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SobhaRegistered Boarder
If BCG is in dire situation, why others are purchasing 34 crore shares?
2+SobhaRegistered BoarderThere are two sides to be examined here. With the proposed dilution, the EPS will come down to just above 5. As skr has already told, with the LOC procedure complete, the EPS will go upwards by 30%. Further, there is enough unreported earnings. There are at least some subsidiaries, the income of which is not at all included in the present EPS. Lycos alone will add 5 – 10%. More than that there will be annual increase of 15 or 20% in the next two years with this money and LOC, as working capital condition is improved. This will make the EPS again near to Rs. 9 in the next two years. So if there is a target of 500 that will come down to 400. Not below that.
Having said that the other side also is to be considered. None of the above arguments frees the management from its unethical and fraudulent behavior. The present dilution clearly proves that the entire stock price manipulation was done in the interest of the management only.
Even while diluting, he could have done it together with the earlier preferential offer. Again he has extended the time by one year in order to increase his voting rights convincing the retailer that once the earlier PO was accepted, everything will be fine. Thus, he has given 7% shares to his close friends and classmates. Even now, he is not disclosing things fully. If so, the subsequent question comes that, how such a fraudulent promoter can be trusted in the future?SobhaRegistered BoarderSobhaRegistered BoarderAll other issues can be solved. But if promoter is fraudulent, what can be done?
SobhaRegistered Boardermistake corrected
0SobhaRegistered BoarderWhat about the program of meeting analysts one by one? Do corona block it? Any information?
0SobhaRegistered BoarderIs there any other indication than the fact that next week skr is going to meet the analysis?
0SobhaRegistered BoarderSomebody says their opinion…. But some others cannot agree to that….. Such things are very common…..Both have their right to hold to their opinions…. But taking that to the level of personal attack is not good….
0SobhaRegistered BoarderThank you DH… Was waiting for your posts..
0SobhaRegistered Boarderboard meeting to discuss Daum issue appears to be very positive…
0SobhaRegistered BoarderTwo important steps that will enhance the trustability of the promoter is audit of accounts by a reputed auditor as well as declaration of a decent dividend… Can all of us, as a team, this year demand for a reasonably good dividend through con call as well as through mails and messages?
0SobhaRegistered BoarderIs it under reported? because all other adtech firms are doing well…
0SobhaRegistered Boarderkpal, why the earnings are flat for last 3 years?
0SobhaRegistered BoarderUndoubtedly, everything is going as planned in the background….
0SobhaRegistered BoarderKpal, It is astonishing that you reported the news just 20 minutes after reporting to exchanges…
0SobhaRegistered Boarderboard meeting on 11th feb to finalize the auditor means things are going faster….
0SobhaRegistered Boarderwell said
0SobhaRegistered BoarderThank you admin for your balanced opinion..
0SobhaRegistered BoarderThey may be holding less than 1% shares of BCG group
0SobhaRegistered BoarderSkr answered that question in last con call. we-endeavor doesn’t belongs to Brightcom. It is formed by the employees of brightcom because of the illegal nature of stock options there in israel. They are employees of brightcom. They as an entity do contract works of BCG. It appears that they have heavily invested in bcg..
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