Diana Horton

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  • in reply to: General Discussion #10222
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Further to this Logan, I Honestly cannot see any kind of a True answer from any possible angle for this MASSIVE dilution OF PW- that too at the peanuts price of 7.7, except for One angle- the angle of the management for its self interest and betterment.

    I read all your articles about the postulates and possibilities that you think can be attributed for such massive dilution.

    Unfortunatly, I hardly can validate any of those postulates, but for one- Greed and SElf Interest of the Management, unfortunatly.Thats a Mammoth dilution of unagreeable degree by any comparable parameter, which I think all the forum members will agree.

    in reply to: General Discussion #10221
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @logan… You state ” Some of us want the company to invest heavily in AI and ML and some of us don’t want the company to do that and would want the company to look at fixing the valuation. I seriously don’t know which will be better for the company and the shareholders.”

    The share holders have been deprived of the appropriate Market cap valuations.We all have been sitting with eager expectation that the share Holders will appropriatly rewarded.

    If the Market Cap rejuvenation is not respected, then it comes to the Basic question of Why did the company go PUBLIC.Till date the Management of the company has been acting in thier own interest- Own interest of the company and Own interest of the management.

    The Interests of the share Holders has never been respected- which unfortunatly has been the blatant truth, which I am sure all the forum members will agree.

    The Management has never taken any Step, working towards the benefit of the share holders, to say the least. It has been working One and only towards the betterment of the self and tried to do some betterment for the company.

    The issue with the management is- Its a One man army.And the One man army,appears to have a Tunnel vision.The Board of Directors are playing dummy role and appear to be the puppet of the management.

    In Nutshell, to answer your question Logan, As a pathway was chosen to go Public by the management in the year 2010 then, ofcourse, Market Cap is a priority. Expansion and getting into AI and ML are ofcourse good thoughts, but once again not at the cost of letting down the share holders again and again.

    So, My suggestion to the management is to Take a Note of the Vital fact which is- The company is Public and not a Pvt Ltd company and reward the share holders of appropriate valuations what the company deserves and work towards that.

    Letting out warrants at Peanut price of 7.7 and voluntarily keeping the share price controlled at these price not letting or aiding the real growth of the true valuations of the company is unfortunatly criminal.

    in reply to: General Discussion #9990
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGIans….. On this Auspicious day, Wishing all the retail Investors in BCG my Heartiest wishes,for a Wonderful Year ahead…… DH

    in reply to: Fundamentals and Business Related Activities #8398
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Indeed a Very Welcome move by the Management.Thank you Mr Promoter. Welcome on board Mr Acharya.

    in reply to: General Discussion #8133
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder


    Will take this as an opportunity to thank you on behalf of the whole BCG community for the time you are dedicating and efforts that you are placing in responding to the individual investors queries and doubts.

    Have to admit your presence here in the forum certainly gives Clarity on many cloudy areas that were lingering amongst majority of retail participants including the Long term share holders.

    Also, the materials in your posts have got good content and are backed up with research – making all the retail participants come and visit the forum to augment Thier knowledge about BCG.

    Also, want to thank the admin of the group, for maintaining the decorum and vetting the posts to give us all a spam free platform and a place to come and indulge in a place where we can gain more knowledge about BCG.

    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear Saul..

    Many Thanks for bringing this topic. A good and an interesting topic.

    I have gone through your article of Cost of bringing in the BDO as Accountants to Indian parent entity. Of course, a reputed firm will be essential to put a Validatory stamp on to the Quarterly Figures. This in itself a very big boost for the Parent, albiet the fact that, the profits that are generated are not compared to the Subsidiaries. However, with the advent of lot of Avenues opening up in the Indian Ad Segment and also the parallel businesses BCG is keeping a foot into and also considering the Long term vision, it certainly will be a Welcome move. Rather, we all would be be feeling proud and No one will dare Finger point at the Parent. This gives us strength and Self assertion. Audit and Revalidation are Very strong points here and that too by a reputed firm

    Coming to the Dividend bit. I am equivocal. Considering the Low Market PE of what we have, BCG, has got the potential to go Leaps and Bounds, compensating for the Peanut dividend that one will reap from the payout.

    Having said that, Dividend payout has three possible advantages.

