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nitin_asceRegistered Boarder
I was not able to attend the concall. Does anybody have youtue link of concall recording.
2+nitin_asceRegistered BoarderThank you Logan for good explanation.
Just another argument If I look back in history if a company is dubious or have bad management bonuses are issued to prep up share price and it is not delayed. The bonus shares are credited very fast.
In our case it is delayed due to some reasons. The investors are panicking but personally I don’t know a single chor company where bonus issue was delayed. Hence if bonus is delayed that doesn’t mean bcg is a chor company.
The other reason of not picking calls is management is not prepared for such large volume of calls and doesn’t want to disclose their problems with public and hence no notification was done.
nitin_asceRegistered BoarderOne question, why is so much hate there for BCG on Twitter. Even some well known names are happily trolling BCG.
It’s all about how much risk you want to take and returns follow your risk profile. More the risk more the returns.
nitin_asceRegistered Boardernitin_asceRegistered Boardernitin_asceRegistered Boardernitin_asceRegistered BoarderThe video was clearly biased. Out of curiosity I saw the video. Intent is if we are unable to see any negative due to my positive bias then I should understand it.
However it was clearly biased. Couple of points like he mentioned increased in margin as per latest concall however he compared margin upto few quarters back. However last 2 quarters did show some margin improvement which he casually ignored.
Yhe other thing was yearly Financials were compared However he never showed quarterly numbers. If quarterly numbers were shown people would have better understood recent price increase.nitin_asceRegistered BoarderYes true. Will BCG meet the guidance or will beat the earlier provided guidance.
My thinking is if management wants share price to move up they will try to beat the earlier provided guidance. Rest it all depends on business conditions and external factors.
Keeping finger crossed.
nitin_asceRegistered BoarderYes, true èven suresh hinted for US listing of subsidiary. Even in this quarterly concall I expect some reputed analysts to be there.
I am very happy with the bcg journey so far. But now mind has started asking me a question when will I find next bcg.
5+nitin_asceRegistered BoarderAnother great stock picker put BCG in his watchlist.
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nitin_asceRegistered BoarderThe intent of bonus was to force PW holders to convert their warrants by paying money. We have already seen evidence of that.
I think FPI will not get bonus shares, however if they pay money in advance and get shares by 17th Aug, I think it will be good since BCG will have lot of liquid cash now for acquisitions.
nitin_asceRegistered BoarderLet’s wait for another week and everything will be clear.
3+nitin_asceRegistered BoarderI attended the concall. SKR was brimming with confidence and I could sense that a well laid plan is already in place. The highlight of the call is when being asked on nasdaq listing, Mr SKR mentioned that he meant that only when he replied to last question. To the last question he replied that there may be some dilution at subsidiary level by diluting the stakes (my interpretation on answer provided by CEO).
I am very excited from today’s call. Would wait for posts and reviews of today’s call from senior boarders.
nitin_asceRegistered BoarderOne thing I could think of is to force PW investors to redeem their PW by paying balance amount before the bonus issue. The company might be seeking good opportunities and need funds. However if this is the reason than surely PW holders are not proxies of management.
@logan can you provide your views please.
nitin_asceRegistered Boardernitin_asceRegistered BoarderFellow boarders and @diana one question generally greed has no limits and promoters are allowed to raise their stake upto 75%.
So the question is will this game stop even after PW are allotted.
I don’t think so.Secondly the CEO referred P/E of4-5 in latest concall on being asked about value erosion due to PW. So is this a new game.
I am just trying to understand what will happen after PW are issued.
9+nitin_asceRegistered Boarder@Logan thanks for your reply, I think one of the biggest takeaway which I could personally take from BCG since last FEB is that lot of issues have been resolved or getting resolved. Doubts are much lower and confidence is much higher.
I think axis is almost done and PW & daum is pending but i hope it will also be closed in 2-3 months.
Now the company will get Cash from PW around 260 crore and then LOC is also in progress i assume it will also be couple of hundred crore as a minimum.
So we are looking at at large amount of cash at this moment although usage of this cash is not clear. This looks exciting but we have some bad examples of similar situations in stock market as well where cash was not put to good use.
Lets hope for the best and wait few more months so that all legacy issues are resolved. But very exciting times ahead.
nitin_asceRegistered Boardernitin_asceRegistered Boarder@Logan and @Diana from last couple of concalls, the increase in number of retailers is claimed as if management is victorious.
However I am still not clear if management want to increase their shareholding through PW, how increased number of retailers are helping them. Generally increased retail participation leads to elevated share price and share price didn’t appreciate. Is this the reason of sounding victorious.
I heard the last 2 concalls and management was quite vocal on increased retailers.
Can you throw some light on this.
nitin_asceRegistered BoarderWe can also ask what happened to the big AI order which was expected few quarters back during one of the concalls and then there is no news of it.