Forum Replies Created
SaachRegistered Boarder
Respected DH, I am an old time follower of your thoughts and notes as confirmed earlier, as well. Now your systematically reply to my question helped me to understand the chess game, simultaneously. Hats off to you for your efforts sharing your views/opinion/thoughts in a very simple manner to clarify all my doubts. Obliged for clearing several clouds of mystery from my mind. Thank you so much. Regards.
0SaachRegistered BoarderDear Shoumik, I take liberty to request you, as claimed being a banker and having enough information techncally, financially and of course knowing the fundamentals of the group, to please clarify why you did not spare time and raise your questions during, Why it has been important for you to comment adversely post cc?
0SaachRegistered BoarderRespected Admn.,
Hats off to you for sharing immediately your views on board which is the most important action taken at the right moment. I have regards for all the members of this board and follow their comments/views with bottom of my heart. I am very senior citizen and having connection with the group since last 6-7 years as a shareholder. Just patience, positive views and trust is required once you are in the share market and Market is the leader of ALL. Regards.
0SaachRegistered BoarderCertaintly, today’s BoD meeting its Daum feedback on settlement agreement was received and duly noted simultaneously POA given to SKR to achieve final settlement sum and MODE of payment – will definitely be a big surprise benefit for Group in favor of BCG shareholders.
This will be disclosed post obtaining signatures on final written agreement resulting from the purely efforts of SKR alone to deal with Daum.
These are my personal views and opinion sharing members of our Board.
0SaachRegistered BoarderMore important point is “MODE OF PAYMENT” which could be a game changer of whole scenario; once it is clarified by SKR in detail, this is purely my thought. Very positive vibrations!
0SaachRegistered BoarderHope with these news and notifications of Daum and PO respectively, we all LT investors (at least) will be more patient and confident in the performance of the Company(Group) and will appreciate the act of SK, henceforth. There will be much more positive news/points/comments/declarations/indications during forthcoming Conf. Call of 22nd. Good Luck. Cheers.
0SaachRegistered BoarderBro Shoumik, Really I appreciate your efforts in explaining all the points systematically and well calculated which boost the confidence of retailers in the company with every word said. Thank you so much. Regards.
0SaachRegistered BoarderDear Bro. Bullguru, Life starts after bold and contrarian steps – that is my own belief. I am admirer of your steps towards averaging systematically and so do I. I got a dose of positive and strong colleague on same lines and acting as well. These are my personal views. My comments are not addressed to disrespect, at all. My apologies if these words hurts any of our colleagues. Regds
1+SaachRegistered BoarderDear BullGuru Bro, I agree with you on all points; it make lot of sense and wise decision by SKR – So thorn in the neck is Daum. Rightly presented. Rgds
0SaachRegistered BoarderDear BullGuru, In principal I agree with you but still fail to understand what could be the reason for not placing High caliber CEO to handle professionally the management of group by SKR and to concentrate on technical part of his expertise field! Your views on this point, please!
I recollect one of his interviews with Prashant Anchor on NDTVProfit channel, confessing that marketing is not his cup of tea and he admitted that he was not in position to understand stock market to place the share in the right slot/valuation of its worth.0SaachRegistered BoarderDear Guru I am also one of your admirers and following your each and every comment(s) which are generating magically positive vibrations. Thank you so much for sharing your powerful arguments boldly in simple manner. Regards
1+SaachRegistered BoarderDear Bro, very rightly said puraney……. old timers of BCG holders.
Congrats to all our BCG shareholders. Regds0SaachRegistered BoarderAdmn. While going through the text of conf. call dated November 17th, I noticed an interesting name of company as mentioned “weEndeavor Group and role of Jacob Nizri”and went on web site “” is a worth to understand. For me it is a great information for the retailers which I wanted to pointed out for members of our Group. Thanks and regards.
0SaachRegistered BoarderDear Bullguru and all, with due respect to all our forum members. Let me put the whole subject – everyone is having access to the history of this company from 2010…. how skr was involved – so no need to waste our time. If we look back this price movement of his company from 1.1.2009 to 1.8.2019
1-Jan-09 19.05 23-Jul-10 156.90
10-Jul-13 6.89 26-Dec-11 138.85
8-Nov-13 2.61 29-Oct-14 65.80
21-Nov-18 2.50 9-Mar-17 10.70My point here is very simple during this nearly 10 years he maintained his team working for the growth of company, facing very hard time, ups and down, but did not leave this company whereas he could have multiple golden opportunities in his life to take a call for his own future simultaneously only thinking about the retail share holders he did ALL HE COULD DO – taking all the efforts to for building the reserves gradually without having declaring dividend! whereas he could have made lot of money through dividend! why not? Everyone is free to take ones own call.
Regards.0SaachRegistered BoarderBro Joseph, nice to go through your post, as always, very straight forward and meaningful messages for retailers. I appreciate your endless efforts. Very rightly said both ways the retailers will positively reap the fruits. Rgds
0SaachRegistered BoarderBro! Firstly, we should understand the policy of SKR; after all he is the real entrepreneur and gained his vast experience in the USA market. The buying price of the preferential share will not be ONLY point, there are many more other important issues to be addressed by the BoDs during the meeting. I, therefore, once again re-iterate to look into the final outcome of the Board then to presume, assume and decide taking into complete subject. Regards
0SaachRegistered BoarderLet SKR open his all cards on the topic of preferential issue – number of shares, issue price, list of names/institutions, main reason(s) of choosing this route to raise the funds, locking period, confirmation of Daum status – the whole subject is very IMPORTANT platform to read between fine lines. All these points are very strong and positive for the group and shareholders. We just need patience and support our promoters strongly.
These are exclusive my personal observations.
0SaachRegistered BoarderI must congratulate all members for the great and systematical study of 10 years Balance sheet of dear Shoumick. Each and every point is explained in professional manner; Hats off for his efforts and definitely appreciable work. Regards.
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