    First being… Coming out of the Clawing Clauses of our Indian Market surveillance system. They have pegged Regular Dividend payouts as an inclusion criteria .In order NOT to get caught into this system, Its better,BCG, pay out a bare minimum payout at least on three possible occasions to begin with and later on register a minimum YOY. Having a good history in the markets, will give potential for BCG to get chance for F&O options in the near future, which will be far more lucrative.

    The second advantage I see regarding the dividend payout imminently is, it becomes kind off attractive in front of the MF entities who will be sneak peeking. Two to three registered dividends, is One of the tick box exercise to kindle their interests.

    Third point regarding dividend is, Its a sign of respect, to the share holders of the company. The tandem shift in the attitude from a Private company to that of a Public company. Respecting the retailers that you are Family and The company is looking at all the retailers as part of BCG family and grow old together.

    Appreciating all the efforts that you are taking Saul

    Warm Regards


    in reply to: General Discussion #7129
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGians

    The promoter during the previous intimations let us know that there was an amicable agreement settlement in place and that Oak will not come to the market.

    2 days ago, we all noticed, in contrast, the Fii, unfortunately, sold a big chunk of shares in the open market. This appears to be against the said Agreement either Verbal or written, on the part of the Aged Fii, Not sticking up with the agreement.
    Yesterday, it appears once again the Aged Fii, tested the markets again leading onto current situation.

    We all know, what happened when the last but one Fii, indiscriminately, sold the shares in the market, without any consideration

    The last Fii, was very co operative and considering the market and our stock trading circumstances, complied and got a Complete exit considering the big % holdings they had.

    The current Fii scenario- Taking into consideration about what has been stated by the company and the promoter , it appears that there was an agreement( No one knows the exact details), the idea was to establish a Buyer for the 7% sale. Looking at the history of the announcements This agreement was made with the Fii, whilst the stock was trading at lower levels.

    However, going through the proceedings, it appears the Fii, notwithstanding the Uprise of the stock price, appears to have deferred and appears Not to have adhered to the settlement plan and have gone astray. Although we all presumed that it was an Organised transfer of hands based on day 1 of selling of the Fii, the day 2 did not support the plausible theory, wherin, the Aged Fii, in question, went once again Out of bounds to dump the same in the Open Market.

    They appear to be the Golden Goose Egg story Villains here.

    The sale appears indiscriminate and not only have they burnt their selling chance -as the True Valuation appreciation has been hampered, But at the same time, Because of the Greedy and Not so sensible way they appears to have acted , are stuck with a Big chunk sitting in their pocket with the timeline ticking especially with No help available after ruffling the feathers.

    If all the presumptions we hold are true, The current scenario caused by the current Fii, Hope, get to some senses and try and re establish links with the Management and plead for a decent exit.

    If this happens and I am sure this will happen as the Fii dosent have another choice but for to plead help. In this process, The Fii will get an Exit in a single go and It will be a Multifold Benefit for the BCG community including the Aged Fii in order for all of us to Reap the benefit of Actual Value Realisation

    Hoping this to happen and hoping to see the Greenaries Quite soon and imminently

    untill then

    Warm Regards


    in reply to: General Discussion #7105
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My dear BCGians

    Yesterday one of the Last Fii finally pulled the plug.

    Although the transaction was not expected via this route in the form of open market sale, it appeared a rather decent market sale without affecting the performance of the companies market cap.

    Few interesting points to be noted in the first stage or rather day 1 of Oakxit.

    Oakxit happened in NSE and not BSE.There are two important points to be noted. One, was, not hindering the forward momentum of the stock.The second one was – it was like an pre organised deals, as there was Volume build up happening noted for the past two days up to it. Combined volumes of more than 1% equity(visualised) was noted in the exchange.This big orders were never seen before.

    It didn’t appear as if Oakxit happened at open market, rather , meticulously planned and well executed, Pseudo Market transfer.The buyer on the otherside,although not visible with 35 lakh quantities, was ready and was absorbing everything without spillage, meticulously via masked orders.

    Both the vested interest parties were sensible enough to carefully consider the positive Market sentiments and were respectful of the forward march of our brightcom.

