentation about it, and we were very satisfied with all the progress made.
Regarding Daum, Suresh assured us that he would be on it the next day the LOC is approved.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderHello everyone we have just completed the meeting, please give sometime I’ll update it on the forum. Most probably I’ll do it by tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderNext hearing is on 18. Tomorrow we are going to meet the management. I shall update about the details of the meet later during the day.
Rathi_bRegistered BoarderRathi_bRegistered BoarderMy patience will runout after the AGM. They need to give strong updates on LOC and Axis before that. These charades of preferential warrants needs a strong reassuring answer and if any we are going to strongly confront him with this Zuber Zaveri nautanki.
Let me make it very clear to everyone that if this meeting doesn’t allay our concerns, our approach needs to take a 180 dive. We cannot be made fools of with these unnecessary “forward statements”. New year with new approach is what I strongly believe in. I hope I have made my intention for the meeting very clear. Any stupid audit report or functioning capabilities of the company can take a back seat for this meet.Rathi_bRegistered BoarderWe will however discuss about it( warrants) with him. If any other important questions please put in.
7+Rathi_bRegistered BoarderWe have requested for a meeting with the management and we are waiting to hear back. Will update as and when any developments occur. Please put in all the questions and make a proper list to discuss in the meeting other than preferential warrants.