    This has happened because of possible restrictions oak might have had to execute Thier holding, as they have more than 5% in total.The seller and Buyer were meticulous enough that the stock landed up in safe hands and did not go astray in the form of spillage.

    Further, although there was opportunity for oak to have sold some further amount in the market via the other exchange, as there was still a big chunk of share noted in the BSE.

    This shows that, OAK wants not to hamper the rally and possibly got the intention to sell some further more quantity on the upper side as and when it is possible and as and when the other buying party is able to place order without much hindrance to avoid spillage.

    Interesting times in the blissful forward march of our brightcom.Every day is different.Hopeful of yet another blissful day and Respect to the seller and Buyer who has been careful enough to have had the courtesy not to affect the market sentiments.

    Our wishes for both parties, if there was one at all(my gut feeling says so) for a very successful exchange of hands and hope that the quantity lands up in safe hands and is parked securely for the next further 10 more years to come

    Also, continued wishes to all BCGians, on this wonderful forward momentum that has been seen over the past few weeks, making us all feel proud

    Untill then

    Warm regards


    in reply to: General Discussion #7019
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    post # 7018

    Dear Mr Goodman

    May I take the Oppourtunity to thank you on behalf of the BCG community for all the Detailed Informative and Research backed Analytical posts that you have posted over a short period of time.

    Its a Pleasure to have you in this Forum

    Hope to meet you in person, in this years AGM, if Possible

    Warm Regards…..


    in reply to: General Discussion #6426
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGians….

    It has been a fantastic few weeks for the Blood Thirsty BCGians who have been calmly and patiently been waiting for things to happen. Certain Greenery to the sour eyes.

    The PO of Rs 10 and Analyst version of Rs 12 for the time being, are the very short term target, rather Miniscule near term target, One might await- bare minimum, based on the recent activities noted from the company’s announcements.
    As discussed in my previous detailing on the 21st of May, BCG appears to be poised for a lot more Action Packed performance.

    Todays trade was infact a Hall mark number of nearly 1 Cr shares traded with 100% delivery. New big Entrants and New Beginnings.

    The promoter during the last Conference call stated that the Old aging and the Big Institutional Fund house will be given a Decent exit and this will not happen via the open the market Route. If this happens and once again if some good Long term new investors come inside, this will cement and pave a Bed of Red roses for a further great Journey.

    Intrinsically, we are still awaiting a Multitude of settlement issues which in itselves can pave a medium term target of Multi Year Lycos High in the forth coming Journey.

    These are pure Intrinsic settlement issues, perse. Once all these Intrinsic settlement issues are done with, We should await the Extrinsic news about, the development of the company, The future of the New sectors BCG is stepping itselves into, Acquisitions and targets etc etc etc.

    In this whole process It certainly will be an Icing on the cake especially, If the promoter Group shows interest and increase their stake especially considering the fact that the Multiyear pending issues are gradually melting away, giving a Clear guidance and pathway for a Bright and Crystal Clear Future.

    Inflection Point is Reflected upon by the performance noted poised in it selves for a great future…

    Stay Put buddies.. Until then….


    in reply to: General Discussion #6262
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGians…..

    Has been a very good journey, so far.

    The Vibes are Very clear. The Intentions have been made very clear.

    The Vibes and intentions are 100% substantiated by the actions happening both behind the scenes and for the world to see. PO, has made a sure Shot Victory for the First Lapse of the Marathon Relay Running Race.

    The Logistics of getting stuff in order clearing all hurdles to get the Running Race going is a certain Task. Glad to note that the hurdles are amicably being sorted One after another to get the Ball Rolling which is quite well reflected in the Market Cap of our BCG.

    Next in line will be Funds coming from PO and allotment of Shares, which I guess should happen in a weeks time, hopefully.

    With the Funds coming in, the two local issues may get sorted, depending on what has been accepted by the Bankers whom our BCG own some money and as a result of which, the Majority of the pledged shares will get released .

    If this happens, Our BCG will be 100% debt free company which becomes a Limelight Super star Attraction in itself . Pledge Release secondary and subsequently will add colour to it. The Former will add Flavour to the Companies perspective and the Later will add colour to the promoters perspective. Two Important Criteria’s (debt and Pledge) besides the Numbers seen by the Biggies in the Markets

    Relaxation of Lockdown partially both Locally and in the west, will aid the Further action plan on the Pre Sprint mode.

    Also Great to note the presentations that our BCG has been coming up time and time again via the appropriate Boards to let know the investor community about the Numbers.

    Brace yourselves my dear buddies… Nice to see the Long awaited Movements Validated through Actual Action on Board which gets reflected on the Numbers of what we all were longing for…..


    in reply to: General Discussion #6222
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    My Dear BCGians

    Further to my message posted yesterday trying and shouldering One of Our LTI, Its Great to see the news that Preferential Offer has been Okayed by the NSE aswell.

    Yesterday, I wrote, Just hold on… One will never know, asto when the Low lying Fruit will drop… And, there you go……

    Ofcourse, It has been a Long Drawn process, got stuck because of Unfortunate reasons.

    I am sure the Management should have been as frustrated as what we were aswell.

    This PO clearance is One of the Catalyst in the cascade of Reactions to unlock and unwind.

    I see a Good and a Clear pathway for majority of Indian based hurdles unknotting itselves

    Lets wait and see as to when the Western side Knot Loosens up.

    At the current time – Its time to celebrate CROSSING the First BIG MILESTONE.

    Lets all stay Together, Stay Safe and Smell the Essences of Success.

    Best wishes My Friends

    in reply to: General Discussion #6216
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear XOo9.. I completly understand your frustration and I share my shoulder alongside you and many others boarders who have sailed the boat with us for a Long time.

    If we let go apart the frustration bit and employ some analytic sense into this, the picture is very clear.

    We know all the Progress as quoted and discussed has been happening in the background. Only thing is We do not know the % progress of it.Emotions can beat us all down , especially, when the stock tardes in Red. I am not sure whether you are a trader or a Long term investor. If you are a LTI, then, few days to few weeks wait, I suspect, will not matter much.

    Depending on the progress made,which Unfortunatly, we will not know, If the Low hanging Fruits are ripe and is about to fall into the hands, JUST BE THERE, to catch it.

    One Never Know, as to when the Low Hanging Fruit will become completly Ripe and when Its going to fall into your hands. So, Be there, Hang on, Let Go of your frustration.We are all there in the same Boat us you.It could be today, It could be Next week or in a Few weeks time. Its Just, Things needs to fall into its place and I foresee it all happening…. Soon, rather very soon….

    in reply to: General Discussion #6211
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Hello BCGians….It has been a tumultuous few months.Appears the formalities that needs to be done was delayed because of the unexpected and disastrous pandemic.

    Article by the promoter himselves gives a positive and green signal on the DIRECTION where the Adtech industry is poised, despite strong Headwinds. The article was quite re assuring from the industry perspective

    From market perspective, two lag factors appears to be the NSE approval and conglomeration with global audit.

    I suspect both are really a matter of time.Offices have started functioning. I suppose it’s just a matter of time for NSE approval provided all the extra and necessary documents are made available to the boards. I suspect the company in itself be more keen than we retailers to get it done at the earliest.

    We have held our hopes and kept the fortress intact… Let’s stay together in this and breathe the victory which is mammoth.

    in reply to: General Discussion #5998
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    .., Answering your question.

    Imagine you are the PE guy who has got an axe above your head of the date coming to a close for exiting. You have got 3.3 crore shares. If you start selling in the markets, One would very much doubt, that there will be enough number of buyers to buy that much quantity, let alone, there is hardly any Buying interest even for the peanuts that are noted in the current day market and that too with this much amount of positive news been imposed into the market.

    Now, How is that possible that all the factors are culminating at the same time? Like the PO, Daum, Axis, Analyst meet etc etc? Is it Co Incidental? Ofcourse not. The underlying factor for all such procrastination and the Rate Balancing step On the balance appears to be for the exit of the PE investor. It was very well known to the company that Neutralising Oak at the bottom price will be far better and if it is going to be organised, will be even better and If it is going to be for an Insider- Far Far more profitable.

    Its a Game of Chess between the Company and the PE investor. As the Noose is tightening around the neck, with dates coming so close with 3.3 cr shares in hand, either One looses it or get a Graceful exit on a Organised basis. If an agreement is not reached, then the company will not give any positive news. Only after an agreement, all the news has been released to the market, which I guess. Its a Very clever game of Check Mate, especially considering the Long term interest of both the Company and its Non PE share holders

    Unless the Deal has been struck, Do you think that, this much amount of positive news would be coming out of the market? If the whole point of significant Procrastination of all such events was purely for OAK exit, would you imagine, the company coming out with, all such information, unless this is sorted?

    Imagine the Plight of the Fall that happened from 64 to 32 levels, when The Sansars pulled the trigger? As a Long term Investors, do we want similar such falls? Its Better, these things are sorted at bottom levels so that, BCG dosent Fall prey yet again.

    As expected, there is an announcement today, regarding the Analyst meet. That too One week lagathaar Marathon meet in Mumbai followed by a Analyst Conference the next week. This will form the basis impetus for the expected/suspected journey. BCG has also announced series of such meets in the future every quarter. I suspect, this will be the same Conference call, which all m, we the Retail investors were attending for the past 5 years, without the analysts.

    Once again, looking closely, or zooming it by 5x or 10x, the dates of the Analyst meet is next week. Would a CEO face the analysts without solving the ongoing issues? It will be like shooting himself in his own foot, unless otherwise there is a Master plan or a Hidden agenda which I cannot foresee.

    The Numbers were always there. It was made to look dubious and suspicious, used as a very clever tool by vested interested parties using false propaganda to such an extensive manner, which we all have obviously noticed.

    With the Issues being sorted in the background around the aging PE investor- Both Fundamentals and the Corporate Governance being sorted, One would visualise and imagine, regaining the Lost Past Glory, in the coming days, weeks to months to years.


    in reply to: General Discussion #5944
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    The rampantness and speed at which the lower 5% is happening, appears for a certain purpose.This is happening despite all good news that has been flowing into the market via the management.

    Do all you remember November 2018 scenario? An organised sale happened at 2.35.The lowest point of trading history in the past 4 to 5 years.

    In my opinion and hopeful prediction, the only purpose for the organised current fall seems to be for the exit of the aging investor, at a specific fixed price. The price can be anywhere between 2.25 to 4 Rs.

    Next week trading is restricted to 4 days.An analyst call meeting has been organised during 2nd week of this month.I suspect, the pain might be possibly for another 4 days or so, depending on the organised exit of the fii ,on the balance.

    This downfall has has already been primed by the management via appropriate parties,by the looks.

    Imagine, the sale price of fii, in the next coming week or two weeks depending on the previously fixed price is RAVANAS HEAD,with no further pending issues that needs to be sorted that might influence the markets for a downward movement, as it appears majority of the issues are sorted as stated by the management, then the ROAD TO AYODHYA,will be on the FLOWERBED.


    in reply to: General Discussion #5906
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    @Lycos Investor:- Answering your question #5904 :- Refer to my post #5896.

    Go to point number 5 and Point Number 6.

    These are the Two Explanations One can give.

    Interestingly, If you look at the person who has sold the shares, with such a Big Quantity, That persons name was not reflected in the Share Holding pattern of the Last Quarter. The reason being, the % holding was just under 1% and hence the names will not be exposed. The group is a Vast enterprice and I suspect there might too many similar such names just under 1% category, considering the time the biggies have been in the stock.Unless One gets a Detailed Share Holding pattern, It will be difficult to know.

    Point Number 6 is plain and simple. Squaring for Tax benefits etc. But having said that, STCG is 15% and STT ATT etc etc , will eat the profits out. Despite this, This is happening on a Recurrent basis means, the importance of Point number 5 needs to be emphasised and re emphasised.

    Point Number 5 is a very Big and cumbersome and tricky and possibly an Ugly can of worm to explain.I am sure you will find means to understand this by your own research.

    …. DH

    in reply to: General Discussion #5896
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    The Share price falling and rising in the stated range is not New to BCG. We have witnessed this on plenty of occasions. Let us analyse the various reasons for the fall in the Share price happening at this juncture.

    1. Markets and Traders – How Markets Make Money using any Volatile situation. Sell on High and Buy at Low. When the Promoters per se are not interested or provided there are Ongoing issues, the Stock becomes a Paradise for the Traders and Other important people. No Value recognition happens and It will be Pure trade based on the Strong hands own will. This is Money making and not Wealth Creation.

    2. Shorting and Accumulation– Sell at high and Accumulate more at Bottom, as One has a Bigger kitty to buy.In contrast to the Market Gurus preaching – For the Aam Aadmi retailer, despite the Strong Sensible Impulse from the Brain states Hold on , the Cowardice Heart – Echoes- Sell Sell Sell…So, Once again, The retailer becomes a Victim, especially, If One has superficial Knowledge of the stock or Not has analysed the Fundamentals of the company. So, Once again, Shorting and accumulation aids Strong hands Once again

    3. Another Important Factor, especially in the Background of so much Information been passed on to the market. We are there… But , Yet Not there , Kind of scenario… Now, I am sure, Many of the retailers would have recommended the stock to your near and dear and friends. For Two reasons.., 1. Expectation, that If someone else also buys, the stock will go up(Main Reason) 2. Oh, I would like my Friend to make some Money( Lol, Last reason). Now, with so much News thats Propping Up in the market, at this Juncture- There , But Not there, If Bullishness is seen, Obviously, the Stock will fall Prey, into some Weaker hands, Who will Buy today and will sell once they make 20 or 30% profit. Green for the Market is Go and Red for the Market is NO Go. So, Keep in Red, Deep Red, will make Newbies Shy away.

    4. We are coming to Some of the more Important reasons, In specific to BCG. The management stated that The Big Fii are going to go away. It means, The Deal possibly has been struck theoretically. The Practical aspect of the same needs to happen. The Million Dollar Question is, at what price the deal was struck and what the intricacies of the deal are. One will never come to know, until the Final Moment. So, Depending on the Theoretical Hand shake that has happened, The Strong hands will Pave way for such deal to materialise, by Parking the price at amicable range.

    5. The next One is shaping of the SHP. This is also one of the important points. A legal case was going on. The Biggies were in real threat and they were put in a compulsory position to safeguard their Own interest; Otherwise, they might fall prey, If the case goes Pear shaped. In this process, As like the Restructuring of the Companies happened, I am sure there would have been some Restructuring of SHP would also have happened, with the help of strong hands. Now, as the legalities are being Mitigated, and as things are falling back in Position, The RE-Restructuring may be happening in the back ground.

    6. Once again, The Year End Possibility. Squaring of Profits made in other companies. A weak company with Issues becomes a Target, by the Strong hands. Buy High and Exchange Low.

    7. The Other possibilities are: The preferential Offer is happening at Less than 1PE. Although Voters have voted, the Final verdict is in the hands of the Boards. A tricky situation. So, Not to show any enthusiasm or Bullishness, until the whole process is done and dusted. Not taking any chances.

    8. The Legality of Daum closure is not complete yet; Untill the Chappa is in place, nothing is 100%. So, Dont show, any sign of bullishness

    9. Bank Loan is not completed yet. The Greedy bankers are still Greedy. Any sign of Bullishness, is not good. So,Keep it mellowed.

    10. And, Lastly, there is something called the BluePrint.

    I have given a good think about Our situation and these are the Possibilities that came through my mind. Would appreciate, Our BCGians to let their opinions and views, as to which Point Suits the Most in our case or the Combination of which factors are suiting , In the Order of preference.

    Having Discussed all these, The Long standing Holders of BCG, ought to understand and constantly reverberate the words -both in the heart and the brain– stated by the Management – Inflection Point


    in reply to: General Discussion #5877
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    Glad to see approvals from the boards regarding the preferential Allotment.Hope by the weekend the process gets completed and Funds reach our hands which will help BCG intitiate the cascade of process in the debt reduction and settlement issues.


    in reply to: General Discussion #5850
    Diana Horton
    Registered Boarder

    Dear BCGians

    Of the 4 important Vital events that we discussed in #5832, which we are expecting a closure, It is hightime, we are looking forward towards the Closure Preferential Offer, Which is One the the First Catalyst steps in the Cascade of events.

    From the outside, Majority of job seems to have been done. I suspect we are waiting for the Final Stages of the same.If this gets completed, this will pave way for the other events to happen One after another.

    Lets keep our fingers crossed and expect some correspondence from the Management.


Viewing 20 posts - 81 through 100 (of 185 total)